Ordinance No. 3323






In April of 1999, a zoning ordinance for Phase I of Redlands Mesa was approved by the City Council. The ordinance allowed for 118 single family homes, an 18 hole golf course, a clubhouse not to exceed 6,000 s.f. and a maintenance facility not to exceed 12,000 s.f. The proposed final plans for the clubhouse include a basement, bringing the total square footage to just under 9,000 square feet. The Planning Commission has approved the final plan for the clubhouse. The Planning Commission and City Council hereby find that the request is in compliance with the Zoning and Development Code.




 That the Planned Development (PD) zoning ordinance for the land described below is hereby revised with the allowed uses being as follows:


•  Residential uses not to exceed 118 single family units.

•  A golf clubhouse not to exceed 9,000 s.f. and to include a golf shop and related facilities, a restaurant and a bar.

•  A golf maintenance facility not to exceed 12,000 s.f.


LEGAL DESCRIPTION:  A parcel of land situated in portions of Sec 17, 19 and 20, T1S, R1W of the U.M., Mesa County, Colorado, described in Bk 1843 at Pgs 692 thru 698, said parcel being more particularly described by survey as follows: Beg at a pt on the E line of the NE1/4 SE1/4 of Sec 20, whence the E1/4 cor of Sec 20, a standard 3 1/2" aluminum cap set by PLS 18480 on an aluminum pipe, bears N01°14'38"E 130.74'; thence S01°14'38"W 1162.17' to the S1/16 cor on the E boundary of Sec 20, a Mesa County survey monument; thence along the E line of the SE1/4 SE1/4 of Sec 20, S01°16'22"W 1267.75' to a pt whence the SE cor of Sec 20, a BLM brass cap, bears S01°16'22"W 24.59'; thence S89°07'30"W 1224.69' to the E1/16 cor on the N boundary of Sec 29, T1S, R1W, a Mesa County survey monument; thence N89°06'43"W 95.80' to the E1/16 cor on the S boundary of Sec 20, a BLM Cadastral survey brass cap; thence N89°46'17"W 1318.92' to the S1/4 cor of Sec 20, a BLM Cadastral survey brass cap; thence N89°36'43"W 1320.84' to the W1/16 cor on the S boundary of Sec 20, a BLM Cadastral survey brass cap; thence N89°44'02"W 1320.20' to the SW cor of Sec 20, a BLM Cadastral survey brass cap; thence along the W line of the SW1/4 of Sec 20, N00°11'02"E 897.11' to a metal disk marker stamped LS5933 set in a stone; thence N89°49'40"W 500.09' to a rebar/cap LS5933; thence N30°11'54"E 470.92' to the 1/4 cor common to Sec 19 and 20, a Mesa County survey monument; thence S89°46'44"W 1300.13' to the center E1/16 cor of Sec 19, a Mesa County survey monument; thence N01°44'46"E 1291.50' to the NE1/16 cor of Sec 19, a Mesa County survey monument; thence N89°53'22"E 613.13' to a #5 rebar set in concrete; thence N65°17'32"E 535.96' to a #5 rebar set in concrete; thence N41°55'06"E 592.54' to a #5 rebar set in concrete; thence N58°16'03"E 495.53' to a #5 rebar set in concrete; N78°07'01"E 666.98' to a #5 rebar set in concrete; thence N33°06'25"E 350.67'; thence S68°41'19"E 588.44' to the westerly line of a parcel described in a title commitment prepared by Meridian Land Title, Inc., as an exception to said Parcel 1; thence along westerly line S23°37'49"W 430.49'; thence along the southerly line of said exception, N89°41'49"E 72.15'; to the westerly boundary of The Ridges Filing #6; thence along the westerly and southerly boundary of The Ridges Filing #6 the following courses: S00°00'00"E 122.33'; S44°10'50"E 244.94'; S69°22'18"E 54.27'; S48°35'48"E 55.79'; N85°06'40"E 92.27'; N17°21'30"E 92.69'; S82°14'50"E 30.14' to the southerly line of that parcel described in said title commitment as an exception to said Parcel 1; thence along southerly line