Ordinance No. 3296








 Independence Ranch Filings 4 through 10 is a planned development in the process of being constructed north of F ¾ Road at 20 ½ Road. Filings 4-5 have been constructed and filing 6 has been approved but not recorded. The zoning under the former code was PR-1.7. Zoning under the new code is PD or planned development, with an underlying density of 1.7 dwellings per acre. The 10-acre parcel to the west of this site, commonly known as the Talley parcel, is now owned by Hans Brutsche, the developer of Independence Ranch. Mr. Brutsche has purchased this parcel to expand the Independence Ranch Subdivision.


 The developer has requested a zone of annexation of PD (Planned Development) with an underlying density of 1.7 dwellings per acre for the 10-acre Talley parcel. The remaining filings of Independence Ranch are also being rezoned at this time to assure consistency in bulk requirements for the entire remaining portions of the planned development. Three additional filings have been added to this subdivision with the addition of the Talley parcel.


 After public notice and hearing the Planning Commission found that the proposed zoning is in conformance with Section 2.6 of Grand Junction Zoning and Development Code and recommended approval of the zone change at its September 19, 2000 hearing. See file number ANX-2000-143 for specific findings of review.





 That the City Council finds that the proposed rezone meets the criteria set forth in Section 2.6 of the Zoning and Development Code. In accordance therewith the following described parcel of land is hereby zoned PD with the following bulk standards:






Maximum Lot Coverage

(per definition in former code)


Maximum Structure Height


32 ft

Minimum Front Yard Setback


25 ft

Minimum Side Yard Setback

For lots with sides along open space

15 ft


For lots with sides NOT along open space

10 ft

Minimum Rear Yard Setback

For lots with rears along open space

25 ft


For lots with rears NOT along open space

20 ft

Accessory Structure Setbacks

All structures 6-feet or less in height are not allowed in the front yard setback or within 3-feet of any lot line.


Minimum Lot Size


12,000 SF

Maximum Units per Gross Acre




Under the Zoning and Development Code PD’s are based on straight zones. The underlying straight zone for Independence Ranch Filings 7-13 Planned Development is RSF-2. The PD zoning when adopted is integral to and a part of the approved development plan. Most all of the bulk standards in this PD zone have been varied from the RSF-2 zone due to specific design considerations. Those design considerations were evaluated by the Planning Commission and City Development staff and were found to be appropriate. The Planning Commission and staff have recommended approval of the zoning.


The property being zoned includes the following:


A part of Lot 11 Block 1, Independence Ranch Subdivision Filing 5; being more particularly described as follows:


Beginning at the Northwest corner of said Lot 11;

Thence along the North line of said Lot 11, North 89°06'03" East, a distance of 1314.18 feet;

Thence along the North line of said Lot 11, North 88°51'56" East, a distance of 141.24 feet;

Thence along the North line of said Lot 11, North 88°51'30" East, a distance of 112.89 feet;

Thence along the East line of said Lot 11, South 00°48'05" West, a distance of 424.06 feet;

Thence along the East line of said Lot 11, South 75°12'30" West, a distance of 107.08 feet;

Thence along the East line of said Lot 11, South 37°13'37" West, a distance of 99.39 feet;

Thence along the East line of said Lot 11, South 09°06'13" East, a distance of 133.27 feet;

Thence along the East line of said Lot 11, South 33°23'16" East, a distance of 108.97 feet;

Thence along the East line of said Lot 11, South 53°21'53" East, a distance of 82.45 feet;

Thence South 02°02'58" West, a distance of 293.65 feet;

Thence South 32°46'32" West, a distance of 39.29 feet to the South line of said Lot 11;

Thence along the South line of said Lot 11, South 89°49'07" West, a distance of 151.29 feet;

Thence North 49°56'12" East, a distance of 133.63 feet;

Thence North 10°01'32" East, a distance of 250.04 feet;

Thence North 76°28'34" West, a distance of 115.70 feet;

Thence South 39°53'43" West, a distance of 137.36 feet;

Thence 32.56 feet along the arc of a 48.00 foot radius non-tangent curve to the left, through a central angle of 38°52'10", with a chord bearing North 71°33'54" West, a distance of 31.94 feet;

Thence North 34°08'50" East, a distance of 149.92 feet;

Thence North 16°39'15" West, a distance of 56.46 feet;

Thence North 07°56'52" West, a distance of 94.71 feet;

Thence North 01°53'24" East, a distance of 104.93 feet;

Thence North 78°19'19" West, a distance of 68.32 feet;

Thence South 82°47'38" West, a distance of 113.32 feet;

Thence 51.87 feet along the arc of a 202.00 foot radius non-tangent curve to the left, through a central angle of 14°42'41", with a chord bearing North 20°17'02" West, a distance of 51.72 feet;

Thence North 27°38'22" West tangent to said curve, a distance of 51.41 feet;

Thence South 62°21'38" West, a distance of 44.00 feet;

Thence North 27°38'22" West, a distance of 49.37 feet;

Thence South 40°25'54" West, a distance of 200.89 feet;

Thence South 47°30'31" West, a distance of 102.35 feet;

