Pursuant to City Charter §3, the regular election for the City of Grand Junction is scheduled for April 2, 2013.


 The City Council finds that conducting that election by mail ballot is the most efficient method for that election.


 The City Council has designated the City Clerk as the Designated Election Official (DEO) for the special election.


 The Mail Ballot Election Code, 1-7.5-101 et seq, C.R.S., specifically section 105, requires that the designated election official “shall notify the secretary of state no later than fifty-five days prior to the election. The notification shall include a proposed plan for the conducting the mail ballot election, . . .”


 The Secretary of State has promulgated rules as to what is to be included in the plan.




1.  The Regular Municipal Election for the City of Grand Junction is scheduled for  April 2, 2013 and will be conducted by mail ballot.


2.  That the City Clerk is hereby authorized to enter into an Intergovernmental  Agreement with the Mesa County Clerk and Recorder for the conduct of said  election (Exhibit A).


3.  The attached “Written Plan for the Conduct of a Mail Ballot Election” (Exhibit B) is approved for the April 2, 2013 Regular Election and that the City Clerk as the Designated Election Official be directed to submit such plan to the Secretary of State.


 Approved this 16th day of January, 2013.



                                   President of the Council





City Clerk




Exhibit A


The following shall represent the Intergovernmental Agreement ("Agreement") between the Mesa County Clerk and Recorder hereinafter referred to as ("Clerk") and the City of Grand Junction hereinafter referred to as (“Political Subdivision”), is authorized by C.R.S. 29-1-201.


1.  PURPOSE: Pursuant to the terms of this Agreement, the Clerk and the Political Subdivision agree to the scheduling and conducting of a mail ballot Municipal Election on Tuesday, April 2, 2013 ("Regular Municipal Election") subject to the duties of the Political Subdivision. The Regular Municipal Election may involve more than one political subdivision with overlapping boundaries, and the Clerk shall serve as the Coordinated Election Official ("CEO") for all political subdivisions involved in the Municipal Election. The Political Subdivision has appointed Stephanie Tuin as its Designated Election Official ("DEO") who will have primary responsibility for election procedures that are the responsibility of Political Subdivision. The Municipal Election shall be held under the provisions of the Municipal Election Code (Title 31, Article 10 of the Colorado Revised Statutes) except as otherwise required by the Mail Ballot Elections Act, C.R.S. 1-7.5-101 or the rules promulgated by the Secretary of State.


2.  PRECINCTS and VOTING LOCATIONS: Polling locations for the deposit of voted Mail Ballots not returned through the United States Postal Service will be those established by the Clerk. A walk-in ballot distribution site for handed mail-in ballots will be open at the Mesa County Elections Division office, 200 S. Spruce Street, beginning on Monday, March 11, 2013, each business day thereafter from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. through Monday, April 1, 2013 and on Election Day, April 2, 2013 from 7:00 a.m. until 7:00 p.m.


   The ballot drop box locations for voted ballots not returned through  the United States Postal Service will be those designated by the  Clerk as follows:


➢  City Clerk’s Office at City Hall

➢  Mesa County Elections Division at MCCS Building

➢  Mesa County Motor Vehicle at MCCS Building




3.  APPOINTMENT OF ELECTION JUDGES: All election judges and/or deputy clerks shall be appointed and trained by the Clerk, except as otherwise required by the City Charter or the Municipal Election Code.


4.  LEGAL NOTICES: Publication of any required legal notices concerning Political Subdivision's election which are to be published prior to certification of the ballot content to the Clerk shall be the responsibility of the Political Subdivision. A copy of the published legal notice shall be submitted to the Clerk for her records. Publication of notices required by the City Charter, the Municipal Election Code and/or the Mail Ballot Election Act, which are to be published after certification of the ballot contents to the Clerk, shall be the responsibility of the Political Subdivision. Additional notices shall be the responsibility of the Political Subdivision. Notice to the Secretary of State, pursuant to C.R.S. 1-7.5-105 shall be the responsibility of the Political Subdivision, along with notice of the Political Subdivision’s proposed plan.


 If Political Subdivision is submitting a ballot issue concerning the creation of any debt or other financial obligation as contemplated in Article X, Section 20 of the Colorado Constitution, the Political Subdivision shall post notice of financial information as set forth in C.R.S. §1-7-908 on the Political Subdivision's website or, if the Political Subdivision does not maintain a website, at the Political Subdivision's chief administrative office no later than March 13, 2013, which is 20 days before the Municipal Election.


