RECITALS. One of the recommendations of the 24 Road Corridor Subarea Plan was to create design standards and guidelines to implement the plan. The Steering Committee has recommended the 24 Road Corridor Design Standards and Guidelines be adopted as an overlay zone district to apply to the entire study area.


Overlay zoning is one way to create a more flexible and discretionary alternative to traditional zoning. An overlay zone is defined as “a mapped overlay district superimposed on one or more established zoning districts which may be used to impose supplemental restrictions on uses in these districts, permit uses otherwise disallowed, or implement some form of density bonus or incentive bonus program”.


An overlay zone supplements the underlying zone with additional requirements or incentives while leaving underlying zoning regulations in place. Examples might include special requirements such as design standards or guidelines, additional setbacks or height limits. A parcel within the overlay zone will thus be simultaneously subject to two sets of zoning regulations: the underlying and the overlay zoning requirements.


Overlay zone boundaries are also not restricted by the underlying zoning districts’ boundaries. An overlay zone may or may not encompass the entire underlying zoning district. Likewise, an overlay zone can cover more than one zoning district, or even portions of several underlying zoning districts.


The 24 Road Corridor Design Standards and Guidelines are being proposed as an overlay district to cover the entire 24 Road planning area, generally bounded by 24 ½ Road on the east, Patterson Road and HWY 6 & 50 on the south, 23 Road and 23 ½ Road on the west and I-70 on the north, and including several parcels north of I-70. The document includes guidelines and standards for Community Framework, Site Design, Landscaping, Architectural Design, Site Lighting and Signs.




The Zoning and Development Code is hereby amended to add section 7.5 entitled “24 Road Corridor Design Standards and Guidelines” to be applied to the area shown on Attachment A and authorizes the Clerk to publish the amendment by pamphlet, with the following changes:


1.  Change the “Guideline” paragraph on p.2 to read, “Guidelines promote the goals defined by the Purpose statements. Achieving guidelines may help in identifying alternative approaches to achieving standards. While the term ‘guidelines’ is used, guidelines shall be applied unless the Director and/or Planning Commission otherwise determine”. And the following verbiage changes for the second paragraph under “Administration” on p.2: “These standards and guidelines supplement City minimum regulations and may be more restrictive than other development regulations”. The remaining paragraph to be deleted.

2.  Table 3.1 on page 29 to be clarified as follows: “24 Road—East; building setback—35’ from edge of Leach Creek Corridor; Note (2) All measurements are from the right-of-way line, unless otherwise noted”.

3.  Add a sentence to the end of standard number 2 on page 5 to read: “It is recognized that the west bank of Leach Creek is constrained by the 24 Road improvements and the preferred gently sloping bank cannot likely be achieved along the west bank”.

4.  Delete number 8 on page 48 under Architectural Design, Building Form and Scale Standards.


Introduced on first reading this 18th day of October, 2000.


Passed and adopted on second reading this 1st day of November, 2000.






/s/ Stephanie Nye      ___          /s/ Gene Kinsey        

City Clerk                  President of the Council





24 Road Corridor

Design Standards and Guidelines









Prepared for:

City of Grand Junction








Prepared by:

BRW, Inc.







Table of Contents



Background and Intent  1

Format of the Design Standards and Guidelines  1

Administration of the Design Standards and Guidelines  2


Introduction  3

Open Space, Public Parks, Trail System and Storm Drainage  5

Roadway System  8

Streetscape  14

Key Gateways, Intersections and Entries  15

View Sheds  18


Introduction  20

On-Site Open Space  21

Organizing Features  23

Transitions and Interconnections  24

Site Grading and Drainage  26

Building and Parking Setbacks  28

Building Location and Orientation  29

Parking, Access, and Circulation  31

Multi-Unit Residential Parking Areas  33

Auto-Oriented Uses  34

Pedestrian and Bicycle Circulation  38

Sidewalks  38

Bicycle Circulation  39


Introduction  41

Parking Lots  42

Streetscape within the Public Right-of-Way  43

Irrigation  44


Introduction  45

Building Form and Scale  45

Architectural Details  48

Building Materials  49

Multi-Unit Residential Development  50

Fencing and Walls  52

Service and Storage Areas  53


Introduction  56

Street Lighting – Public Rights-of-Way  56

Pedestrian Lighting - Public Rights-of-Way  56

Parking Area Lighting  57

Accent and Security Lighting  58


Introduction  60

General Sign Criteria  60

Site Sign Program  61



List of Table and Figures


Figure 2.1: Community Framework Plan  4

Figure 2.2: Natural Corridor Plan  7

Figure 2.3: Natural Corridor Section  7

Figure 2.4: Roadway System  10

Figure 2.5: 24 Road Typical Section – Interim  11

Figure 2.6: 24 Road Typical Sections  11

Figure 2.7: F/Patterson and F 1/2 Street Typical Sections  12

Figure 2.8: G Road Typical Section  12

Figure 2.9: Collector and Local Typical Sections  13

Figure 2.10: Typical Intersection Sketches  16

Table 3.1: Supplemental Building and Parking Setbacks  29

Figure 3.1: Industrial Site Plan  35

Figure 3.2: Office/Mixed Use Site Plan  35

Figure 3.3: Retail Site Plan  36

Figure 3.4: Multi-Family Residential Site Plan  37








Background and Intent

The 24 Road Corridor Design Standards and Guidelines (“Standards and Guidelines”) are intended to provide guidance and criteria for the planning, design and implementation of public and private improvements in the 24 Road Corridor. If properly administered and adhered to, they should result in public and private development improvements that achieve, as a minimum, a common level of quality in terms of site design, architectural design, landscaping, and other site improvements.


The general purposes of the Standards and Guidelines are:


•  To establish a practical, interconnected system of streets, parks, and parkways that allows easy orientation and convenient access for all modes of transportation.


•  To utilize natural open spaces, such as creeks, and developed public spaces, streets, parks and parkways, to organize and coordinate development.


•  To accommodate a broad mix of development types that encourage alternative transportation, especially walking, and transit use.


•  To provide common usable open space that is of mutual benefit to surrounding property owners, businesses, and residents.


•  To construct the early phases of development in a manner that establishes a pattern and character for the long-term evolution of the Corridor.


These Standards and Guidelines supplement other development regulations such as the City of Grand Junction Zoning and Development Code (adopted in 2000), which includes detailed criteria by zone district, planned development regulations, design and improvement standards, supplemental use regulations and sign regulations. The Development Code also incorporates use-specific standards for “big box” development that are applicable to the type of development that is anticipated for portions of the 24 Road Corridor.


The Standards and Guidelines identify design alternatives and specific design criteria for the visual appearance and physical treatment of private development and public improvement within the Corridor. They are to be adopted by the City of Grand Junction through an overlay zoning district, which will establish the means by which the Standards and Guidelines will be administered and enforced.

Format of the Design Standards and Guidelines

The 24 Road Corridor Design Standards and Guidelines are written in a standard format to include the following:


The Purpose sets forth the goals intent for development of the 24 Road Corridor. The Standards and Guidelines provide direction as to how the goals may be achieved.


Design Standards are objective criteria that provide specific direction based on the related Purpose Statement. Standards are used to define issues considered critical to achieving the Purpose. Standards use the term “shall” to indicate that compliance is required unless it can be demonstrated that an acceptable alternative meets one or more of the following conditions:


•  The alternative better achieves the stated Purpose.


•  The purpose will not be achieved by application of the Standard in this circumstance.


•  The effect of other Standards or Guidelines will be improved by not applying this Standard.


•  Unique site factors make the Standard impractical.


Guidelines promote the goals defined by the Purpose statements. Achieving guidelines may help in identifying alternative approaches to achieving standards. While the term ‘guidelines’ is used, guidelines shall be applied unless the Director and/or Planning Commission otherwise determine.

Administration of the Design Standards and Guidelines

Adherence to these Standards and Guidelines will ensure that public and private improvements in the 24 Road Corridor will be well planned and executed in a high quality manner, which were important goals established through the 24 Road Corridor Subarea Plan.


These standards and guidelines supplement City minimum regulations and may be more restrictive than other development regulations.


A process of design review is to be established by the City of Grand Junction that will provide for the administration and enforcement of these Standards and Guidelines. It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure compliance with all other local codes and regulatory issues concerning development within the Corridor. The submittal process and requirements are available from the City of Grand Junction.




The overall planning concept for the 24 Road Corridor includes a Community Framework (Figure 2.1.) that provides a distinctive image and organizing element for public and private development. The Community Framework includes public streets, parks, open spaces, natural drainages and future storm water management facilities that serve and connect part or all of the Corridor.


These Community Framework Design Standards and Guidelines are intended to guide the planning, design and implementation of these elements, which will occur over time through a variety of actions by private property owners and public agencies, including the City of Grand Junction, Mesa County and the State of Colorado.


