City of Grand Junction Public Records Search
Title Owner Size Record Number
Contract - 1999 - Contract Dated October 5, 1999 Regarding Red Canyon Sewer Line and Lift Station at Redlands Mesa - Redlands Mesa LLC. Office of the City Clerk 270.1 KB CCON/1800
Contract - 1980 - Reimbursement Agreement - Construction of Sewage Collection Line To Service and Connect With City's Line Along Highway 340, Country Club Park Subdivision, Lots 2 and 3, Block 1 - Robert Clayton Reece Office of the City Clerk 131.3 KB CCON/1803
Contract - 2002 - Fire Protection Services for the Area West of The Gunnison River and South of The Colorado River - Grand Junction Rural Fire Protection District and The Redlands Subdistrict Office of the City Clerk 407.0 KB CCON/1817
Contract - 2001 - To Provide Fire Response, Prevention, Inspection, Rescue and Emergency Medical Response and Service Within The District - Grand Junction Rural Fire Protection District Office of the City Clerk 269.6 KB CCON/1818
Contract - 2003 - Order for Exclusion of Lands from the Grand Junction Rural Fire Protection District - Case No. 00 CV 102 (2002 Annexations) Office of the City Clerk 1012.1 KB CCON/1821
Contract - 1996 - Sanitary Sewer Lift Station at 588 3/4 29 Road - Safeway Stores 46, Incorporated Office of the City Clerk 603.3 KB CCON/1873
Resolution No. 49-01 (Word Version) - 2001 Office of the City Clerk 30.0 KB RESDOC/2020
Resolution No. 63-01 (Word Version) - 2001 Office of the City Clerk 22.5 KB RESDOC/2048
Resolution No. 01-03 - 2003 Office of the City Clerk 83.3 KB RESDOC/2387
Resolution No. 104-03 (Word Version) - 2003 Office of the City Clerk 29.0 KB RESDOC/2416
Resolution No. 93-04 - 2004 Office of the City Clerk 77.4 KB RESDOC/2905
Resolution No. 96-04 - 2004 Office of the City Clerk 138.3 KB RESDOC/2911
Resolution No. 02-05 - 2005 Office of the City Clerk 466.5 KB RESDOC/2921
Resolution No. 03-05 (Word Version) - 2005 Office of the City Clerk 37.0 KB RESDOC/2924
Resolution No. 187-05 (Word Version) - 2005 Office of the City Clerk 26.0 KB RESDOC/3130