5.  RECEIVING AND PROCESSING OF PETITIONS: Any necessary petition process for the Political Subdivision shall be the responsibility of same. The Clerk shall provide voter registration lists as required and requested by the City Clerk.


6.  BALLOT CONTENT: In accordance with C.R.S. 1-5-203(3)(a), the ballot content must be certified to the Clerk by Political Subdivision, in its exact form, no later than 5:00 p.m. on Friday, February 1, 2013. The ballot content may be delivered to the Clerk at the Elections Division, 200 S. Spruce Street, Grand Junction, CO 81501 or be mailed in sufficient time to arrive by such date to the Elections Division, P.O. Box 20,000, Grand Junction, CO 81502-5009. Time is of the essence. Ballot contents shall also be submitted in electronic format in MS Word. It is understood that the Mail Ballot Election Act requires the mailing of ballots between the 22nd and 18th day prior to the election.



7.  RECEIVING OF WRITTEN COMMENTS AS COVERED BY SECTION 20 OF ARTICLE X OF THE COLORADO CONSTITUTION: The Political Subdivision is solely responsible for the process of receiving written comments and summarizing such comments as are required by Section 20 of Article X of the Colorado Constitution (“TABOR”).

8.  RECEIVING OF PETITION REPRESENTATIVE’S SUMMARY OF COMMENTS: Receipt of the summary of comments from the petition representatives shall be the sole responsibility of the Political Subdivision. Pursuant to C.R.S. § 1-7-903(3), the summary of comments must be filed with the Political Subdivision no later than Friday, February 15, 2013.


9.  PREPARATION AND MAILING OF NOTICES FOR BALLOT ISSUE ELECTIONS: Pursuant to C.R.S. § 1-7-904, the Political Subdivision shall certify the "Tabor Notice" information and the final and exact summary of comments concerning its ballot issue(s) to the Clerk no later than 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, February 19, 2013, for inclusion in the ballot issue mailing as required by Section 20, Article X, of the Colorado Constitution. Data shall be transmitted to the Clerk in MS Word format. The Clerk shall coordinate the text for the ballot issue mailing for all participating Mesa County political subdivisions into one notice. Said ballot issue mailing shall be prepared and mailed by the Clerk in accordance with Article X, Section 20(3)(b) of the Colorado Constitution at least 30 days prior to the election, which deadline, pursuant to C.R.S. § 1-1-106(5), shall be Friday, March 1, 2013.


10.  PREPARATION FOR MUNICIPAL ELECTION: The Clerk shall be responsible for preparing and printing the ballots and sample ballots for the Regular Municipal Election. Pursuant to the Grand Junction City Charter, 500 sample ballots will be printed. The Clerk will provide the DEO of the Political Subdivision with a proof of said ballot prior to printing for her final approval.

11.  CONDUCT OF MUNICIPAL ELECTION: The Clerk shall be responsible for the conduct of the Regular Municipal Election, pursuant to Title 31, Article 10 and Title 1, Article 7.5 of the Colorado Revised Statutes.


12.  ABSENTEE VOTING: Completed applications for absentee ballots shall be transmitted to the Clerk at the following address for processing: Mesa County Elections Division, P.O. Box 20,000, Grand Junction, CO 81502-5009, or hand-delivered to the Mesa County Elections Division office at 200 S. Spruce Street, Grand Junction, CO 81501. The Clerk shall, upon receipt of such a request, mail a ballot package to the eligible elector in accordance with C.R.S. 1-7.5-104.


13.  TABULATION OF BALLOTS: All processes relating to the tabulation of ballots shall be the responsibility of the Clerk. An unofficial abstract of votes will be provided to the political subdivision upon completion of the counting of all ballots on election night.


14.  CANVASS OF VOTES: The canvass of votes will be the responsibility of the City, pursuant to its Charter and shall be completed no later than April 4, 2013. The City shall issue its certificate(s) of election of candidates upon receipt of the official results from the Clerk.


