Ordinance No. 3162








    A rezone from Residential Single Family 4 units per acre (RSF-4) to Planned Business (PB) has been requested for 5 parcels of land located on the southeast corner of Redlands Parkway and State Highway 340 for purposes of developing a mixed commercial project to include a garden center, a drive-through bank, a restaurant and additional residential units to be known as the Meadowlark Planned Development. The City Council finds that the request meets the goals and policies and future land use set forth by the Growth Plan. City Council also finds that the requirements for a rezone as set forth in Section 4-4-4 of the Zoning and Development Code have been satisfied.


 The Grand Junction Planning Commission, at its June 1, 1999 hearing, recommended approval of the rezone request from RSF-4 to PB and approved a Preliminary Plan for the Meadowlark Planned Development project.





The following five descriptions from Warranty Deed located at Book 2349, Pages 722-724, Mesa County Records:


#2945-074-00-010:  Beginning 154.4' east of the S1/4 corner of Section 7, T1S, R1W, U.M., thence N35°40'E 45', thence N85°32'E 179.2', thence 06°40'W 51', thence W199.4' to POB.


#2945-074-00-034:  A parcel of land situated in the SW1/4 SE1/4 Section 7, T1S, R1W, U.M., being more described as follows: commencing at the found Mesa County Survey Monument for the 1/4 corner common to Section 7 and 18; thence along the south line of Section 7, N89°42'33"E (basis of bearings) 115.68' to a #5 rebar with plastic cap marked "Luke L.S. 14115", being the POB of the parcel herein described, also being a point on a 1950.00' radius non-tangent curve to the right, the radius point of which bears S49°39'27"E, thence 173.08' along the arc of said curve, the chord of which bears N42°53'07"E 173.02' through a central angle of 05°05'08", to a #5 rebar with plastic cap marked "Luke L.S. 14115"; thence N45°25'41"E 60' to a #5 rebar with plastic cap marked "Luke L.S. 14115", being a point on the southwesterly right-of-way line of Colorado State Hwy 340, being a point on a 1512.50' radius non-tangent curve to the left, the radius point of which bears N43°29'48"E, thence 153.48' along the arc of said curve and said southwesterly right-of-way line, the chord of which bears S49°24'37"E 153.41' through a central angle of 05°48'50", to a #5 rebar with plastic cap marked "Luke L.S. 14115"; thence leaving southwesterly right-of-way line S62°44'49"W 37.83' to a #5 rebar with plastic cap marked "Luke L.S. 14115"; thence S85°14'33"W 179.20' to a #5 rebar with plastic cap marked "Armstrong P.E. L.S. 11441"; thence S35°22'33"W 45.00' to a #5 rebar with plastic cap marked "Armstrong P.E. L.S. 11441", being on said south line; thence along south line S89°42'33"W 38.72' to POB.


#2945-182-00-048:  Beginning at a point which is N89°41'E 48.2' from the N1/4 corner of Section 18 in T1S, R1W, U.M., thence N89°41'E 305.6', thence S06°40'W 318.5' to the north boundary of the First Lift Canal of Redlands Irrigation Company, thence along said north boundary S53°04'W 129.0', thence S18°38'W 141.8', thence S65°25'W 180.5', thence N00°19'W 581.4', thence N63°52'E 53.6' to the POB; EXCEPT that portion deeded to Mesa County by instrument recorded 7/12/82 in Book 1381 at Page 963. #2945-182-00-048: A parcel of land situated in the NE1/4 NW1/4 Section 18, T1S, R1W, U.M. being described as follows: commencing at the Found Mesa County survey monument for the NE1/4 corner of Section 18, the basis of bearing being N89°42'33"E to the found Mesa County survey monument for the NE corner NW1/4 NE1/4 of Section 18; thence S00°17'26"E 604.74' along the east line of the NE1/4 NW1/4 of Section 18, to a point on the northerly boundary of the First Lift Canal of Redlands Irrigation Canal, the POB, thence S50°26'05"W 166.85' along the northerly boundary of said canal; thence N43°27'47"W 214.53' to the SE corner of a parcel of land as recorded in Book 819, Page 535, Mesa County Clerk and Recorder; thence N39°18'35"E 128.45' to the NE corner of said parcel, also to a point on the south line of a parcel of land as recorded in Book 1208, Page 509, Mesa County Clerk and Recorder; thence S58°17'26"E 228.84' along said south line to a point on the east line of said NE1/4 NW1/4, thence S00°17'26"E 28.54' along east line to POB.


#2945-182-00-045:  A parcel of land situated in the NE1/4 NW1/4 Section 18, T1S, R1W, U.M., being described as follows: commencing at the found Mesa County Survey Monument for the 1/4 corner common to Sections 7 and 18, the north line of Section 18 to the east bears N89°42'33"E, (basis of bearings); thence along the north-south centerline of Section 18, S00°17'26"E, 148.79' to a #5 rebar with plastic cap marked "Luke L.S. 14115", being the POB; thence along said north-south centerline S00°17'26"E, 427.41' to a #5 rebar with plastic cap marked "Luke L.S. 14115"; thence leaving said north-south centerline N58°17'26"W, 258.74' to a #5 rebar with plastic cap marked "Luke L.S. 14115", being a point on a 2050.00' radius non-tangent curve to the left, the radius point of which bears N48°23'15"W; thence 305.47' along the arc of said curve, the chord of which bears N37°20'36"E, 305.18' through a central angle of 08°32'15", to a #5 rebar with plastic cap marked "Luke L.S. 14115"; thence along the arc of a 1950.00' radius curve to the right, 58.81', the chord of which bears N33°56'21"E, 58.81' through a central angle of 01°43'41", to the POB. The following description from Warranty Deed located in Book 1666, Pages 566-567, Mesa County Records:


#2945-181-00-043:  Beginning at a point which is N89°41'E 48.2' from the N 1/4 corner of Section 18, T1S, R1W, U.M. thence N89°41'E 305.6' to the POB; thence N89°41'E 250' to a point; thence S11°21'W 294.6' to a point which is on the right-of-way boundary of the First Lift Canal of Redlands Irrigation Company; thence along boundary as follows: N82°56'W 87.2' to a point; thence S73°45'W 148.6' to a point; thence leaving said boundary N06°40'E 318.5' to POB. EXCEPT tract conveyed to Mesa County by instrument recorded 2/16/83 in Book 1415, Page 610 for road right-of-way and utility purposes, AND, the portion of the SW1/4 SE1/4 of Section 7, T1S, R1W, U.M. being described as follows: beginning at a point on the south line of said SW1/4 SE1/4 which is S89°45'44"E 353.80' from the S1/4 corner of Section 7; thence N06°54'16"E 51.00'; thence N53°16'32"E 36.94' to the southerly Hwy right-of-way; thence along right-of-way 125.00' along the arc of a curve to the left having a radius of 1512.5' and a chord of S54°06'25"E 125.00' to a point on the south line of said SW1/4 SE1/4; thence N89°45'44"W 137.00' to the POB.



1)  The uses allowed for this zone and property and the development standards for bulk requirements and site development shall be as outlined in the Meadowlark Planned Development Land Use Regulations and Development Standards contained within File Number RZP-1998-182 of the Community Development Department records.


2)  The quality and character of the proposed development shall be as depicted in the photographs and graphic exhibits contained within File Number RZP-1998- 182 of the Community Development Department records.













INTRODUCED for FIRST READING and PUBLICATION this 16th day of June, 1999.


PASSED and APPROVED this 7th day of July, 1999.







/s/ Stephanie Nye          /s/ Gene Kinsey      

City Clerk            President of Council