These Standards and Guidelines include the following:


•  Open Space, Public Parks, Trail System and Storm Drainage

•  Roadway System

•  Streetscape Treatment

•  Key Gateways, Intersections and Entries

•  View Sheds


The planning concept envisions a network of public streets, open spaces, drainage, and storm water facilities and supporting infrastructure, which provide organization and identity for the Corridor. Improvements to create the Community Framework will be constructed as City capital improvement projects or as development occurs. Primary objectives to be achieved through the Framework include:


•  Develop a distinctive identity for the Corridor that reflects a high quality of site design, improvements, buildings and outdoor spaces.


•  Establish an organizing framework that links the various uses and development parcels within the 24 Road Corridor, which can be implemented in an incremental and phased manner.


•  Create pedestrian connections between privately owned sites and the “public realm” of roadway corridors, open spaces and the natural corridor, parks and the multi-use trail system.


•  Allow for and encourage the placement of public art within the sub-area.




Figure 2.1: Community Framework Plan


Multi-purpose trail along a natural open space corridor

Open Space, Public Parks, Trail System and Storm Drainage

The open space system in the 24 Road Corridor currently is comprised of existing private open space associated with Leach Creek natural corridor and its tributaries, which run on private property along the east side of 24 Road, and Canyon View Park, a 120 acre City-owned regional park southeast of the Interstate-70 interchange. In the future, the open space system will be augmented by private open space on individual development parcels to meet the City’s on-site open space requirements. (See Figure 2.2)


The 24 Road Corridor includes a regional multi-use trail along Leach Creek that is planned between Canyon View Park and the Colorado River. Although much of this trail is planned on property that is privately owned, it is envisioned that the trail will be implemented through public and private cooperative efforts.



1.  Utilize existing and proposed open space to reinforce the Community Framework in the Corridor, to create a well-planned setting and to provide for a variety of active and passive recreational and social opportunities.


2.  Develop existing riparian areas and drainages, such as Leach Creek and its tributaries, as natural open space corridors that provide for surface drainage and pedestrian trails. The preferred treatment of surface drainages is an open channel with gently sloping sides and naturalized landscape. It is recognized that the west bank of Leach Creek is constrained by the 24 Road improvements and the preferred gently sloping bank cannot likely be achieved along the west bank. (See Figure 2.3)


3.  Develop and utilize a comprehensive storm water drainage master plan for the area that addresses future development and provides for open space and recreation.


4.  Where appropriate, utilize the Setbacks on private sites as part of the common open space system to create a “seamless” open space transition between private and public property.


5.  Create a connection between Canyon View Park and the Colorado River Trail Corridor by way of an off-street multi-use trail. Establish linkages between this major trail corridor and other regional trails and parks. Provide intermediate connections to related pedestrian trails, bikeways and sidewalks.


6.  Develop Leach Creek, its tributaries and other storm water facilities as public amenities, incorporating the planned multi-purpose trail where appropriate.


7.  Develop the trail on public and private property through cooperation between private landowners, developers and the City of Grand Junction.



1.  Build upon Canyon View Park as a major regional facility for active recreation.


2.  Future public parks should be developed in response to the scale and type of development in the area.


3.  Public art is encouraged in both public and private open space.


4.  The proposed multi-use trail along 24 Road should be designed to take advantage of the proposed natural corridor, which may be comprised of public and private property.


image  image



Examples of trail systems through drainage areas




Figure 2.2: Natural Corridor Plan





Figure 2.3: Natural Corridor Section


Existing Leach Creek drainage structure along 24 Road

Roadway System

The roadway system envisioned for the 24 Road Corridor has been planned to provide for safe and efficient vehicular movement within the Corridor as well as road connections to Interstate-70 and streets within Grand Junction.


A road network has been planned for the Corridor, which includes local streets, collector streets, arterial streets and the regional interstate. Each of these types of roads has functional traffic access and other characteristics. The network establishes a logical system of streets that facilitates access and connectivity for all modes of transportation throughout the site. The network also provides a balanced system of through streets, transit corridors, sidewalks, and trails in the Corridor. This is illustrated in Figure 2.xxx.


1.  Establish a clear hierarchy of streets with the Corridor, including arterial streets, collector streets and local streets, based upon City of Grand Junction standards. Coordinate plans between private property owners to ensure connectivity between streets at the arterial and collector level. Establish appropriate capacity and access characteristics and intersection controls. Refer to Figure 2.4.


•  24 Road – interim improvements include a 3-lane section with the potential to be expanded to a 5-lane arterial section in the future. Access to individual sites along 24 Road shall be controlled to maintain traffic flow with the potential for traffic signals at major intersections with arterial and collector roads. Refer to Figure 2.5 and 2.6.


•  Patterson Road/F Road (east of 24 Road) – the existing improved 5-lane segment shall be completed as an arterial with access control to sites, most of which are already developed. Refer to Figure 2.7.


•  Patterson Road/F Road (west of 24 Road) – to be developed similar to the segment to the east with a 5-lane section (no median) collector/arterial. Refer to Figure 2.7.


•  G Road – to be developed in the future as a 5-lane section (no median) collector/arterial. Refer to Figure 2.8.


•  F ½ Road – to be developed as a 3-lane collector section. Refer to Figure 2.7.


•  Collector Streets – other collector streets shall be developed according to City standards. Refer to Figure 2.9.


•  Local Streets – local streets shall be developed according to City standards. Refer to Figure 2.9.


2.  Provide a rational and identifiable roadway network to serve development in the Corridor and to provide connections to the surrounding region. Extend the existing street and block patterns from surrounding neighborhoods into the 24 Road Corridor. Modifications and departures from the grid will be considered for necessary and logical reasons including parks, open space, and organizing features. In all cases, the block and street system shall be easily understood, walkable, and interconnected.


 Full access intersections shall be provided on arterial streets only at locations approved by the City of Grand Junction.


3.  Pedestrian walks shall provide direct connections within neighborhoods to the nearest transit facilities, reinforced by regular block patterns that give transit patrons the widest range of connections with different transit stops serving different lines.


1.  The purpose and hierarchy of streets is critical to the determination of which type of street is applied to a specific location. Street classifications should be made with regard for both transportation needs and its ability to serve proposed land use along the street.


2.  Access to development sites should balance traffic flow with land development requirements.


3.  Local streets may be used to define the boundaries of natural or developed open space.


4.  In residential developments, alleys should be considered as a means of concealing parking and service areas, for locating utilities, and for minimizing curb cuts on the major streets.


Figure 2.4: Roadway System




Figure 2.5: 24 Road Typical Section – Interim


Initial Phase 3 Lanes

Figure 2.6: 24 Road Typical Sections


Ultimate Phase 5 Lanes (Existing Development)


Ultimate Phase 5 Lanes (New Development)


Figure 2.7: F/Patterson and F 1/2 Street Typical Sections


“F”/Patterson West/East of “24”




“F ½” Collector



Figure 2.8: G Road Typical Section



“G” Street Minor Arterial






Figure 2.9: Collector and Local Typical Sections


Urban Residential Collector








The streetscape includes the treatment of trees, pedestrian elements, lighting, signs and other landscaping improvements that are located within or near the road right-of-way. The streetscape is an important feature of both the road and open space systems of the Corridor because it contributes to the visual image and sense of quality of the “public realm”, provides vegetation and associated environmental benefits and helps to screen and soften the visual impact of structures and parking areas. Standard streetscape treatments are illustrated in Figures 2.5 – 2.9.


1.  Develop streetscape treatments for different categories of streets within the Corridor to include the following:


•  24 Road – the ultimate 5-lane section of this street shall be completed with a landscaped median, landscaped right-of-way on the west and east (including transitions to the Leach Creek natural corridor), street lighting and detached sidewalk on the west side. No sidewalk is planned for the east side because a multi-use trail is planned for the Leach Creek natural corridor. The interim 3-lane section will have minimal landscaping and no sidewalks.


•  Patterson Road/F Road (east of 24 Road) – the existing improved segment shall be completed with right-of-way landscaping, street lighting and detached sidewalks.


•  Patterson Road/F Road (west of 24 Road) – future improvements shall include right-of-way landscaping, street lighting and detached sidewalks.


•  G Road – future improvements shall include right-of-way landscaping, street lighting and detached? (drawing shows attached)sidewalks.


•  F ½ Road – future improvements shall include right-of-landscaping, street lighting and (drawing shows attached) sidewalks.


•  Collector Streets – other collector streets shall include right-of-way landscaping, street lighting and attached sidewalks.


•  Local Streets – local streets shall include right-of- way landscaping, street lighting and attached sidewalks.


1.  In the development of streetscape treatments, recognize that existing development sites (such as northwest of the 24 Road and Patterson/F Road intersection) may be more constrained than greenfield development sites, and hence may require non-standard solutions (such as attached sidewalks instead of detached sidewalks, and smaller parking and building setbacks).