15.  ALLOCATION OF COST OF ELECTION: The Political Subdivision shall reimburse the Clerk for the TABOR notice and election costs incurred by the Clerk pursuant to this Agreement. Such reimbursement shall be made to the Clerk within thirty days of receipt of billing from the Clerk. The Clerk’s determination regarding such costs shall be final and at her sole discretion and shall not be subject to dispute unless clearly unreasonable. In any event, the City shall not be obligated to reimburse the Clerk more than $44,000.00 (estimating 30,000 registered voters and approximately $1.46 per active voter) at the conclusion of the election.


16.  INDEMNIFICATION: Political Subdivision agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Clerk from any and all loss, costs, demands or actions, arising out of or related to any actions, errors or omissions of Political Subdivision in completing its responsibilities relating to the Regular Municipal Election.


17.  AGREEMENT NOT EXCLUSIVE: The Clerk may enter into other substantially similar agreements with other cities for the conduct of other elections.


18.  VENUE: Venue for any dispute hereunder shall be in the District Court of Mesa County, Colorado.











THIS AGREEMENT has been executed by the parties hereto as of the dates and year written below.



Catherine Lenhart for Sheila Reiner  Stephanie Tuin


Date Date








PHONE: 303-894-2200

FAX: 303-869-4861




In accordance with section 1-7.5-105, C.R.S., and the Colorado Secretary of State Election Rule 12, the designated election official responsible for conducting a mail ballot election must submit a written mail ballot plan to the Secretary of State. This mail ballot plan must be submitted no later than fifty-five (55) days prior to any coordinated or non-partisan election. Please see Election Rule 12.4.1 for more information.


This standard fillable form is designed to aid you in your completion and submission of the required mail ballot plan. This form may be completed online and then saved to your computer. Once you have saved the form to your computer, you will be able to submit the entire plan to the Secretary of State’s office via email, regular mail, or fax. Please refer to the instruction section below for more complete guidance.


NOTE: Pursuant to section 1-7.5-104, C.R.S., a mail ballot election may not be held for elections or recall elections that involve partisan candidates.



(Please read this section COMPLETELY. Failure to do so may result in undue delay in the approval of your plan.)


Spaces and check boxes are provided below for each required aspect of the mail ballot plan. Please fill out the form in its entirety, making sure to check all boxes where applicable. Additional pages may be attached to the end of the mail ballot plan if necessary.


Election Rule 12.4.1 requires the submission of a sample secrecy sleeve or envelope and a written timetable. A copy of the Secretary of State approved secrecy sleeve is included at the end of this form. Please review the secrecy sleeve and indicate your usage of the approved sleeve by checking the box associated with the secrecy sleeve (Item “21.” of the mail ballot plan). Additionally, a written timetable is provided at the end of this fillable form. Please fill in the date column of the timetable to indicate the date or range of dates for each required occurrence.


When you have checked each applicable box and supplied all required information, please save the form to your computer. Once the form is saved, you may choose your method of submittal (email, regular mail, or fax); however, we request that you email your plan as an attachment to


Please contact Ben Schler via phone at 303-894-2200 ext. 6342 or via email at with any questions you may have.
















The Secretary of State will not review the mail ballot plan of any home rule municipality that fails to read and affirm the following declaration. Please indicate your affirmation by checking the box.


image  Although I am submitting this plan on behalf of a home rule municipality, this mail ballot election will be conducted in accordance with state law. As such, this plan does not contain any locally-adopted election procedures that differ from the state procedures set forth in the Colorado Mail Ballot Election Act (Sections 1-7.5-101 through 1-7.5-111, C.R.S.) or in Election Rule 12.

Name of person submitting plan: Stephanie Tuin


     Address: 250 N. 5th Street, Grand Junction, CO 81501


     Political Subdivision: City of Grand Junction




1.  Date of the election: April 2, 2013



2.  Type and name of the jurisdiction(s) involved in the election (Example: county, municipality, special district, school district, etc.): municipality, City of Grand Junction



3.  Description of the type of election to be conducted (Example: coordinated election, recall election, special election, etc.): Regular Municipal Election



4.  Citation of the statute or home rule charter provisions authorizing the election: [Section 1-7.5-105, C.R.S.] 31-10-101 et seq., C.R.S. and Article II, Secs. 3 through 25, City of Grand Junction Charter



5.  Estimated number of eligible electors: 29,750


image  Between 22 and 18 days before the election, the designated election official will mail to each active registered elector a mail ballot packet.

