Ordinance No. 3049





OF 20 1/2 ROAD AND F 3/4 ROAD





 A rezone request from RSF-2 to PR 1.7 (Planned Residential with a density not to exceed 1.7 dwellings per acre) has been requested for two parcels containing approximately 99 acres located at the northeast corner of 20 1/2 Road and F 3/4 Road in the Redlands. When annexed into the City in 1996, these parcels were zoned RSF-2. The zoning reflected the minimum density allowed by the Growth Plan which provides a range of 2-3.9 dwellings per acre in this area.


 In conjunction with the rezone, the applicant proposes preliminary plan approval for additional phases of Independence Ranch Subdivision. The overall density of the subdivision is approximately 1.5 dwellings per acre. Although the proposed rezone is under the minimum recommended in the Growth Plan, almost 40 percent of the total land area is being reserved for open space, some of which is developable. Density of the net area is 2.4 dwellings per acre. The planned development zoning is proposed to allow smaller lot sizes than that allowed in the RSF-2 zone district and to ensure that the open space in the river bottom is preserved in perpetuity.


 The City Planning Commission found that the zoning conforms with Section 4-4-4 of the Grand Junction Zoning and Development Code and recommended approval of this rezone request at their February 3, 1998 hearing. Community Development Department file #RZP-1997-204 outlines the specific findings of the Commission and conditions of approval for this rezone and preliminary plan.




 City Council finds that the requested rezone meets the criteria as set forth in Section 4-4-4 of the Grand Junction Zoning and Development Code and in accordance therewith the following described parcels are hereby rezoned from RSF-2 to PR 1.7:


Parcel 1:


 G.L.O. Lot 8, Sec 35, T1N, R2W, U.M., and the East 390.90' of the SW1/4 SE1/4 of said Sec 35, being further described as follows:


Beginning at the intersection of the East line of Sec 35 with the South line of Sec 35, whence the brass cap marking the SE corner bears S00°08'55"E 0.55', and considering the South boundary of Sec 35, between the G.L.O. brass cap marking the witness corner for Sections 14 and 15, T11S, R101W, 6th P.M. and the alloy cap marking the corner for G.L.O. Lots 3 & 4, T11S, R101W, 6th P.M., to bear S89°59'46"W, with all other bearings contained herein relative thereto; thence along the South boundary of Sec 35, S89°59'46"W 1716.33' to the SW corner of property; thence N00°04'22"W 1296.85' to the North line of the SW1/4 SE1/4 of Sec 35 and the NW corner of property, thence along the North line of the SW1/4 SE1/4 of Sec 35, S89°31'00"E 390.90' to the NE corner of the SW1/4 SE1/4 of Sec 35 (also known as the SE1/16 corner of Sec 35); thence along the North line of G.L.O. Lot 8, N88°49'56"E 1323.94' to the NE corner of Lot 8 (also known as the SE1/16 corner on the East boundary of Sec 35); thence along the East boundary of Sec 35, S00°08'55"E 1320.42' to the POB (containing 51.37 acres more or less)f


Parcel 2:


 That part of the North 1/2 of Sec 15, T11S, R101W of the 6th P.M., lying within the following description:


From the SW corner of fractional NE1/4 NW1/4 of said Sec 15, and considering the North line of Sec 15 to bear West, as determined by the General Land Office in 1915 and 1918, with all bearings contained herein relative thereto; thence S89°32'E 937.5', N00°00'00"E 25.0' to a point on the North right-of-way line of F 3/4 Road, S89°32'00”E along said right-of-way line 402.21' to the P.O.B; thence continuing along the North right-of-way line of F 3/4 Road, S89°32'00”E 10.79' to the East right-of-way line of 20 1/2 Road; thence along the East right-of-way line of 20 1/2 Road, S00°52'20"W 276.84'; thence along the North line of Forrest Hills Subdivision, S87°37'40"E 1342.56' to the West line of Panorama Subdivision Filing #7; thence along West line N00°27'00"W 291.98' to the original NW corner of Lot 18 of said Panorama Subdivision (a No. 5 rebar set in concrete); thence along the North line of Lot 18, S89°21'51"E 270.0' to the SW corner of Lot 19; thence along the West line of Lot 19, N32°17'W 102.2'; thence N01°34'E 85.0'; thence N12°35'E 115.5'; thence N52°05'59"W 153.44' to a No. 5 rebar found in place; thence N32°06'16"W 108.88' to MH-4 of Tiara Rado Interceptor Sewer; thence along said sewer line, N08°07'12"W 133.31' to MH-3A; thence N38°34'24"E 99.86' to MH-3; thence N75°56'31"E 105.51' to MH-2A; thence N02°01'55"E 93.04' to MH-2; thence N02°01'55"E 329.29' to the North line of Sec 15; thence along the North line of Sec 15, S90°00'00"W 114.76' to the Witness Corner for the NE corner of Sec 15; thence continuing along the North line of Sec 15, S89°59'46"W 1455.61' to a point from which the NW corner of Lot 3 of said Section bears S89°59'46"W 1332.06'; thence leaving the North line of Sec 15, S00°00'00"W 1084.70' to the POB; (containing 47.75 acres more or less).




INTRODUCED for FIRST READING and PUBLICATION this 18th day of February, 1998.



PASSED on SECOND READING this 4th day of March, 1998.






/s/ Stephanie Nye          /s/ Janet L. Terry      

City Clerk    President of City Council