Key Gateways, Intersections and Entries

Important intersections in the roadway network offer opportunities to develop a unique landscape theme and identity for the Corridor. These intersections vary in scale and include the north and south “gateways” (near Mesa Mall and Interstate 70), along 24 Road intersections at Patterson/F Road, F ½ Road and G Road, intersections of collector and local streets and driveways to important sites (such as entrances into larger developments and Canyon View Park, for example). Each of these should be developed according to general concepts and criteria that are appropriate to their scale, function and importance. Concepts for key intersections are illustrated on Figure 2.10.


1.  Create gateways at the north and south end of the 24 Road Corridor that will visually identify the entries into Grand Junction (and specifically the 24 Road Corridor) by creating a “sense of arrival” (fountains, public art, paving patterns, landscaping, etc.), and to help promote the area to potential developers and tenants.


2.  Reinforce the “civic presence” of these gateways through special land treatment and other amenities, taking advantage of existing amenities such as Canyon View Park. Consider all four quadrants of the Interstate 70 interchange.


3.  Incorporate public art as appropriate into the design of gateways, key intersections and entries. Public art should generally constitute 1 percent of the cost of the project.



Gateway signage at the freeway interchange identifies the local community



Figure 2.10: Typical Intersection Sketches




24 Road – Major Intersection Treatment


24 Road Restricted Intersection Treatment

Location of restricted intersections to be determined by City.


Enriched paving at crosswalks identifies pedestrian crossing



Minor Intersection Treatment (Local and Collector Street)


View Sheds

Preserving views along the 24 Road Corridor is important to maintaining the special identity of the area and creating a “sense of place.” Currently, there are abundant and spectacular views of the Book Cliffs, Colorado Monument and Grand Mesa. The purpose of the View Sheds Standards is to preserve views of important natural features that are currently visible along the 24 Road Corridor, wherever feasible and desirable. Additional objectives include:


•  Maintain views into and from the natural open space corridor.


•  Preserve views to surrounding significant natural features currently visible from 24 Road (including the Book Cliffs, Colorado Monument and Grand Mesa).


1.  Utilize Supplemental Building and Parking Setbacks along 24 Road and other key road corridors, to create additional open space in the front of buildings that will provide a view corridor. These Setbacks are described in Site Development (Section 3).


2.  Investigate the potential to develop a specific view shed requirement through zoning.


1.  Consider building height restrictions or build-to lines.


2.  Plant trees in clusters to frame views or create “glimpses” of natural features.





View corridor along 24 Road highlights natural features



The location and design of buildings and site improvements are key to establishing the overall character and function of the 24 Road Corridor. Important site development considerations include large area development planning and coordination, the placement of buildings on the lot, relative amounts of area devoted to open space, buildings and parking areas, and vehicular and pedestrian circulation. Prototypical site layouts for different types of development anticipated in the Corridor are presented in Figures 3.1 – 3.4.


Because of the pattern of ownership of large land parcels in the 24 Road Corridor, there are several opportunities to take a “big picture” vision for the development of these large areas. The intent of this section is to encourage the creation of a development pattern of smaller lots and blocks that encourage a mixture of development types and increase pedestrian movement. The planning for these large areas should encourage mixed-uses, including a mix of housing products, commercial uses, neighborhood centers, shared parking opportunities, and the integration of different land uses within neighborhoods and within buildings.


Lots and blocks are the fundamental “building blocks” of the 24 Road Corridor subarea pattern. During the development process, the large area planning is the time to establish a flexible pattern of blocks throughout the Corridor that extends the scale of the existing development pattern in Grand Junction. The lots and blocks will allow site planning flexibility and consistency of development patterns.


1.  Block dimensions and proportions shall facilitate subdivision into lots that are generally regular in size and shape and avoid leftover parcels that are difficult to develop.


2.  All lots shall have frontage that is adjacent to a street. Street frontage shall typically not be less than 25% of the lot depth. Flag lots are strongly discouraged.


3.  Lots shall be designed to minimize conflicts between automobiles, trucks, bikes, and pedestrians, as well as to create an organized system of entrances, driveways, parking lots, and delivery areas.


4.  Neighborhood retail and service uses, and horizontally and vertically mixed-uses shall be designed as part of an overall site plan that achieves an organized, walkable commercial area when completed.


1.  Sites and buildings should be designed to provide edges or enclosure to streets and open space, to create linkages and gateways, as well as framing or terminating views.


2.  Consideration should be given to the opportunity for adjoining sites and buildings to share access, amenities, and relationships of form that will create a stronger overall identity.


3.  Large retail development should be organized in support of surrounding development in serving area housing, retailing and services, employment, and neighborhood public places.


4.  Blocks should range in dimension from 250 to 450 feet on any side, for a maximum of five acres.

On-Site Open Space

On-site open space may be related to storm water drainage, landscaped setbacks and other privately-owned landscape areas associated with on-site buffer landscaping and amenities. Residential development is also required to provide open space dedications or fees-in-lieu of dedications for the purchase of open space.


image  image

Privately developed and publicly developed open-space amenities


1.  Utilize well-defined natural and developed open spaces as features to serve as the focus of block, lot, and circulation patterns.


2.  Supplement public open space such as parks and drainage corridors with privately developed open space that helps complete linkages and organize development. (Refer to Open Space Requirements of Zoning and Development Code).


3.  Open space, such as Leach Creek and developed parks and plazas, shall be used as a positive planning tool to organize and focus lot, block, and circulation patterns. Public access shall be provided to all public open space, natural and developed, directly from the public street/sidewalk system or through a public facility. Natural open space corridors and naturalized drainage ways (with trails) shall be publicly accessible at not less than 800-foot intervals.


1.  Open space should be used to enhance the value and amenity of surrounding development. Left over, inaccessible, or non-usable open space should be avoided to the greatest degree practicable.


2.  Street, block, lot, and building patterns should respond to views, landscape, and recreational opportunities provided by proximity to natural open space.


3.  Developed, public, and common area private open spaces should be embedded into lot and block patterns and may be of a wide variety of sizes including small “pocket” parks and plazas. Lot and building frontages on public and private common areas are strongly encouraged. As long as street frontage and access is maintained, rear yards facing open spaces are strongly discouraged.


4.  Buildings with frontage on open space should provide windows, doors, and plazas, and so forth to encourage pedestrian activity and provide informal over-sights of the open space. Mountain views along street corridors and from other public open space should be enhanced through careful consideration of building and landscape locations, massing, orientation, and height.



Private development oriented to open space

Organizing Features

An organizing features is a public open space around which development is focused. Organizing features shall be included in large area planning to utilize natural open space, creeks, formal public spaces, streets, parks, and parkways to organize and coordinate development patterns. They may qualify as required open space dedications and may be utilized to justify variation of required street alignments.


Organizing features should reinforce the pattern and orientation of streets and buildings through orderly arrangements of landscaping, pedestrian circulation and amenities, such as might be typical of a town square or campus quadrangle. Prominent amenities could be developed within open space to link building groups.




Organizing features provide a focus for development


1.  At least one central feature or gathering place shall be located within a geographically distinct neighborhood, e.g., a convenient outdoor open space or plaza with amenities such as benches, monuments, kiosks, or public art. These places may be located on “civic blocks,” and may include buildings such as libraries, government offices, or public meeting places.


2.  Buildings shall not orient rear, blank, or service dominated facades toward an organizing feature and shall include an entry that is visible, convenient to use, and connected to a public sidewalk by a direct route. Facades facing an organizing feature shall be of at least comparable architectural quality to other primary building facades.


3.  Parking lots shall not be permitted within organizing features.


4.  Multi-building developments shall use an organizing feature to create an internal campus-like arrangement of buildings and open space provided that the organizing feature is bounded along at least one side by a public street.


1.  Organizing features may be used as a focus for related or complementary developments, particularly uses that include pedestrian activities. Organizing features may provide a transition area between diverse uses to provide both buffering and connection.


2.  The City should consider the variation of planned collector street alignments in order to accommodate building groups organized around developed open space features.


3.  An organizing feature should be publicly accessible and designed to organize the placement of buildings to create a sense of place, character, or identity within a neighborhood or district.


image  image

Water features invite interaction  Fountain as an organizing feature

Transitions and Interconnections


Transitions and interconnections can create neighborhoods among different land uses on adjacent parcels. The transitions and interconnections can be natural or man-made features, such as open spaces, drainage corridors, streets, sidewalks, and/or trails.


1.  Significant shifts in the scale of development, such as lot size and building size, shall occur across rear lot lines, alleys, open space or arterial streets. In order to promote consistent street character and scale, developments of significantly different scale shall not face each other across a local street. This is not intended to discourage compatible uses of differing scales, such as retail and office, from locating together, nor is it intended to prevent small scale, neighborhood serving retail uses from integrating into residential areas.


2.  Transitions between differing uses and scales of development shall allow for interconnections at a logical scale. Transitions shall not be defined with privacy walls or fences.


3.  Where incompatible scale or activities cannot be mitigated through adequate transition, buffering and screening shall be required. Buffering (horizontal) and screening (vertical) strategies shall consider building and parking placement, building orientation, walls, fences, and landscaping.


4.  Residential development within a commercial mixed-use project shall provide all necessary buffering and screening from other allowed uses within that district to ensure satisfactory maintenance and permanence.