 [Section 1-7.5-107(3), C.R.S.]


 image  No later than 45 days prior to the election the designated election official will send a mail  ballot packet to each active registered UOCAVA elector. [Section 1-8-103.5, C.R.S.]



6.  Name of the designated election official who will be responsible for all aspects of the election: [Rule 12.4.1] City Clerk Stephanie Tuin


7.  If the election is NOT being conducted by the County Clerk and Recorder, an indication of whether the County Clerk and Recorder will assist in the election for the entity other than by providing a list of registered electors and other information required by statute (Please check the appropriate box): [Rule 12.4.1]


image  Yes, the County Clerk and Recorder will assist in the election for the entity other than by providing a list of registered electors and other information required by statute. (If yes, please read the following statement regarding use of county voting systems, check the corresponding box if applicable, and provide the requested information.)


image  The County Clerk and Recorder will assist in the election for the entity by providing voting systems to be used by the entity during the election. The make and model number of the voting systems to be used is as follows:


Make(s): Elections Systems & Software Central Count Optical Scanner,
Elections Systems & Software Unity Software



Model Number(s): M650, Firmware Version


[ ]  No, the County Clerk and Recorder will not assist in the Election for the entity other than by providing a list of registered electors and other information required by statute.


8.  The address and hours of operation for all “drop-off locations.” Note: For security reasons, unmonitored freestanding drop-off locations located out-of-doors are not allowed: [Rule 12.4.1]


   Three # of drop-off locations


   In the space below please provide the address and hours of operation for each drop-off        location (attach additional pages if necessary):

   City Clerk’s Office

City Hall

250 N. 5th Street

Grand Junction, Co. 81501

Hours: 7:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. Monday thru Friday


Mesa County Elections Office

200 S. Spruce Street

Grand Junction, Co. 81501

Hours: 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Monday thru Friday


Mesa County Clerk’s Office (Motor Vehicle Division)

200 S. Spruce Street

Grand Junction, Co. 81501

Hours: 7:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. Monday thru Friday


Please check one of the boxes below:


image  All drop-off locations and any walk-in voting locations will be located within the political subdivision.


[ ]  At least one or all drop-off locations will be located outside of the county, municipality, or special district. Such drop-off locations are within reasonable proximity to the political subdivision or the majority of electors. The reasons for requesting permission from the Secretary of State for such drop-off locations are as follows:




9.  For elections coordinated by the County Clerk and Recorder, the total number of walk-in voting locations (or service centers), and the location and hours of operation for each walk-in voting location: [Rule 12.4.1]


         # of walk-in voting locations


     In the space below please provide the address for each walk-in location:



  [ ]  All walk-in voting locations will be open during normal business hours from:

   [Section 1-7.5-107(3)(c), C.R.S.]


   Dates:       to          

   Hours:       to      



   Dates: April 12, 2010 to May 4, 2010

   Hours: 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.


 image  Walk-in voting locations will not be utilized because this election is being conducted as an    independent mail ballot election that is not coordinated with the County Clerk and      Recorder.


10.  Number of accessible voting machines anticipated being used for walk-in voting locations in elections coordinated by the County Clerk and Recorder: [Section 1-5-705, C.R.S.]


       # of accessible voting machines


    [ ]  The use of accessible voting machines is not applicable because the election will not be        coordinated by the County Clerk and Recorder.


11.  Length of time accessible voting machines will be available for walk-in voting in elections coordinated by the County Clerk and Recorder: (Please include the dates and hours of operation.)

Example: April 12, 2010 through May 3, 2010, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday; and 7:00 am to 7:00 pm. on May 4th.



 image  The use of accessible voting machines is not applicable because the election will not be      coordinated by the County Clerk and Recorder.


12.  Please complete the written timetable near the end of this form. You must provide a date or a range of dates for each occurrence listed in the left-hand column of the timetable.


13.  Indication of how postage will be handled for ballot packets returned as undeliverable (Please read and indicate your compliance by checking the box):


image  As the designated election official, I hereby affirm that ballot packets will be marked “DO NOT FORWARD. RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED,” “RETURN POSTAGE GUARANTEED,” or any other similar language that is in accordance with United States Postal Service regulations. [§1-7.5-107(3)(a), C.R.S.]


