City of Grand Junction Public Records Search
Title Owner Size Record Number
Bid Tabulation IFB-4116-15-DH1 Purchasing 29.1 KB SOLDOC/13218
Report - Historic Preservation - Architectural Inventory - 0903 Teller Avenue - 5ME.8364 Community Development 191.2 KB SPRDOC/1509
Report - Historic Preservation - Architectural Inventory - 0258 Hill Avenue - 5ME.8553 Community Development 176.7 KB SPRDOC/1662
Contract - 2016 - Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Funds for PACE Center - Purchase of Therapy Equipment - HopeWest Office of the City Clerk 705.8 KB CCON/3955
Contract - 2016 - Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Funds for PACE Center - Purchase of Kitchen Appliances - HopeWest Office of the City Clerk 720.7 KB CCON/3956
Contract - 2016 - Community Development Block Grant Program (CDBG) Funds for 3032 N 15th Street (Nellie Bechtel Apartments) coolers - Grand Junction Housing Authority Office of the City Clerk 698.4 KB CCON/3957
Contract - 2016 - Loan agreement - Water Plant Filtration System Improvement Project - Colorado Water Resources and Power Development Authority (CWRPDA) - Drinking Water Revolving Fund Office of the City Clerk 12.6 MB CCON/3958
Contract - 2016 - Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Funds for Targeted Community Outreach and Education - Western Colorado Suicide Prevention Foundation Office of the City Clerk 2.6 MB CCON/3959
Contract - 2016 - Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Funds for Rehabilitation of Two Phoenix Apartments - Housing Resources of Western Colorado Office of the City Clerk 2.7 MB CCON/3960
Contract - 2016 - Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) to Provide Police and Law Enforcement Services - Colorado Mesa University (CMU) State of Colorado Office of the City Clerk 4.8 MB CCON/3966
City Council Minutes - 2018 - May 16 - Special Session Office of the City Clerk 23.6 KB CCMIN/5442
City Council Minutes - 2018 - May 16 - Regular Meeting Office of the City Clerk 4.7 MB CCMIN/5444
City Council Agenda - 2018 - June 4 - Workshop Office of the City Clerk 17.8 MB CCAGD/1504
Lincoln Park Historic Homes - 1450 Grand Ave. New Photo Community Services Manager 791.5 KB PHOTO/60096
Lincoln Park Historic Homes - 1221 Ouray Ave. New Photo Community Services Manager 776.7 KB PHOTO/60104