Retail establishment adjacent to residential building


1.  Compatible scale should be considered in terms of lot size, building dimensions, building placement, and orientation. Where practicable, similar sized lots or buildings should face each other across local streets, but not to the detriment of achieving appropriate mix of uses at edges of neighborhoods. Transitions of development scale are best accomplished laterally across side streets, side and rear lot lines, and across collector or arterial streets or natural features.


2.  New development should relate to other existing or proposed development on adjoining top properties to maximize useful interconnections and shared efficiencies.


3.  Important views and vistas, both natural and man-made, should be used as opportunities to create edges or to align public spaces and corridors to enhance the quality of the public experience. Views along public rights-of way and public open spaces are of major importance. (Refer to Section 2 for additional information about view sheds.


4.  Where development is phased, early phases should establish the long-term image of the project and its relationship to the streets, open space, and adjoining development.


5.  Gated communities are discouraged.




Mixed-use development incorporating multi-family housing and grocery store

Site Grading and Drainage


The Site Grading and Drainage Standards and Guidelines ensure that development fits within existing topography, reinforces the community open space framework, and effectively diverts and retains storm water.


•  Encourage site grading that reflects the gentle topography of the existing landscape – rather than abrupt changes in slope or extreme.


•  Establish an overall storm water management plan for the planning subarea and/or drainage basin (this plan should encourage regional detention solutions).


•  Utilize storm water detention and conveyance facilities as part of the open space system.


•  Provide for smooth grading transitions between adjacent development lots.


1.  Unless precluded by soil conditions, graded slopes shall not be steeper than 3:1 slope. Where space limitations demand, terracing with retaining walls is the preferred solution.


2.  Water quality “Best Management Practices” (“BMPs”) shall be employed for all storm water drainage facilities.


3.  Within development sites, concentrated drainage across walkways and other pedestrian areas is not permitted. Drainage across driveway entries is prohibited.


4.  All open space drainage facilities shall be landscaped with a natural “naturalized” treatment (for example, similar to the treatment recommended for the Leach Creek corridor).


5.  Provide open space for residential sites in accordance with City of Grand Junction requirements. Locate this open space in a manner that it is usable for the project and connects with the off-site open space system.


6.  Open space for non-residential sites is primarily for visual purposes, to provide screening and to reduce the impact of large parking areas.


7.  Drainage to adjacent sites should be limited to historic flows.


1.  Wherever possible, combine drainage facilities with common open space to achieve aesthetic and functional facilities that maximize use of resources, land and which provide benefits to residents, employees and other users.



Open space incorporates drainage facility and amenities



Buildings at the edges of project site with pedestrian connections through parking areas

Building and Parking Setbacks


The Building and Parking Setback Standards and Guidelines are intended to establish a coordinated streetscape image, provide sufficient space between buildings for adequate light and privacy, and to provide sufficient space between roads, buildings and parking areas for privacy, sound control and landscaping.


The City should establish setbacks to achieve the following objectives:


•  Provide an additional landscaped area on the lot perimeter that supplements minimal City requirements.


•  Preserve views from 24 Road and other road corridors.


•  Encourage the “village concept” in new development, such as minimizing dependence on the private automobile, and encouraging pedestrian activity and use of alternative modes.


1.  Minimum Building and Landscape Setbacks according to zoning districts are provided in the Zoning and Development Code.


2.  In order to establish additional open space and maintain views, establish supplemental Building Setbacks and Parking Setbacks along key road corridors. These are specified in Table 3.1.


Table 3.1: Supplemental Building and Parking Setbacks


Building Setback

Parking Setback

24 Road – west ROW



24 Road – east ROW

35’ from edge of Leach Creek corridor

10’ from edge of Leach Creek corridor

Patterson Road (F Road)

Per zoning


F ½ Road

Per zoning


G Road

Per zoning



(a)  Width of Leach Creek drainage corridor to be determined and will include multi-use trail. (See Figure 2.3.)

(b)  All measurements are from the right-of-way line, unless otherwise noted.


3.  Driveway setbacks from adjacent property lines, other than along street frontages, shall be a minimum of ten (10) feet, except where access driveways are shared by adjacent owners and must comply with City standards.


4.  To establish an open landscape area at key intersection corners, no building or parking lot shall be located less than thirty-five (35) feet from the intersection of the right-of-way of two (2) public streets (arterial, collector and local).


5.  All areas within the Parking Setbacks, and the Building Setback if there is not an intervening parking lot, shall be landscaped and irrigated.


6.  No side or rear Parking Setback is required between adjoining industrial uses provided that the subject area is not visible from any public street, non-industrial land use or common open space. Other parking setbacks are in accordance with Zoning and Development Code regulations.


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Coordinated landscaping in the building setback complements ROW landscaping

Building Location and Orientation


The purpose of the Building Location and Orientation Standards and Guidelines is to encourage the development of buildings that provide orientation and access toward the street that will reinforce the character and quality of public streets.


1.  No development shall be permitted to place or orient buildings, parking, circulation, or service facilities on a lot in such a way as to treat primary street frontage(s) as a rear lot line. Rear” shall be defined to mean a portion of the property lacking public access and containing a predominance of service functions that significantly diminish the architectural or landscape quality of the development.


2.  All building frontages visible from a street, residential area or organizing feature shall have the equivalent treatment of the primary building facade and completely screen all service and loading facilities.


3.  Non-residential uses located in the same block with residential uses shall be located on higher traffic streets and at the periphery or the end of each block having both uses and be effectively screened of light, noise, and pollution from service area or other incompatible activities.


4.  Large retail buildings (over 20,000 gross square feet) shall be located to minimize the impact of windowless walls and service areas on public streets. On sites that include large retail buildings, smaller buildings in-line or on pads shall be located to form edges that frame and reinforce the space and appearance of public streets. Pad buildings shall locate at least one facade including windows and similar architectural features within 35 feet of the public right-of-way. Pad buildings shall be located at site corners and entries.


5.  All sites adjoining Road 24 shall treat Road 24 as a primary orientation with regard to the quality and orientation of site design, architecture, and parking area design. This shall be in addition to any other required access and orientation. Primary frontage is intended to include landscape and building design that conveys the project identity and character and is of equal or superior quality to any other frontage of the project. No truck docks or service areas shall be permitted to face 24 Road.


1.  Site planning should relate as much as possible to the existing or proposed development on adjoining properties maximize useful inter-connections, and enhance the appearance of the properties from the street.


2.  Buildings should be located as close to the street as possible, after setback and/or build-to zone requirements have been fulfilled.


3.  Smaller in-line tenant spaces may be “saddle-bagged” onto the outside of large retail buildings to relieve large blank facades and provide activity fronting streets or parking areas.


4.  The front setback of commercial uses on collector or local streets may be paved as an extension of the pedestrian zone with decorative paving and street trees in grates. Primary building entry should be located directly accessible and adjacent to the public sidewalk.


5.  I-70 frontage and U.S. 6 & 50 frontage is of secondary importance to 24 Road frontage.

Parking, Access, and Circulation


The purpose of the Vehicular Circulation and Parking Standards and Guidelines i to provide for safe and convenient movement of pedestrians and motor vehicles, limit vehicular/pedestrian conflicts, reduce paved areas, provide screening for paved areas and soften the visual impact of parking lots by providing interior planting, breaking up large lots into smaller increments.


Comprehensive, multi-site parking strategies should minimize redundant access and maximize open space and landscaping as well as convenient auto and pedestrian circulation within and between sites. The Standards and Guidelines will contribute to the creation of a clearly organized system of entrances, driveways, parking areas, and pedestrian circulation.




Sidewalks and landscaping break up large parking lots into smaller increments


1.  Contiguous developments shall coordinate circulation to minimize curb cuts. Access for each lot will be reviewed with the project’s overall traffic circulation and capacity needs, and located according to City of Grand Junction standards. Direct driveway access to arterials, streets, and parkways shall minimize the number of driveways per block frontage.


2.  Shared parking and circulation is encouraged wherever practicable.


3.  No more than two double-loaded bays of parking shall be allowed in front of buildings in neighborhood retail (i.e. consumer retail and service, small-scale uses less than 20,000 square feet.). The maximum allowable length of the parking area in front of retail buildings is 125 feet.


4.  For retail buildings larger than 20,000 square feet, no more than 50% of total surface parking shall be located between buildings and arterial streets in the restricted area. The restricted area is defined by lines extending toward the street at 45 degrees outward from the center of the building facade. For retail buildings larger than 30,000 square feet, the allowed parking in the restricted area may be enlarged to 60%.


5.  Vehicle access and circulation into retail sites shall be provided at each adjoining cross street, unless traffic safety precludes access. No perimeter of a retail site shall exceed 600 feet in length without vehicle access, except along arterials.


6.  All parking lots shall have an identifiable internal circulation pattern. Vehicle circulation on-site shall be clearly organized to facilitate movement into and throughout parking areas. Parking drive lanes and intersections shall align wherever practicable. On-site intersections shall be located to preclude stacking of vehicles across intersections and onto public streets.