14.  Indication of procedures to be followed to ensure compliance with statutes and rules, including persons responsible for each stage (Please read and indicate your compliance by checking each box):


image  As the designated election official, I hereby affirm that I have read and understand Article 7.5 of Title 1, C.R.S. and Secretary of State Election Rule 12 and that appropriate measures and procedures will be undertaken to ensure compliance with these statutes and rules.


  [ ]  If the designated election official is not the person responsible for such compliance, please check the box and indicate the person responsible:


   Individual responsible for compliance:           


[ ]  The designated election official will supervise the distributing, handling, counting of ballots and the survey of returns in accordance with rules promulgated by the Secretary of State and will take the necessary steps to protect the confidentiality of the ballots cast and the integrity of the election. [Section 1-7.5-105(3), C.R.S.]


 image  If the designated election official is not the person responsible for such compliance,  please check the box and indicate the person responsible:


   Individual responsible for compliance: Mesa County Elections Director Catherine Lenhart



image  The Postmaster or local postal representative has been or will be notified of the election and provided with the design of the ballot packet to ensure that postal standards are met:


image  A ballot packet has been or will be subject to a “Tap Test” by a local postal representative to ensure that all relevant mailing information is visible through the envelope window.


image  At least one ballot packet has been or will be submitted to the local postal representative to ensure that the ballot packet has been printed correctly.


[ ]  For elections where multiple ballots will be included in the same packet or will be sent in separate packets, the ballots and return envelopes shall include distinctive markings or colors to identify political subdivisions when the colors or distinctive markings will aid in the distribution and tabulation of the ballots. [Rule 12.5.2]


Not applicable for the following reason(s) (Please check all that apply):


image  This election is being conducted as an independent mail ballot election that is not coordinated with the County Clerk and Recorder.


[ ]  This election will be conducted with the use of one ballot containing all candidates and ballot issues for the coordinating jurisdictions.


[ ]  For all coordinated elections where more than one mail ballot is being mailed or polling place elections are being held as well as the mail ballot election, the outgoing envelope as well as the instructions or other notice shall have the following notice:


 This may not be your only ballot. Other elections may be held by other political subdivisions by mail or by polling place.


[Rule 12.5.5.]


image  All deposited ballots will be counted as provided in Article 7.5 of Title 1, C.R.S. and by rules promulgated by the Secretary of State. A mail ballot will be valid and counted only if it is returned in the return envelope, the self-affirmation on the return envelope is signed and completed by the eligible elector to whom the ballot was issued, and the information on the return envelope is verified. [Section 1-7.5-107(6), C.R.S.]


image  If the election official determines that an eligible elector to whom a replacement ballot has been issued has voted more than once, the first ballot returned by the elector will be considered the elector’s official ballot. [Section 1-7.5-107(6), C.R.S.]


15.  Description of procedures to be used to ensure ballot security at all stages of the process (Please read and indicate your compliance by checking each box):


image  The ballot or ballot label will contain the following warning:





Any person who, by use of force or other means, unduly influences an eligible elector to vote in any particular manner or to refrain from voting, or who falsely makes, alters, forges, or counterfeits any mail ballot before or after it has been cast, or who destroys, defaces, mutilates, or tampers with a ballot is subject, upon conviction, to imprisonment, or to a fine, or both.


[Section 1-7.5-107(3)(b), C.R.S.]


image  The return envelope will have printed on it a self-affirmation substantially in the following form:


I state under penalty of perjury that I am an eligible elector; that my signature and name are as shown on this envelope; that I have not and will not cast any vote in this election except by the enclosed ballot; and that my ballot is enclosed in accord with the provisions of the “Uniform Election Code of 1992.


Date:        Signature of Voter:      .


[Section 1-7.5-107(3)(b.5), C.R.S.]


image  When not being processed, ballot packets will be placed in a safe, secure area under the supervision of the designated election official, election judge, or person designated by the designated election official.


image  A replacement ballot may be requested if the ballot was destroyed, spoiled, lost, or not received by the elector. The elector requesting the replacement ballot must complete a sworn statement in compliance with section 1-7.5-107(3)(d)(I), C.R.S. The form may be mailed to an elector along with their mail ballot packet, however, it must be returned to the election official on or before election day. [Section 1-7.5-107(3)(d), C.R.S.]


image  Ballots will not be left unattended while being processed. After processing is complete, ballots will be placed in a safe and secure area. Access to the secure area shall be determined by the County Clerk and Recorder or designated election official.


