The members of the City Council of the City of Grand Junction have sworn an oath or given an affirmation to support the laws of the City, the State and the United States and the Charter and respective Constitutions thereof. With this resolution the Council affirms that oath and encourages all citizens to take the same oath and commit to acting responsibly to protect the liberties that we all share and to conscientiously obey the law that binds us as a people.


Following the Newtown, Connecticut and Aurora, Colorado tragedies, among others, there has been much public debate and discourse about the regulation of firearms and the proper response of government at all levels to those senseless acts.


In response to those incidents some in government have proposed stringent regulation, while others have vigorously opposed those regulations. Currently the Colorado legislature is considering legislation that some believe infringes on Constitutional protections and others believe is not restrictive enough. The legislative process is not yet complete and the City Council encourages citizens to communicate with your State and National officials regarding new and/or additional restrictions on lawful firearms and accessories and/or on the possession, use, sale or transfer of rightfully owned guns.


Many people have asked the City Council to get involved but candidly there is little that the Council can do. One thing that the City Council can do, and by this resolution does do, is to publically support and affirm the protections of the Second Amendment to the United States and Section 13, Article II of the Colorado Constitutions.


In support thereof the City Council recognizes the rights of persons to lawfully defend themselves, defend others and lawfully and rightfully engage in hunting and shooting sports. Furthermore, the City Council recognizes the right of citizens to keep and bear arms and that the same shall, in the words of the Colorado Constitution, not be called into question and/or as stated in the Second Amendment that the right shall not be infringed.


Studies by the National Academies of Science and the Centers for Disease Control have found no persuasive evidence that gun control laws actually reduce crime. Some laws may cause or create situations under which lawful gun owners would become criminals. That or any similar result is unacceptable in light of the Constitutional protections.


Statistically the vast majority of lawful owners are law abiding citizens and their firearms are not used to commit crime and those persons should not presumptively or reflexively be assumed to be the problem.


NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Grand Junction will uphold the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution and Article II, Section 13 of the Colorado Constitution and that we will act in conformity with our sworn duty.


AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Council calls upon the citizens of Grand Junction to contact the Senators and Representatives of the State and Federal legislatures to express their views on the important issues presented in the current legislation and administrative and executive enactments.


AND BE IT ADDITIONALLY RESOLVED that the City Council recognizes supports and believes that the first and most meaningful means to oppose gun violence is the consistent enforcement of existing laws and the imposition of the maximum available punishment of those who commit crimes.



Adopted this 6th day of March 2013.




/s/: Bill Pitts

President of the Council





/s/: Stephanie Tuin

City Clerk