7.  No truck parking or docks are permitted facing 24 Road, any arterial street, I-70, or residential uses.


8.  Access drives for non-residential and large-scale multifamily uses shall be coordinated with other access drives. Access drives across from other existing or planned drives shall meet City standards.


9.  Minimum parking quantities and stall dimensions shall be in accordance with applicable City of Grand Junction standards.


10.  Developments bounded by undeveloped parcels shall consider potential opportunities for future auto, pedestrian, and bicycle connections to adjoining sites.


11.  Sites requiring large areas of surface parking shall attempt to distribute parking into smaller area broken up by intervening areas of landscaping, open space and buildings wherever possible, rather than aggregating parking into continuous street facing strips.

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Examples of pedestrian circulation systems within parking lots


1.  Driveway and curb cut widths should be minimized at the sidewalk to reduce their impact on the location of street trees and maximize the continuity of the tree lawn.


2.  Parking directly adjacent to buildings should be avoided wherever possible. A minimum setback of fifteen (15) feet shall be reserved for pedestrian circulation and landscaping between building and parking areas except for drop-off and loading zones. This distance may be reduced to ten (10) feet in the industrial areas and may not require landscaping, depending on its proximity to streets and common open space.


3.  Driving lanes should not be provided between the building and adjacent public streets, sidewalks, or amenity zones. Off-street parking for small retail uses is strongly encouraged to be located behind the structure


4.  Parking and vehicular circulation between the street and building should be limited where possible. Shared parking and circulation is encouraged wherever practicable. Auto oriented and drive-through uses, where permitted should locate drive-through lanes away from street frontage. Automobile gasoline service stations should orient parking, car wash, and service bays away from view of arterial streets.


5.  Wherever possible, office parking for employees should be located behind the building, with visitor parking between the building and the street.

Multi-Unit Residential Parking Areas


The purpose of these Standards and Guidelines is to establish residential streets and their associated open space as positive, useable features around which to organize the location and orientation of buildings in a manner that promotes a sense of security and community.



1.  No more than one double-loaded bay of parking shall be permitted between the street and the building’s street-oriented frontage.


2.  Parking lots, garages, carports, and building service areas shall be located so that their presence and access requirements minimize disruptions to adjoining public streets, sidewalks, and open space.


3.  Carports serving more than two vehicles shall not be permitted to be accessed directly from the street and shall use buildings or landscaping to screen parked cars from the view of public streets and open space. Carports are not allowed within the front setback area.



1.  Back-out parking spaces into the major circulation system of development larger than 100 dwelling units are discouraged.



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New multi-family housing with garages in alley  Sidewalk and landscaping buffer
 pedestrians from traffic on arterial streets

Auto-Oriented Uses


The purpose of the Auto-Oriented Uses Standards and Guidelines is to minimize impacts of auto circulation, queuing, drive-up facilities (including speaker systems and similar activities) on street-oriented building design, pedestrian amenities, and orientation.



1.  Auto oriented and drive-through uses, where permitted, shall locate drive-through lanes away from street frontage. Drive-up and drive-through facilities (order stations, pick-up windows, bank teller windows, money machines, etc.) shall be located on the side or rear of a building and away from residential uses.


2.  For buildings greater than 100 feet from the street and with no intervening buildings, drive-through windows may be allowed to face a perimeter street, and drive through-lanes may be allowed with adequate landscape buffer from the right-of-way line.


1.  Automobile gasoline service stations should orient parking car wash, and service bays away from street views.







Figure 3.1: Industrial Site Plan





Figure 3.2: Office/Mixed Use Site Plan






•  Use similar materials, roof forms and architectural styles.


•  Buffer loading docks and trash storage areas with landscaping and fencing.


•  Arrange pad buildings to create: a project gateway; interest along the street; shared entries; outdoor eating areas; and parking.


•  Place project “monument” signs along roadway


•  Group street trees at entries, and along major pedestrian and vehicular routes.


•  Provide continuous pedestrian pathways, lighting and building entries close to transit facilities.


•  Incorporate art, plazas, and other amenities where possible.


Figure 3.3: Retail Site Plan


Smaller Multi-Family Housing Development


Larger Multi-Family Housing Development


Figure 3.4: Multi-Family Residential Site Plan

Pedestrian and Bicycle Circulation


The purpose of the Pedestrian and Bicycle Circulation Standards and Guidelines is to promote free and safe movement of pedestrians and bicyclists through the 24 Road Corridor. This will provide links between development sites and open space by way of sidewalks and multi-use trails.


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Direct pedestrian access from sidewalk  Pedestrian circulation in retail area



The purpose of the specific Standards and Guidelines for sidewalks is to provide continuous opportunities for pedestrian movement through the Corridor.


1.  A direct pedestrian connection to the building entry shall be provided from the public sidewalk.


2.  Development shall provide pedestrian circulation from public walks to parking areas, building entries, plazas, and open spaces. Walkways shall be provided to separate pedestrians and vehicles, and shall link ground level uses. Primary walks shall be a minimum of five feet wide


3.  Clear and safe pedestrian routes shall be defined through parking areas to provide pedestrian access between buildings with minimum conflicts with vehicles. Where walks cross drive aisles, they should be clearly marked with signage, special paving, landscaping or similar methods.


4.  Sidewalks, no less than eight feet in width, shall be provided along any facade abutting public parking areas and featuring a public entrance. Such sidewalks shall be located at least six feet from the facade of the building to provide planting beds for foundation landscaping, except where features such as arcades or entryways or display windows are part of the facade; or street trees in grates or planted areas no less 40 feet on center are provided along the length of the facade.


5.  Pedestrian walks incorporating bicycle lanes shall be not less than 10 feet in width.


6.  All parking areas located between a street and building shall include a landscaped pedestrian walk linking the building with a public sidewalk.


7.  Contiguous developments shall avoid erection of physical barriers between projects unless necessary for safety or the mitigation of adverse impacts.


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Shared plaza at building entries  Landscaped public sidewalk


1.  All building entries, parking areas and public open space should be interconnected through convenient systems of pedestrian walks.


2.  Adjoining developments should create opportunities for interconnected pedestrian walk systems to facilitate pedestrian access between different developments, buildings, activities and uses; however, in no circumstance should on-site pedestrian walks substitute for required public sidewalks.

Bicycle Circulation


The purpose of the Bicycle Circulation Standards and Guidelines is to provide a safe, direct, and attractive system of interconnected public and private bikeways and bike routes throughout the Corridor and to accommodate bicycle access by providing defined routes to primary building entries.


1.  Bicycle access shall be provided between bicycle lanes or multi-use trails and on-site bicycle parking areas.


2.  Two-way bikeways that are not combined with drives or parking lot surfaces shall be of concrete.


3.  Bicycle parking shall be provided in accordance with the City of Grand Junction requirements.


1.  Bicycle parking should be located in visible, active, and well lit areas; near building entries, convenient to primary bicycling access, and not encroaching on pedestrian walkways. If possible, locate racks where parked bicycles are visible from the inside of adjacent buildings.


2.  Bicycle circulation should connect and align with pre-existing and planned off-site bicycle routes. Crossings at intervening streets should be located where safe means for crossing can be provided.


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Public bikeway provides an interconnected system  On-street bicycle route designation  separate from the roadway




Landscape improvements are of primary importance to the establishment of the design character of the 24 Road Corridor. They are intended to enhance the landscape appearance through the use of common materials, to promote a well maintained appearance in areas not covered by buildings or parking, to minimize the adverse visual and environmental impacts of large paved areas and to promote the conservation of water. Xeriscape and “naturalized” concepts are encouraged, particularly in large natural open spaces and passive use areas.


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A wide range of plant materials are appropriate for local landscaping requirements


1.  The City of Grand Junction Development and Zoning Code requirements for landscaping shall be in full force and effect unless specifically superseded by more stringent criteria herein.


2.  Landscape design for individual lots shall be developed according to a Landscape Plan. Each building or cluster of buildings within each development shall provide a plan that indicates all planned landscape materials, and their location, minimum size, quantity, and irrigation. All of the landscaped site area shall be included in one of the following categories.


•  Landscaped and irrigated

•  Low water landscapes

•  Native landscaping within drainage areas


3.  All land areas not covered by buildings, streets, paved areas, or other planned and approved surfaces shall be planted with living plant material and mulches.


4.  Along arterial street frontages, landscape treatment shall be maintained to the greatest degree possible with allowance for required access drives.


5.  Landscape areas shall be continuous from one lot to another and shall incorporate landscape materials that are compatible with landscaping an adjacent lots, public streets, drainage corridors, and landscape easements.


6.  All plant material used shall meet the minimum standards established by the American Association of Nurserymen, as published in the American Standards for Nursery Stock (comply with ANSI Z60.1).


1.  All development areas should recognize the unique climate, open character, and gentle open topography of the western slope environment and should employ development, construction and landscape forms, materials, and methods that are appropriate to that environment.


