Ordinance Rezoning the Kollao Property to Residential Single Family-2 (RSF-2),

Located at 2570 G Road



 After public notice and public hearing as required by the Grand Junction Zoning and Development Code, the Grand Junction Planning Commission recommended approval of rezoning the Kollao property to the RSF-2 zone district for the following reasons:

•  The zone district meets the recommended land use category as shown on the future land use map of the Growth Plan and the Growth Plan’s goals and policies and/or are generally compatible with appropriate lands uses located in the surrounding area.

•  The zone district meets the criteria found in Section 2.6 of the Zoning and Development Code.


 After public notice and public hearing before the Grand Junction City Council, City Council finds that the RSF-2 zone district be established.


 The Planning Commission and City Council find that the RSF-2 zoning is in conformance with the stated criteria of Section 2.6 of the Grand Junction Zoning and Development Code.





The following property shall be rezoned Residential Single Family, RSF-2, with a density not to exceed 2 units per acre, zone district:



A parcel of land situated in the SE ¼ of Section 34, Township 1 North, Range 1 West of the Ute Meridian, more particularly described as follows:

Beginning at a point 363 feet East of the South Quarter corner of said Section 34;

Thence along the South bank of Leach Creek North 35°19’ East 320 feet;

Thence North 1°51’ East 119.87 feet;

Thence North 14°48’ East 152.52 feet;

Thence North 23°01’ East 173.58 feet to the East line of the W 1/2SW1/4SE1/4 of said Section 34;

Thence North 23°01’ East 114.82 feet;

Thence North 73°38’ East 174.67 feet;

Thence North 47°25’ East 271.65 feet;

Thence North 37É29’ East 370.07 feet to the North line of the SW1/4SE1/4;

Thence East 21 feet to the West line of the SE1/4SE1/4;

Thence South 128 feet;

Thence East 782.1 feet to the West line of the Grand Valley Canal;

Thence South 27°19’ West 149.50 feet;

Thence South 68°11’ West 344.1 feet;

Thence South 98.79 feet;

Thence West 50.0 feet;

Thence along the arc of a 50 foot radius curve to the left a distance of 157.08 feet;

Thence South 34°25’ West 29.72 feet;

Thence South 63°00’ West 91.41 feet;

Thence South 52°33’ West 56.31 feet;

Thence South 38°40’ West 59.87 feet;

Thence South 17°04’ East 28.76 feet;

Thence South 1°44’ West 133.9 feet;

Thence South 23°51’ West 209 feet;

Thence South 40°36’ West 135.84 feet;

Thence South 77°17’ West 37.52 feet;

Thence South 39°14’ West 55.39 feet;

Thence South 22°55’ East 53.42 feet;

Thence South 30 feet to the South line of Section 34;

Thence West 899.54 feet more or less to the point of beginning.



Housing type, density and bulk standards shall be for the RSF-2 zone district.




Introduced on first reading this 16th day of August, 2000.


PASSED and ADOPTED on second reading this 6th day of September, 2000.






/s/ Stephanie Nye          /s/ Gene Kinsey      

City Clerk            President of the Council