S25°33'11"E 117.30'; thence along southerly line S66°34'51"E 133.09' to the westerly line of a parcel described in Bk 1843 at Pg 698; thence along westerly line S10°16'01"E 95.31'; thence along westerly line S68°50'18"E 72.62' to a #5 rebar with cap LS12770; thence departing said westerly line, 104.65' along the arc of a 50.00' rad non-tangent curve to the left, through a central angle of 119°55'32" with a chord bearing S25°03'53"E 86.57'; thence 283.58' along the arc of a 444.99' rad non-tangent curve to the right, through a central angle of 36°30'48", with a chord bearing S56°03'20"W 278.81'; thence 130.87' along the arc of a 150.00' rad curve to the left, through a central angle of 49°59'24", with a chord bearing S49°19'02"W 126.76'; thence S24°19'20"W 97.00' to a #5 rebar with cap LS 12770; thence N65°40'40"W 50.00' to a #5 rebar with cap LS 12770; thence 31.41' along the arc of a 20.00' rad non-tangent curve to the right, through a central angle of 90°00'00", with a chord bearing S69°19'20"W 28.28' to a #5 rebar; thence N65°40'40"W 49.00' to a #5 rebar set in concrete; thence S24°19'20"W 139.60' to a #5 rebar; thence N65°40'40"W 35.82' to a #5 rebar with cap LS 9960; thence S00°00'00"E 95.00' to a #5 rebar with cap LS 9960; thence S61°02'00"W 328.41' to a #5 rebar with cap LS 12770, the southerly and westerly boundary line of The Ridges Fil #5; thence along the southerly and westerly boundary line of The Ridges Fil #5 the following courses: S28°58'00"E 43.03'; 148.29' along the arc of a 260.00' rad curve to the right, through a central angle of 32°40'46", with a chord bearing S12°37'37"E 146.29'; 437.10' along the arc of a 290.00' rad curve to the left, through a central angle of 86°21'34" with a chord bearing S39°28'03"E 396.89'; S30°57'24"E 145.53' to a #5 rebar with cap LS 9960; S39°51'00"E 121.67'; S36°13'27"E 244.71' to a #5 rebar with cap LS 9960; S73°52'00"E 335.71'; N50°31'05"E 317.42'; N14°29'37"W 381.25' to a #5 rebar with cap LS 9960 on the southerly boundary line of The Ridges Fil #4; thence along the southerly boundary line of The Ridges Fil #4 the following courses: S81°52'12"E 71.57'; 482.20' along the arc of a 1040.00' rad curve to the left, through a central angle of 26°33'55", with a chord bearing N84°50'51"E 477.89'; N71°33'54"E 360.00'; 111.41' along the arc of a 540.00' rad curve to the left, through a central angle of 11°49'15", with a chord bearing N65°39'17"E 111.21' to the westerly boundary line of the Gardner Lake parcel; thence along the westerly and southerly boundary of the Gardner Lake parcel the following courses: S18°35'50"W 335.00' to a #5 rebar with cap LS 12770; S34°39'50"E 150.00'; S84°28'10"E 272.64'; N55°13'20"E 220.00'; N38°34'30"E 120.00' to the southerly boundary line of The Ridges Fil #3; thence along the southerly boundary line of The Ridges Fil #3 the following Courses: S90°00'00"E 143.35'; 103.76' along the arc of a 800.00' rad curve to the left, through a central angle of 07°25'54" with a chord bearing N86°17'03"E 103.69' to a #5 rebar with cap LS 9960; S07°25'54"E 110.00' to a #5 rebar with cap LS 9960; N82°34'06"E 240.00' to a #5 rebar with cap LS 9960; S89°18'55"E 87.26' to a #5 rebar with cap LS 9960; S53°14'24"E 119.27' to a #5 rebar with cap LS 9960; S26°05'44"E 251.58'; N63°56'00"E 110.00'; S26°04'00"E 160.00' to POB. EXCEPT a parcel conveyed to the County of Mesa by instrument recd at Bk 964 Pg 653.


INTRODUCED for FIRST READING and PUBLICATION this 20th day of December, 2000.


PASSED on SECOND READING this 3rd day of January, 2001.






/s/ Stephanie Nye          /s/ Gene Kinsey      

City Clerk            President of City Council