16.  Description of procedures for maintaining privacy and security of accessible voting machines to be used in an election coordinated by the County Clerk and Recorder (If this section does not apply to you, please check the box marked “Not applicable and then indicate the reason(s) why this section does not apply to you):


[ ]  At the voter’s request, the election judge will instruct the voter on the use of the accessible machine. [Rule 9]


[ ]  Each accessible voting device will be positioned as to protect each voter’s privacy while voting. [Rule 12.12.3]


[ ]  For elections coordinated by the County Clerk and Recorder, a security plan will be submitted in accordance with Rule 43 in addition to the mail ballot plan, if such security plan has not already been received by the Secretary of State. [Rule 43]


[ ]  In an election coordinated by the County Clerk and Recorder, if a voter surrenders a mail ballot to the designated election official and votes in-person on an accessible device provided for the election, the accessible device will be subject to the privacy, security and accuracy standards set forth in the Election Rules and Title 1, C.R.S. [Rule 12.12]


image  Not applicable for the following reason(s) (Please check all that apply):


image  This election is being conducted as an independent mail ballot election that is not coordinated with the County Clerk and Recorder.


image  This election will be conducted with the use of paper ballots; no voting machines will be involved in this election.


17.  Description of procedures to be used for signature verification (Please read and indicate your compliance by checking each box. If this section does not apply to you, please check the box marked “Not applicable”.): [Section 1-7.5-107.3, C.R.S.]


image  Not applicable as this election is being conducted as an independent mail ballot election that is not coordinated with or conducted by the County Clerk and Recorder.


[ ]  An election judge will compare the signature on the self-affirmation on each return envelope with the signature of the eligible elector stored in the statewide voter registration system.


[ ]  If, upon comparing the signature on the self-affirmation on the return envelope with the signature of the eligible elector stored in the statewide voter registration system, the election judge determines that the signatures do not match, two other election judges of different political party affiliations will simultaneously compare the signatures.


[ ]  If both other election judges agree that the signatures do not match, the County Clerk and Recorder will, within three days after the signature deficiency has been confirmed, but in no event later than two days after the election day, send a letter to the eligible elector explaining the discrepancy in signatures and a form for the eligible elector to confirm that the elector returned a ballot to the County Clerk and Recorder.


[ ]  If the County Clerk and Recorder receives the form within eight days after the election confirming that the elector returned a ballot to the County Clerk and Recorder and enclosing a copy of the elector’s identification, and if the ballot is otherwise valid, the ballot will be counted.


[ ]  If the eligible elector returns the form indicating that the elector did not return a ballot to the County Clerk and Recorder, or if the eligible elector does not return the form within eight days after election day, the self-affirmation on the return envelope will be categorized as incorrect, the ballot will not be counted, and the County Clerk and Recorder will send copies of the eligible elector’s signature on the return envelope and the signature stored in the statewide voter registration system to the District Attorney for investigation.


[ ]  An original return envelope with an enclosed secrecy envelope containing a voted ballot that is not counted due to a discrepancy in signatures in accordance with the above procedures will be stored under seal in the office of the County Clerk and Recorder in a secure location separate from valid return envelopes and may be removed only under the authority of the District Attorney or by order of a court having jurisdiction.


[ ]  In the case of a disagreement among the election judges as to whether the signature of an eligible elector on the self-affirmation on the return envelope matches the signature of the eligible elector stored in the statewide voter registration system, the mail ballot will be counted in the same manner as ballots received in valid, verified return envelopes.


[ ]  An election judge will not determine that the signature of an eligible elector on the self-affirmation does not match the signature of that eligible elector stored in the statewide voter registration system solely on the basis of substitution of initials or use of a common nickname.


18.  Description of Procedures to be used for ballots returned by electors who have not previously voted in Colorado and have failed to include proper proof of identification: [Section 1-7.5-107(3.5)(d), C.R.S.]


image  Upon receipt of a mail ballot, from an elector who has not previously voted in Colorado, which does not contain a proper form of identification as required under section 1-7.5-107(3.5)(b), C.R.S., the designated election official will, within three days after receipt of the mail ballot, but in no event later than two days after election day, send to the eligible elector a letter explaining the lack of compliance with section 1-7.5-107(3.5)(b), C.R.S.


image  If the designated election official receives a copy of identification in compliance with section 1-7.5-107(3.5)(b), C.R.S. within eight days after election day, and if the mail ballot is otherwise valid, the mail ballot will be counted.


