Ordinance Zoning the Wheeling Corrugated Annexation

 to a Heavy Commercial Zone District (C-2)




 After public notice and public hearing as required by the Grand Junction Zoning and Development Code, the Grand Junction Planning Commission recommended approval of applying a Heavy Commercial (C-2) zone district to this annexation.


 After public notice and public hearing before the Grand Junction City Council, City Council finds that the C-2 zone district be established.


 The City Council finds that the C-2 zoning is in conformance with the stated criteria of section 4-4-4 and section 4-11 of the Grand Junction Zoning and Development Code.




The following parcel shall be zoned Heavy Commercial (C-2):


Tax Parcel #2945-253-00-069


Perimeter Boundary Legal Description




A parcel of land situate in the NE 1/4 SW 1/4 and in the NW 1/4 SE 1/4 of Section 25, Township 1 South, Range 1 West of the Ute Meridian, County of Mesa, State of Colorado, being more particularly described as follows:


Beginning at the southwest corner of the E 1/2 NE 1/4 SW 1/4 of said Section 25; thence N 00º05’35” E along the west line of the E 1/2 NE 1/4 SW 1/4 of said Section 25 a distance of 261.21 feet to a point; thence leaving the west line of said E 1/2 NE 1/4 SW 1/4 S 89º57’00” E a distance of 119.28 feet to a point; thence N 28º17’00” E a distance of 625.54 feet to a point on the southerly right of way line for U.S. Highway 50; thence N 73º15’30” E along the southerly right of way line for said U.S. Highway 50 a distance of 12.44 feet to a point; thence leaving said southerly right of way line and crossing said U.S. Highway 50 N 19º38’43” E a distance of 279.86 feet to a point on the northerly right of way line for said U.S. Highway 50; thence along said northerly right of way line the following 3 courses:

1)  S 69º23’00” E a distance of 179.09 feet to a point;

2)  S 65º05’30” E a distance of 200.50 feet to a point;

3)  S 69º29’00” E a distance of 797.16 feet to a point; thence leaving said northerly right of

way line and crossing said U.S. Highway 50 S 11º28’13” W a distance of 255.33 feet to a point on the southerly right of way line for said U.S. Highway 50; thence along said southerly right of way line the following 3 courses:

1)  N 69º23’00” W a distance of 832.20 feet to a point;

2)  N 73º40’30” W a distance of 188.70 feet to a point;

3)  N 69º23’00” W a distance of 10.14 feet to a point; thence leaving the southerly right of

way line for said U.S. Highway 50 S 35º54’00” E along the westerly line of a parcel of land as found described in Book 894 at Page 255 of the records of the Mesa County Clerk and Recorder a distance of 76.74 feet to a point; thence along the westerly right of way line for 27 1/2 Road as found described in Book 891 at Page 566 of the records of said Mesa County Clerk and Recorder the following 6 courses:

1)  S 00º00’00” W a distance of 44.61 feet to a point;

2)  S 21º03’00” E a distance of 55.67 feet to a point;

3)  S 12º57’00” E a distance of 514.89 feet to a point;

4)  S 36º00’00” W a distance of 59.68 feet to a point;

5)  S 75º00’00” W a distance of 83.00 feet to a point;

6)  S 00º00’00” W a distance of 20.96 feet to a point on the south line of the W 1/2 NW 1/4

SE 1/4 of said Section 25; thence N 89º56’37” W along said south line a distance of 3.29 feet to the CS 1/16 corner of said Section 25; thence S 89º57’48” W along the south line of the E 1/2 NE 1/4 SW 1/4 of said Section 25 a distance of 564.90 feet to a point; thence leaving said south line N 00º05’35” E a distance of 133.00 feet to a point; thence S 89º57’48” W a distance of 75.00 feet to a point; thence S 00º05’35” W a distance of 133.00 feet to a point on the south line of said E 1/2 NE 1/4 SW 1/4; thence S 89º57’48” W along said south line a distance of 20.00 feet to the point of beginning, containing 16.31 acres more or less.



Introduced on first reading this 21st day of April, 1999.


PASSED and ADOPTED on second reading this 19th day of May, 1999.





/s/ Stephanie Nye          /s/ Gene Kinsey    

City Clerk            President of the Council