Ordinance No. 3044









 When the development plan for Grand View Subdivision was first approved in 1994, Ridge Drive was proposed as a boulevard with a center landscaped median. The road was platted in Filing 2 with a 63 foot wide section to accommodate the proposed median. When land uses changed in the area, from high density residential to a proposed city park, the plans for the median were dropped and the street was built to an urban residential collector street, which requires a 52 foot right-of-way section. This ordinance vacates 11 feet - 5.5 feet from each side of the right-of-way. The resultant right-of-way will provide a 52 foot section for this previously improved street. The area to be vacated does not include any street improvements.


 Although Ridge Drive provides access to Matchett Park, it is designed as secondary access. The major access points for the park are Cortland Avenue which is located along the northern boundary of the Grand View Subdivision and will be platted as a 60 foot wide collector street, and an extension of 28 1/4 Road with direct access to Patterson Road. The proposed vacation will not impair access to the future park.


 The right-of-way adjacent to lots 1-3, block 4, filing 2, is not being vacated because it provides public access to a decorative fence that has been constructed at the property line. The area between the fence and the street improvements will continue to be maintained by the Grand View Subdivision Homeowner’s Association.


 An easement will be reserved in the vacated rights-of-way for utilities and public purposes.


 At its January 13, 1998 hearing the Planning Commission found that the right-of-way vacation conforms with the criteria in Section 8-3 in the Zoning and Development Code and recommended approval of the vacation.





 City Council finds that the vacation meets the criteria set forth in Section 8-3 of the Grand Junction Zoning and Development Code and in accordance therewith the following described right-of-way is hereby vacated with the provision that an easement is reserved within the vacated right-of-way for public utilities and public purposes:


 That portion of right-of-way known as and dedicated for use as Ridge Drive within Grand View Subdivision Filing No. Two, as recorded in Plat Book 15, Pages 174-175, bearing reception no. 1773043, of the records of the Mesa County Clerk and Recorders Office, City of Grand Junction, County of Mesa, State of Colorado and being more particularly described as follows:


Parcel 1

The following described right-of-way adjacent to Lot 1, Block 6 of said subdivision: Beginning at the southeast corner of said lot and considering the east line of said lot to bear S 0°03’34” W, thence S 0°00’34” W 5.50 feet, thence N 89°56’01” W 82.50 feet; thence N 44°57’43” W 7.78 feet; thence S 89°56’01” E 88.00 feet to the point of beginning.


Parcel 2

The following described right-of-way adjacent to Lot 12, Block 2 of said subdivision: Beginning at the northeast corner of said lot and considering the east line of said lot to bear S 0°03’34” W, thence S 89°56’01” W 88.00 feet, thence N 45°03’47” E 7.78 feet; thence S 89°56’01” E 82.50 feet; thence S 00°03’34” W 5.50 feet to the point of beginning.


Parcel 3

The following described right-of-way adjacent to Lot 1 Block 5 of said subdivision: Beginning at the southwest corner of said lot and considering the west line of said lot to bear S 00°03’34” W, thence S 89°56’01” E 144.95 feet, thence S 45°01’59” W 7.78 feet; thence N 89°56’01” W 139.46 feet; thence N 00°03’42” E 5.50 feet to the point of beginning.



INTRODUCED for FIRST READING and PUBLICATION this 4th day of February, 1998.



PASSED on SECOND READING this 18th day of February, 1998.







/s/ Stephanie Nye            /s/ Janet L. Terry      

City Clerk              President of the City Council