19.  Description of procedures to ensure privacy by use of a secrecy sleeve or secrecy envelope so receiving judges cannot tell how the elector voted (Please read and indicate your compliance by checking the box):


image  To protect the voter’s privacy, a secrecy sleeve or envelope will be included in the mail ballot package. [Section 1-7.5-106(1), C.R.S.]


20.  Description of procedures to be used to reconcile ballots issued, ballots received, defective ballots and substitute ballots (Please read and indicate your compliance by checking each box):


image  Ballots will be date stamped upon receipt. Each day when ballots come in, a judge will count the ballots, batch them, and record the number of ballots received including those that were returned as undeliverable. [Rule 12.7.3]


image  The designated election official or the County Clerk and Recorder will maintain a daily reconciliation log containing the number of ballots issued, returned, and outstanding. [Rule 12.7.2]


21.  Please review the Secretary of State approved Secrecy Sleeve with Voter Instructions at the bottom of this fillable form. (Please read the following statement and indicate your compliance by checking the box):


image  As the designated election official, I hereby affirm that the Secretary of State approved secrecy sleeve with voter instructions or voter instructions page as included at the end of this form will be used in the mail ballot election.


[ ]  (Check this box only if you plan to use a secrecy sleeve other than the Secretary of State approved secrecy sleeve that is included at the end of this form)

As the designated election official, I hereby affirm that the political jurisdiction will be using the attached secrecy sleeve, which is in substantial compliance with the requirements set forth by the Secretary of State.

Stephanie Tuin







PHONE: 303-894-2200

FAX: 303-869-4861


In accordance with Election Rule 12.4, the designated election official must prepare a written timetable for conducting the mail ballot election with specific dates or range of dates when each activity is to be completed.


Please complete the following timetable by supplying the following dates or range of dates on the right:



Date copy of written plan was submitted to the governing body [Rule 12.4.1]




Date of approval of election by governing body [Rule 12.4.1]






Date by which local jurisdictions must submit notice of election to the County Clerk

and Recorder if the County Clerk will assist with the election (no later than 40 days

before the election) [Section 1-5-303(1), C.R.S.; Rule 12.4.1]




Date by which local jurisdictions must submit notice of election to the county assessor,

if property owners are eligible to vote in the election (no later than 40 days before the

election) [Section 1-5-304(1), C.R.S.]




Date by which the County Clerk and Recorder must submit the list of eligible

electors to the local jurisdiction conducting the mail ballot election.

Also, for special district elections, the date by which the county assessor must submit

the list of property owners who are eligible to vote in the election to the jurisdiction.

(No later than 30 days before the election) [Section 1-7.5-107(2), C.R.S.]




Date of close of registration (29 days before the election) [ Section 1-2-201(3), C.R.S.]




Date ballots will be mailed (no sooner than 22 days before the election and no later

than 18 days before the election) [Section 1-7.5-107(3), C.R.S.]


3/11/2013 through



Date ballots will be made available at the designated election official’s office,

or the office designated in the Mail Ballot Plan (no sooner than 22 days prior to the

election) [Section 1-7.5-107(3), C.R.S.]




Date by which the County Clerk and Recorder must submit a supplemental list of

eligible electors to the local jurisdiction conducting the mail ballot election.

Also, for special district elections, the date by which the county assessor must submit

a supplemental list of property owners who are eligible to vote in the election to the

jurisdiction. (No later than 20 days before the election) [Section 1-7.5-107(2), C.R.S.]




Date of publication of notice of election, including information regarding walk-in voting

and accessible voting options.(no later than 20 days before the election)

[Sections 1-5-705 and 1-7.5-107(2.5), C.R.S.]





Date verification and counting of ballots will begin (counting may begin 15 days

before the election) [Section 1-7.5-107.5, C.R.S.]




Date of election












PHONE: 303-894-2200

FAX: 303-869-4861



Thank you for accessing the mail ballot plan online form.  Please save this form to your computer so that it may be submitted to our office upon completion.  Forms should be submitted via email (



Please feel free to contact Ben Schler via phone at 303-894-2200 ext. 6342 or via email at with any questions you may have.