2.  Landscaping should visually frame buildings and buffer parking, garage, and service areas. It should define and enhance the sense of arrival at appropriate site locations.


3.  Landscape pattern of adjacent lots should be consistent.


4.  Landscaped areas bordering natural open space should create a transition from developed and irrigated landscape to natural unirrigated landscape and vegetation.


5.  Landscaping should be used to mitigate areas of large undifferentiated building mass and screen walls.


6.  Water conserving planting design and irrigation practices should be employed.


7.  Existing healthy trees or other significant landscape features should be preserved to the greatest extent practicable. Existing damaged, decayed, or diseased trees or scrub vegetation should be removed.


8.  Construction near existing trees should follow established practices to ensure their survival.


9.  Substitute irrigation should be supplied to trees or other vegetation that have natural or drainage water diverted or eliminated due to site development or construction.

Parking Lots


The purpose of the Parking Lots Standards and Guidelines is to reduce the visual impact of surface parking lots.


1.  Provide landscaped islands in parking lot interiors per City of Grand Junction requirements.


2.  Landscaped areas in and around surface parking lots shall be laid out with the intent of minimizing the perception of large, continuous expanses of pavement.



1.  Landscaping around parking lots should be designed so as to buffer the view of parked cars from the street and reduce the impact of headlights on nearby development.


2.  Parking areas between buildings and the street should consider the use of special paving materials to create parking courts with a higher level of pedestrian amenity


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Trees and landscaping soften the visual impact of parked cars

Streetscape within the Public Right-of-Way


The purpose of these Streetscape Standards and Guidelines is to create tree-lined streets in the tradition of older neighborhoods and to create consistencies in tree plantings without creating mono-culture problems.



1.  Street trees shall be provided along all public streets except in the industrial area. Along Patterson and 24 Road where there is a tree lawn, the trees shall be aligned in straight rows parallel to the curb, centered in the tree lawn. Irrigated turf and street trees shall be provided in the tree lawn. Berms and inorganic groundcover shall not be permitted in the tree lawn area. The tree spacing shall be approximately 40 feet on center.


2.  Street trees in paved walks shall be covered with minimum five-foot by five-foot tree grates or planters.


3.  The minimum width of a tree lawn is four feet.


1.  Street tree species should be selected to maximize the cohesiveness of each block without creating mono-cultures that may be susceptible to disease.


2.  Planting within the tree lawn area should be limited to grass and trees.

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Well-designed pedestrian paths incorporating healthy landscaping



The purpose of the Irrigation Design Standards and Guidelines is to insure that the landscape is provided with appropriate irrigation to ensure proper growth and maintenance. This applies to Xeriscape and non-Xeriscape planting and includes improved water conservation and water-efficient and low maintenance irrigation systems.


1.  All developed sites are to be irrigated with a permanent automatic system. All irrigation systems are to be below ground, fully automated systems in compliance with all applicable building codes. Use of water conserving systems such as trickle (drip) irrigation for shrub and tree plantings is encouraged. All backflow control devices are to be located or screened so that they are not visible from public streets or parking lots. All parking areas, drives and walks are to be “trimmed” to minimize spray into pavements.


1.  Where appropriate, low water use landscape and Xeriscape is to be irrigated (i.e., trees and shrubs).


2.  Trees that are appropriate in the Grand Junction environment tend to be indigenous and introduced species established and thriving in the lower elevations of Colorado’s Western Slope. A recommended plant materials list is available from the City of Grand Junction.



These Architectural Design Standards and Guidelines are intended to encourage a consistent level of architectural quality throughout the 24 Road Corridor and a unified architectural character at the project level. They address building form and scale for non-residential and multi-family residential structures and architectural details and building materials for non-residential structures. Criteria are also included for walls, fencing and service and storage areas.


The Standards and Guidelines are intended to be flexible to allow for a number of design alternatives for different building types and to encourage design creativity. Note: Additional criteria for architectural design are included in the Grand Junction Zoning and Development Code.






Buildings in a variety of forms reinforce the pedestrian scale

Building Form and Scale


1.  Buildings shall be designed to relate directly to and reinforce the pedestrian scale and quality of street, civic, and open spaces. The following techniques shall be used to meet this objective.


•  Shifts in building massing variations in height, profile, and roof form that provide human scale while maintaining a consistent relationship of overall building form to the street edge.

•  Minimizing long expanses of wall at a single height or in a single plane.

•  Varying floor heights to follow natural grade contours if significant variation is present.


2.  Buildings shall be designed to provide human scale, interest, and variety. The following techniques may be used to meet this objective:


•  Variation in the building form such as recessed or projecting bays.

•  Expression of architectural or structural modules and detail.

•  Diversity of window size, shape, or patterns that relate to interior functions.

•  Emphasis of building entries through projecting or recessed forms, detail, color, or materials.

•  Variations of material, material modules, expressed joints and details, surface relief, color, and texture to break up large building forms and wall surfaces. Such detailing could include sills, headers, belt courses, reveals, pilasters, window bays, and similar features.


3.  Building facades facing arterial streets shall either be the primary entry facade or shall be of comparable quality in terms of architecture, materials and detailing. Primary building entries shall be connected to the public street sidewalk by the most direct route practical. Corner buildings need only provide public entry on one street oriented facade.


4.  Ground floor retail shall have direct pedestrian entries onto public streets, parks, or plazas. Primary building entries must be easily and directly accessible from a street and shall be either oriented to or easily visible from the street.


5.  New construction shall reflect the building form associated with its function. Building design should emphasize horizontal elements and facade treatments. Vertical elements are to be used sparingly for special architectural statements such as entries or to delineate uses within a large structure.


6.  Building form shall incorporate projected and recessed elements to provide architectural variety, such as entryways, special functional areas, rooflines, and other features.


7.  Large, monolithic expanses of uninterrupted facades are not allowed.




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Primary building entrances present inviting facades along arterial streets


1.  Buildings should be designed to meet site and context design objectives, such as providing edges or enclosure to streets and open space, creating linkages and gateways, as well as framing or terminating views.



2.  Large scale variations of massing, such as simple shifts in building form and roof shape, may be important to providing light, air, and transitions to nearby properties.


3.  Providing human scaled architectural features is particularly important in areas where pedestrian activity is occurring or encouraged. The highest level of detail should occur close to pedestrian areas, near streets and entries, and around the ground floor.


4.  The design of the roof form and other related elements such as roof material color, trim, and lighting should be an integral part of the architecture.


5.  Non-residential building facades adjoining or oriented toward streets and pedestrian areas should incorporate a substantial proportion of transparent glazing at all occupied levels.


6.  Ground floor retail areas should have windows along sidewalks to create visual interest for pedestrians. All individual retail uses should have direct access from the public sidewalk.


7.  For larger buildings, simple flat roof at parapet profiles is preferred as the predominant non- residential roof form (i.e., buildings larger than 20,000 SF in footprint).


8.  Roofs should not be designed as attention-getting devices related to the reinforcement of signage or as an identifiable corporate image.


9.  Building entry areas should express greater architectural detail and articulation than other portions of the building. Building entries should be designed at a pedestrian scale.


10.  Building facades should incorporate three-dimensional elements that provide detail and articulation of large surfaces, such as fenestration, offsets, undulations, and variety in surface pattern. Arcades, trellises and single story lobbies and service appendages should also be used to help reduce monolithic building facades.


11.  The size of the building height and length should be in proportion and related to the site and its proposed function.


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Retail development includes pedestrian-scale open space

Architectural Details


1.  Fenestration on the building shall respect the fundamental design of the building and create a rhythm and organization, although not necessarily symmetrical.


2.  Windows and openings should be used to break up the horizontal facade. Windows should consist of discrete openings in the wall surface, rather than large, continuous walls of glass.


3.  Building designs should define the base, body and top of the building elevations through the use of color, materials and details.


4.  Awnings are encouraged, however they should respect the architectural integrity of the facades on which they are located. For example, awnings should be placed below the ground floor cornice line and should repeat the vertical, structural divisions of the building facade.


5.  First floors of buildings facing the public right-of-way should be 60% transparent.





Quality materials and attention to detail in newly constructed multi-family housing projects




Building Materials


1.  All primary buildings shall use materials that are durable, economically maintained, and of a quality that will retain their appearance over time including but not limited to stone, brick, stucco, pre-cast concrete, and architectural metals.


2.  The following cladding materials shall be prohibited:


•  Pre-cast concrete and tilt-up wall systems that are primarily structural in appearance (such as Twin-Ts) shall not be permitted.

•  Natural wood or wood paneling shall not be used as a principle exterior wall cladding system except for single-family development. Durable synthetic materials with the appearance of wood may be acceptable.

•  Natural cinder block is not permitted as exterior finish for any development.

•  Materials intended for indoor finishes are not permitted for any exterior cladding.


