Ordinance Rezoning the Rocky Heights Estates Subdivision from

Residential Single Family Rural (RSF-R) to

Planned Development, 1.32 units per acre (PD 1.32) and

Community Services and Recreation (CSR),

Located off Escondido Circle



 After public notice and public hearing as required by the Grand Junction Zoning and Development Code, the Grand Junction Planning Commission recommended approval of rezoning the Rocky Heights Estates Subdivision to the Planned Development, 1.32 units per acre (PD 1.32) zone district and Community Services and Recreation (CSR) zone district for the following reasons:


The zone districts meet the recommended land use category as shown on the future land use map of the Growth Plan and the Growth Plan’s goals and policies and/or are generally compatible with appropriate lands uses located in the surrounding area. The zone district meets the criteria found in Section 2.6 and Chapter 5 of the Zoning and Development Code.


 After public notice and public hearing before the Grand Junction City Council, City Council finds that the Planned Development, 1.32 units per acre (PD 1.32) zone district and Community Services and Recreation (CSR) zone district be established.


 The Planning Commission and City Council find that the Planned Development, 1.32 units per acre (PD 1.32) and Community Services and Recreation (CSR) zoning is in conformance with the stated criteria of Section 2.6 of the Grand Junction Zoning and Development Code.




The following property shall be rezoned to the Planned Development, 1.32 units per acre (PD 1.32) zone district:



A parcel of land being part of Lot 1, Rump subdivision, as recorded in Plat Book 18, at Page 140, Mesa County records, being more particularly described as follows:


BEGINNING at the Northeast Corner of Lot 1, Rump Subdivision, being the South Quarter Corner of Section 23, Township 11 South, Range 101 West of the 6th Principal Meridian; whence the southeast corner of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 26, bears S 00°24’”E, a distance of 1325.11 Feet for a basis a bearings with all bearings be relative thereto;

thence S 00°24'48" E, a distance of 613.45 feet;

thence S 50°54'44" W, a distance of 171.50 feet;

thence S 72°49'10" W, a distance of 132.27 feet;

thence N 75°52'06" W, a distance of 122.81 feet;

thence N 89°04'52" W, a distance of 223.68 feet;

thence S 79°50'43" W, a distance of 173.17 feet;

thence N 23°33'26" E, a distance of 92.54 feet;

thence along a curve to the right, with an arc length of 139.97 feet, a radius of 379.00 feet, with a chord bearing of N 34°08'14" E, and a chord length of 139.18 feet;

thence N 44°43'02" E, a distance of 70.46 feet;

thence along a curve to the right, with an arc length of 340.37'feet, a radius of 360.00 feet, with a chord bearing of N 70°28'28" E, and a chord length of 327.83 feet;

thence S 82°26'23" E, a distance of 143.16 feet;

thence along a curve to the left, with an arc length of 254.10 feet, a radius of 213.50 feet, with a chord bearing of N 63°27'53" E, and a chord length of 239.37 feet;

thence N 29°22'09" E, a distance of 162.53 feet;

thence N 31°00'04" E, a distance of 66.86 feet to the POINT of BEGINNING.

The above described parcel contains 8.966 acres, more or less.


The following property shall be rezoned to the Community Services and Recreation (CSR) zone district:




A parcel of land being part of Lot 1, Rump subdivision, as recorded in Plat Book 18, at Page 140, Mesa County records, being more particularly described as follows:


Commencing at the Northeast Corner of Lot 1, Rump Subdivision, being the South Quarter Corner of Section 23, Township 11 South, Range 101 West of the 6th Principal Meridian; whence the southeast corner of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 26, bears S 00°24’”E, a distance of 1325.11 Feet for a basis a bearings with all bearings be relative thereto; thence S 00°24’48”E,, a distance of 613.45 feet to the True Point of Beginning; thence S 00°24'48" E, a distance of 401.35 feet to a point on the south line of said Lot 1; thence the following 6 courses along said south line;

1)thence S 89°55'07" W, a distance of 686.87 feet;

2)thence N 24°50'00" W, a distance of 222.64 feet;

3)thence N 57°43'57" W, a distance of 121.84 feet;

4)thence S 34°35'47" W, a distance of 332.76 feet;

5)thence S 05°32'07" W, a distance of 354.33 feet;

6)thence S 19°25'37" W, a distance of 159.26 feet to a point on a non-tangent curve;

thence along a curve to the left, with an arc length of 29.38 feet, a radiu s of 325.00 feet, and a chord bearing of N 08°44'39" W, with a chord length of 29.37 feet;

thence N 11°20'03" W, a distance of 185.15 feet;

thence along a curve to the right with an arc length of 60.89 feet,a radius of 276.24 feet, and a chord bearing of N 04°59'28" W, with a chord length of 60.76 feet;

thence N 01°21'06" E, a distance of 122.05 feet;

thence along a curve to the right, with an arc length of 79.33 feet,a radius of 275.00 feet, with a chord bearing of N 09°36'57" E, and a chord length of 79.06 feet;

thence N 17°52'48" E, a distance of 39.63 feet;

thence along a curve to the right, with an arc length of 102.95 feet,a radius of 275.00 feet, with a chord bearing of N 28°36'16" E, and a chord length of 102.35 feet;

thence N 39°19'45" E, a distance of 120.81 feet;

thence along a curve to the left, with an arc length of 192.42 feet, a radius of 1046.00 feet, with a chord bearing of N 28°49'38" E, and a chord length of 192.15 feet;

thence N 23°33'26" E, a distance of 19.96 feet;

thence S 57°43'57" E, a distance of 207.68 feet;

thence N 79°50'43" E, a distance of 173.17 feet;

thence S 89°04'52" E, a distance of 223.68 feet;

thence S 75°52'06" E, a distance of 122.81 feet;

thence N 72°49'10" E, a distance of 132.27 feet;

thence N 50°54'44" E, a distance of 171.50 feet to the POINT of BEGINNING.

The above described parcel contains 7.037 acres, more or less.


Housing type, density and bulk standards shall be for the Planned Development, 1.32 units per acre (PD 1.32) zone district as noted on the recorded final plat and building envelope plan.



Introduced on first reading this 3rd day of October, 2001.


PASSED and ADOPTED on second reading this 17th day of October, 2001.



             /s/ Cindy Enos-Martinez







/s/ Stephanie Tuin

City Clerk