BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND JUNCTION:  That the following sums of money be appropriated from the sources indicated to the funds within the City of Grand Junction budgets for the year 2001 for expenditure from such funds as follows:



100 General Fund  $ 295,784

 Source of funds:  

  From unappropriated fund balance and additional revenue        $ 295,784



101 Enhanced 911 Special Revenue Fund  $ 13,171

 Source of funds:

  From unappropriated fund balance and additional revenue   $ 13,171


105 Parkland Expansion Fund  $ 5,000

 Source of funds:

  From unappropriated fund balance  $ 5,000



107 Golf Course Expansion Fund  $ 37,000

 Source of funds:

  From unappropriated fund balance  $ 37,000



108 Economic Development Fund   $ 545,000

 Source of funds:

  From unappropriated fund balance and additional revenue $ 545,000



202 Storm Drainage Capital Fund   $ 15,960

 Source of funds:

  From unappropriated fund balance and additional revenue $ 15,960




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203 DDA/TIF CIP Fund  $ 167,300

 Source of funds:

  From unappropriated fund balance and additional revenue  $ 167,300


304 Swimming Pools Fund  $ 66,153

 Source of funds:

  From unappropriated fund balance and additional revenue  $ 66,153



305 Lincoln Park Golf Course Fund  $ 57,889

 Source of funds:

  From unappropriated fund balance and additional revenue  $ 57,889


306 Tiara Rado Golf Course Fund  $ 145,352

 Source of funds:

 From unappropriated fund balance and additional revenue  $ 145,352


307 Cemetery Fund  $ 12,542

  Source of funds:

   From unappropriated fund balance and additional revenue      $ 12,542



308 Parking Fund  $ 52,861

  Source of funds:

 From unappropriated fund balance and additional revenue  $ 52,861



309 Irrigation Fund  $ 16,908

  Source of funds:

 From unappropriated fund balance and additional revenue  $ 16,908



612 GJWWSD Debt Service Fund  $ 200

  Source of funds:

 From unappropriated fund balance and additional revenue  $ 200






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614 Grand Junction Public Finance Corp. Fund $283,922

Source of funds:

 From unappropriated fund balance and additional revenue $283,922  


The following sum shall be appropriated to the Public Works & Utilities Department, said sum to be derived from charges to various departments and customers of the Fleet Management Division:

 For Equipment Fund #402  $ 85,705

  Revenue from Equipment Fund #402  $ 85,705



The following sum shall be appropriated to the Administrative Services Department, said sum to be derived from charges to various departments and customers of the Purchasing Division:

 For Stores Fund #403  $ 17,582

  Revenue from Stores Fund #403  $ 17,582



The following sum shall be appropriated to the Administrative Services Department, said sum to be derived from charges to various departments and customers of the Risk Management Division:

 For Self-Insurance Fund #404  $ 1,856,550

  Revenue from Self-Insurance Fund #404  $ 1,856,550



The following sum shall be appropriated to the Police Department, said sum to be derived from transfers from the E-911 Special Revenue Fund:

 For Communication Center Fund #405  $ 13,148

  Revenue from E-911 Special Revenue Fund #101  $ 13,148




Introduced on first reading this 17th day of October , 2001


Passed and adopted this 7th day of November , 2001


             /s/ Cindy Enos-Martinez

             President of the Council



/s/ Stephanie Tuin

City Clerk