3.  Reflective glass whose percentage of outdoor, visible light reflectivity is greater than 19% or having a transmittance factor of less than 60% shall not be used. Reflective glazing shall be permissible for limited detail and aesthetic effects. Glazing within a facade, which adjoins a public street pedestrian walk or bikeway, should be generally transparent as viewed from the exterior during daylight hours. No first surface reflective coatings shall be permitted.


4.  Ancillary buildings, enclosures and projected building elements shall be designed as an integral part of their primary facility. Where detached buildings are necessary, they shall be compatible to the main building in design, form, use of materials, and color.


5.  Building materials should be used in a manner that achieves a coordinated design on all building facades (“360 degree design”).


6.  High quality, durable materials (brick and concrete masonry, pre-cast concrete, stone) should be the dominant treatment on all building facades facing 24 Road, Patterson Road/F Road, F ½ Road, and G Road.


1.  High quality, durable materials that provide scale and detail such as architectural masonry should be included in street-facing facades. Where a variety of wall materials are used, changes in material should generally occur at inside corners or where the transition is accommodated through an architectural detail such as a cap or belt course.


2.  Durable, long lasting materials that also provide scale and detail should always be incorporated close to pedestrian areas, near streets and entries, and around the ground floor.


Multi-Unit Residential Development


The purpose of Multi-Unit Residential Development Standards and Guidelines is to ensure that the form and scale of multi-family residential architecture reinforces the urban character of streets and open spaces, as well as provide human scale and orientation.


1.  Buildings shall be designed to provide human scale, interest, and variety. The following techniques may be used to meet this objective:


•  Variation in the building form related to the scale of individual dwelling units or rooms such as recessed or projecting bays, shifts in massing, or distinct roof shapes.


•  Diversity of window size, shape, or patterns that relates to interior functions.


•  Emphasis of building entries through projecting or recessed forms, detail, color, or materials.


•  Variations of material, material modules, expressed joints and details, surface relief, color, and texture to break up large building forms and wall surfaces. Such detailing could include sills, headers, belt courses, reveals, pilasters, window bays, or similar features. Changes in materials should generally occur at inside corners or where the transition is accommodated through an architectural detail such as a cap or belt course.


2.  Portions of buildings that are functionally limited from including significant window areas shall either be oriented away from public streets or shall make extensive use of the scaling methods defined above.


3.  Garages and carports shall either be integrated into the primary building form or shall be constructed of the same materials as the primary buildings.



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Multi-family housing that provides variety and human scale


1.  Building forms and facades should provide in awareness of the activity within the buildings through frequent doors and windows oriented toward public streets and open space- Visibility of public spaces from within residences should contribute to the sense of community safety. Ground floor residences that adjoin a public street or open space should provide direct resident access to the public street or open space by entrances or gates of similar design quality and prominence as the primary entries.


2.  Variations of massing, fenestration, materials, color, and detail should be combined and interrelated to create effective expressions of human scale. The highest level of detail should occur adjacent to areas of pedestrian activity.


3.  Garages, carports, and service areas should be screened from on-site residential and recreation areas to the greatest degree practicable. If separate from the primary residential buildings, they should be broken up into small structures that relate to the scale and location of individual residential units.


4.  Buildings within a development should share service areas to the extent possible.

Fencing and Walls


The purpose of the Fencing and Walls Standards and Guidelines is to provide for security, to screen unsightly areas, and to provide visual relief and buffers. Additional objectives include:


•  Screen all loading and storage areas from public streets and non-industrial land uses utilizing walls, fences and landscaping.


•  Provide screening that is aesthetically pleasing and complementary to the building and its surroundings.


•  Provide for the coordination of design and location of walls and fences to maximize the positive interrelationship of buildings, public streets, and open space.


•  Avoid the predominance of long, unarticulated street facing walls or fences and prevents “fence canyons”.


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Screening blocks views of loading and storage areas


1.  No fence or wall of any kind shall be constructed unless specifically approved by the City of Grand Junction.


2.  Walls and fences exceeding four feet in height that are located within the setback area adjoining a public street shall provide variety and articulation at intervals not exceeding 100 feet through not less than two of the following methods:


•  changes in plane of not less than two feet

•  expression of structure, such as post column, or pilaster not less than one foot in width

•  variation of material

•  variation of form, such as from solid to open pickets


3.  The design and materials for walls and fences shall be coordinated with the design and materials of the principal buildings in terms of color, quality, scale and detail. This is not intended to require identical materials and design. The combined height of walls and fences on top of an earth berm shall not exceed the maximum permitted height for the wall or fence alone. The design will avoid long, unarticulated street fences facing walks and prevent “fence canyons.”


4.  Objects such as communications towers, processing equipment, cooling towers, storage tanks, vents, vehicles, or any other auxiliary structures or equipment shall either be compatible with the building architecture or screened from adjacent non-industrial properties, public right-of-way and common open space.


5.  In non-industrial areas, screen fences or walls shall be at least one foot higher than the materials or equipment being screened, and at least six feet tall.


6.  Materials and colors for fences and walls shall be compatible with the building architecture.


1.  Where an alley or service lane abuts a public open space, special effort should be applied to ensuring that the alley has an attractive appearance. For example, additional landscaping should be provided along the alley to blend its appearance with the open space and all refuse/service area should be screened from the open space or adjoining uses across the alley.


2.  Chain link fencing in areas visible from non-industrial properties, parking areas, public streets and pedestrian walkways shall be of a type and color that is aesthetically pleasing and complementary to the building and its surroundings and must be landscaped. While this type of fencing is not recommended, it may be used when no other solution is available.


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Service areas incorporated into the architecture of the building

Service and Storage Areas


The purpose of the Service and Storage Area Standards and Guidelines is to ensure that service and storage areas are functional, yet do not visually impact views from adjacent properties, parking areas, common open space, public streets, pedestrian walkways and multi-use trails. It is also important that screening walls and fences match building architecture and design.


1.  Service and emergency drive lanes shall be designed as part of the site circulation system. Circulation and parking for service areas shall be designed to minimize disruption to the flow of traffic.


2.  Service areas and storage areas shall not front onto streets and open spaces. Such areas shall be located to the rear or side of buildings, screened from view from the street and/or open space.


3.  Refuse storage and pick-up areas shall be combined with other service and loading areas to the extent practicable. All outdoor refuse containers shall be screened from view from adjacent properties and streets. All trash containers must be covered. Reinforced concrete aprons are required in front of trash storage areas to accommodate trucks.


4.  Rooftop mechanical equipment, including satellite dishes and antennas over 30 inches in diameter, shall be screened from the view of public streets and open space. Alternate structures housing such equipment or wall-mounted painted-to-match units in unobtrusive locations in lieu of traditional screening will be considered; visual simulation may be requested.


5.  Screening enclosures shall be incorporated into building architecture and utilize the same materials as the principle building to the greatest degree practicable.


6.  Screening and fences shall be one foot higher than the object being screened, but not more than eight feet high, on all sides where access is not needed. A metal gate shall be included where required for complete screening.


7.  Utility appurtenances within the right-of-way shall be located behind the sidewalk and out of the tree lawn, or, where it must be in the tree lawn, equipment shall be centered on the tree line and aligned with but no closer than 42 inches from the face of curb. This includes switch boxes, telephone pedestals, transformers, meters, irrigation, and similar equipment. The use of alleys is encouraged to locate all such equipment to the extent possible.


8.  Switch boxes and electrical and gas meters shall be screened or located out of view from the public street. All utilities and their connections shall he underground where permitted by the utility provider and other regulations.


9.  Architectural screening of utility substations shall be required; including an architectural wall at least equal to the height of the equipment to be screened from view.


10.  All storage, loading, or service areas must be located in the side or rear yards of buildings.


11.  The outdoor storage of any goods, materials, machinery or equipment in non-industrial sites requires screening.


12.  No service or storage area shall be visible from public streets or building entries. This may be accomplished through greenery or building design and location.


13.  Loading and servicing areas shall be designed so that the entire loading or servicing operations are conducted within the confines of the building site. In addition, these areas must be integrated into the building architecture. Loading doors shall be recessed from the building face to minimize their visual prominence.


1.  Where possible, utility equipment should be located to facilitate access and connection to multiple properties.


2.  Buildings within a development should share service areas to the extent practicable.





The purpose of the Site Lighting Standards and Guidelines is to create a well-balanced, integrated lighting plan for public and private properties that enhances vehicular and pedestrian visibility while minimizing lighting glare and contrast. Lighting should emphasize both public and private features and destinations by using a minimum amount of light to meet these objectives. It should provide needed illumination of the site and, at the same time, prevent undesired off-site glare.

Street Lighting – Public Rights-of-Way


To provide lighting consistent with the function and character of the street.


1.  The spacing, location,height, fixture style, light source and level of illumination shall be subject to the standards and review of the City of Grand Junction.


2.  All light fixtures shall be of a uniform design. Pole and fixture color shall be selected by the City of Grand Junction.

3.  Guideline

4.  Placement of fixtures should provide a coordinated and organized appearance that works with placement of street trees, curb cuts, signage and other features to contribute to the overall continuity of the streetscape.