Thence South 59°43'45" West, a distance of 126.57 feet;

Thence North 18°06'30" West, a distance of 123.95 feet;

Thence 104.19 feet along the arc of a 222.00 foot radius non-tangent curve to the left, through a central angle of 26°53'25", with a chord bearing North 54°11'51" East, a distance of 103.24 feet;

Thence North 49°14'51" West, a distance of 44.00 feet; to the beginning of a 178.00 foot radius curve concave to the northwest;

Thence southwesterly 44.50 feet along the arc of said curve, through a central angle of 14°19'30", with a chord bearing South 47°54'54" West, a distance of 44.39 feet;

Thence North 15°15'27" West, a distance of 214.56 feet;

Thence South 65°30'22" West, a distance of 296.00 feet;

Thence South 73°05'35" West, a distance of 76.46 feet;

Thence South 06°45'32" West, a distance of 58.05 feet;

Thence South 07°46'15" East, a distance of 9.48 feet;

Thence South 88°12'47" West, a distance of 120.99 feet;

Thence South 06°30'39" East, a distance of 100.00 feet;

Thence South 62°52'30" West, a distance of 8.53 feet;

Thence South 83°28'39" West, a distance of 36.00 feet;

Thence South 06°31'21" East, a distance of 13.76 feet;

Thence 32.13 feet along the arc of a 228.00 foot radius tangent curve to the right, through a central angle of 8°04'31", with a chord bearing South 02°29'05" East, a distance of 32.11 feet;

Thence South 01°33'11" West tangent to said curve, a distance of 18.50 feet;

Thence South 85°16'22" West, a distance of 152.47 feet to the West line of said Lot 11;

Thence along the West line of said Lot 11, North 00°51'57" West, a distance of 647.39 feet; to the Point of Beginning.


Containing 17.767 Acres, more or less.


AND A parcel of land situated in the SE1/4 of Section 35, Township 1 North,

Range 2 West of the Ute Meridian, County of Mesa, State of Colorado, being

more particularly described as follows:


Beginning at a point on the South line of the SE1/4 of said Section 35,

whence the B.L.M. brass cap for the Southeast corner of said Section 35

bears North 89°06'03" East, a distance of 182.43 feet;

Thence North 29°52'22" West, a distance of 89.91 feet;

Thence North 71°11'09" West, a distance of 59.06 feet;

Thence North 45°51'22" West, a distance of 68.42 feet;

Thence South 87°41'18" West, a distance of 68.22 feet;

Thence North 79°08'50" West, a distance of 108.28 feet;

Thence North 64°02'25" West, a distance of 62.18 feet;

Thence South 68°11'37" West, a distance of 66.06 feet;

Thence North 15°53'43" West, a distance of 75.26 feet;

Thence North 59°51'15" East, a distance of 54.25 feet;

Thence North 08°15'53" West, a distance of 64.75 feet;

Thence North 71°42'20" West, a distance of 475.17 feet;

Thence North 12°12'56" West, a distance of 229.50 feet;

Thence North 35°38'33" West, a distance of 566.09 feet;

Thence North 16°58'57" East, a distance of 103.91 feet;

Thence North 00°24'43" West, a distance of 13.41 feet to the North line of

the SW1/4 SE1/4 of said Section 35;

Thence South 89°35'17" West, a distance of 331.77 feet to the Northwest

corner of the East 390.90 feet of the SW1/4 SE1/4 of said Section 35;

Thence along the West line of the East 390.90 feet of the SW1/4 SE1/4 of

said Section 35, South 00°58'05" East, a distance of 1296.85 feet to the

South line of the SW1/4 of said Section 35;

Thence North 89°06'03" East, a distance of 1533.90 feet to the Point of



AND That part of the North ½ of Section 15, Township 11 South, Range 101

West of the 6th Principal Meridian, lying within the following description:

From the Southwest corner of fractional Northeast ¼ Northwest ¼ of Section

15, Township 11 South, Range 101 West of the 6th Principal Meridian, and

considering the North line of said Section 15 to bear West, as determined by

the General Land Office in 1915 and 1918, with all bearings contained herein

relative thereto; thence South 89°32' East 937.5 feet; thence North

00°00'00" East 25.00 feet to the True Point of Beginning, being a point on

the North right-of-way line of F-3/4 Road; thence along the North

right-of-way line of said F-3/4 Road, South 89°32'00" East 402.21 feet;

thence leaving said right-of-way line, North 00°00'00" East 1084.70 feet to

the North line of said Section 15; thence along the North line said Section

15, South 89°59'46" West 402.21 feet; from which point the Northwest corner

of Lot 3 of said Section 15 bears South 89°59'46" West 929.85 feet; thence

South 00°00'00 West 1081.40 feet to the True Point of Beginning. EXCEPT that

part conveyed to County of Mesa for road right-of-way by instrument recorded

June 2, 1995 in Book 2149 at Page 76.



INTRODUCED for FIRST READING and PUBLICATION this 4th day of October, 2000.


PASSED on SECOND READING this 18th day of October, 2000.





/s/ Stephanie Nye          /s/ Gene Kinsey      

City Clerk    President of City Council