Pedestrian Lighting - Public Rights-of-Way


To provide consistent systems of pedestrian lighting that add to the character, aesthetic appeal, and safety, and thereby promote greater pedestrian activity.


1.  Lighting shall be designed to provide even and uniform light distribution without hot spots, dark spots, or glare. Lighting shall be designed to minimize dark areas that could pose a security concern near pedestrian areas. Pedestrian circulation systems shall be highlighted by visible light sources that clearly indicate the path of travel ahead.


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Pedestrian lighting shall use consistent fixtures, source colors, and illumination levels.


3.  Light fixtures shall be downcast or low cut-off fixtures to prevent glare and light pollution.


1.  When pedestrian lighting is used in conjunction with street lighting, the pedestrian lighting should be clearly distinguishable from the ambient street lighting to clearly define the pedestrian path of travel.


2.  Light sources should generally be metal halide. Low wattage high-pressure sodium may be desirable in some residential settings where glare may be an issue.


3.  Placement of fixtures should provide a coordinated and organized appearance that facilitates uniform light levels and works with the placement of sidewalks, landscaping, signage, building entries and other features to contribute to the overall continuity of the streetscape and development. The use of a greater number of low fixtures in an well-organized pattern is preferred over the use of a minimum number of tall fixtures.

Parking Area Lighting


To light parking areas in a consistent, attractive, and unobtrusive manner that minimizes off-site impacts.


1.  Parking and interior drives shall be lighted to provide functional, attractive, and unified lighting systems throughout the lot.


2.  The maximum height of parking lot light fixtures shall be 35 feet above the ground. Fixtures shall be of low cut off design to minimize spill light and glare onto adjacent properties.


3.  Parking area lighting adjacent to residential development shall direct the light away from residential units and limit off-site light levels.


4.  Parking area lighting shall be extinguished one hour after the close of business, except as needed to provide for minimum-security levels.


1.  Parking area lighting should complement the lighting of adjacent streets and properties and should use consistent fixtures, source colors and illumination levels. When adjacent to pedestrian circulation and gathering areas, parking area lighting should not over power the quality of pedestrian area lighting.


2.  Poles should be placed to provide a unified, organized appearance throughout the parking area or development and should provide even and uniform light distribution the use of a greater number of low fixtures in well-organized pattern is preferred over the use of a minimum number of tall fixtures.


3.  At no point should lighting levels in parking and service areas, including service stations, exceed eight-foot candles when measured at the ground.

Accent and Security Lighting


To light building architecture and site areas so as to accentuate design features and promote security in an attractive and understated manner that minimizes off-site impacts.


1.  Architectural accent lighting shall be limited to indirect lighting of architectural features only. No bare bulb or exposed neon lighting shall be used to accentuate building forms or details. Colored accent lighting is not permitted. Holiday lighting displays are exempted from restrictions on bare bulbs and colored accents. More prominent building lighting may be considered for buildings that adjoin 1-70. The use of floodlights is not permitted.


2.  Accent fixtures providing direct illumination shall be in character with the architectural and landscape design character of the development.


3.  Service area lighting shall be confined within the service yard boundaries and enclosure walls. No spillover shall occur outside the service or storage area. The lighting source shall not be visible from the street. Lights at service or exit doors shall be limited to low wattage downcast ox low cut-off fixtures that may remain on through out the night.


1.  Building lighting should only be used to highlight specific architectural features. Lighting of architectural features should be designed with the intent of providing accent and interest or to help identify entry and not to exhibit or advertise buildings or their lots.


2.  Accent lighting of landscape should be low level and background in appearance.


3.  Outdoor storage areas including auto and truck parking and storage should be illuminated from poles similar to those used for parking lot lighting but at lower illumination levels.


4.  Security lighting should be limited to low-intensity specialty fixtures. The light source should not be visible from the street or adjoining properties. Other wall mounted security lighting is discouraged.

Section 7: SIGNS


Signs in the 24 Road Corridor should communicate information for property owners, tenants and users while not adding to the visual pollution that is present in many road corridors. Additional sign criteria are necessary to accomplish this that supplement the sign regulations in the City of Grand Junction Zoning and Development Code.

General Sign Criteria


These criteria include restrictions on temporary sign and billboards, as well as a requirement to develop a Site Sign Program for individual projects.


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Signs should communicate information and not add to visual pollution


The following minimum criteria shall apply to all signs in the Corridor:


1.  The height of a sign and support shall not exceed 12 feet from the finished site grade.


2.  Sign face area shall not exceed 100 square feet per sign.


3.  Signs shall not be located closer than ten feet from the property line or right-of-way. (Directional signs may be located six feet from the curb. See Guidelines in Site Sign Program.)


4.  Temporary signs shall be permitted which identify the name of the proposed facility, the parties participating in its design, construction and financing, the anticipated date of occupancy, and leasing information. Temporary signs shall be limited to one eight feet by four feet free-standing project sign. All temporary signs shall be subject to time limitations established during the approval process.


5.  No off-premises signs for outdoor advertising shall be permitted within the Corridor Subarea.


6.  All information signage shall be perpendicular to approaching traffic and shall be positioned so there is a clear line-of-sight well before the point at which direction must be changed or action taken.


7.  Informational signage shall be positioned to avoid confusing backgrounds, particularly when directed to vehicular traffic.


8.  All traffic signs shall comply with the requirements of the State of Colorado Department of Transportation and the U.S. Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices.


9.  A licensed traffic engineer shall design the placement and type of regulatory signs.


10.  Regulatory signs may be necessary along some of the trails, in such cases the size and lettering shall be consistent with the design speed of the trail.


11.  If regulatory signage must communicate to vehicular traffic, it shall be placed so that it is visible.


1.  Signs within the Corridor should be governed by similar restrictions relative to size, number, placement and illumination.


2.  The design of all signs should be coordinated to ensure a uniform appearance.


3.  Signs for similar purposes should be consistent in style and detail.


4.  The sign construction system should be flexible to easily permit changes in message without excessive cost.


5.  Continuity of the sign system should be maintained by use of standard color, typeface, materials, and construction details throughout each project.

Site Sign Program


The Site Sign Program is intended to be flexible and adaptable to different sites and will address sign location, layout, organization, and length of the message, the typeface, the design of the supporting structures and the compatibility with other signs in the system.


1.  A Site Sign Program shall be prepared for each development project within the 24 Road Corridor and address building and wall signs. Each Site Sign Program shall be tailored to the requirements of the development (residential, commercial, office, industrial, etc.) and can specify the use of identifying logos. It should specify the height of sign and support, sign face area, location, illumination, type and number of signs for the project. Types of signs shall include Entrance and Building Identification Signs, Directional Signs and Regulatory Signs. Both permanent and temporary signs shall be addressed.


2.  The entrance identification sign panel shall include the corporate name, logo, or signature and optional descriptive identifier.


3.  The street address number must appear on the sign. In the case of multiple tenants, all may be identified on the sign, up to a maximum of three tenants. Where there are more than three tenants, the building should be identified with a name and the tenants listed on a directory inside the building.


4.  The entrance identification sign shall be placed perpendicular to approaching vehicular traffic.


5.  Building Identification Signs provide for specific building identification viewed from the site or adjoining street. Maximum letter height for Building Mounted Signs is twelve inches, and letters may be painted on windows, or mounted on or routed out of the wall or fascia panel (commercial users only) designed specifically for signage.


6.  Directional signs serve to guide the motorist or pedestrian in, around, and out of the development site. Confine directional signs to a limited number of key decision points along the primary circulation system.


7.  Consolidate directional signs by “grouping” signs to various destinations within one sign frame.


1.  Entrance signs identify individual building tenants or the name of the building. Tenant entrance identification signs should provide a distinctive sign style that will complement a variety of architectural styles.


2.  All entry identification signs should be either externally or internally illuminated. Only graphics and typography are to be illuminated.


3.  Entrance identification signs should be constructed of a metal panel with stone or veneer base. The sign may be single or double-faced. If the sign is single faced, the backside should be painted the same color as the cabinet and poles.


4.  No identification sign should be located closer than ten feet to any property line.


5.  Generally, one tenant identification sign is sufficient. More than one may be used where a site has more than one vehicular entrance on different sides of the building, or when the nature of the site and adjacent streets requires more than one sign or proper identification. The sign should be placed so it does not obscure any other identification, information or vehicular control signs.


6.  The owner or tenant of a building may elect to place the identification of the primary tenant on the surface of the building. Sign information should be limited to the display of the building name or the name of the business occupying the site. Only one building identification sign should be provided for each building. Secondary elements should be shown on the interior directory. The sign may be either non-illuminated or internally illuminated.


7.  To minimize clutter, directional signs should identify only primary tenants within the development site.


8.  The positioning of directional signage is critical to its effectiveness. Each site requires careful analysis of vehicular and pedestrian traffic. Decision points must be identified and proper information and directional signage provided.


9.  Directional signage should be placed no closer than six feet from the curb of a street or drive.


10.  Trail route identification signs should be placed at critical locations.