City of Grand Junction Public Records Search
Title Owner Size Record Number
Sewer - 1984 - March 19 - Letter From Patrick J. Godsil, EPA To Jim Patterson Re: Industrial Pre-treatment Program Submittal Office of the City Clerk 28.1 KB HISTORY/516
Sewer - 1987 - September 16 - Transmittal Memo From Don Whetstone To Trainor, Boeschenstein, et al Enclosing A Study of The Individual Sewage Disposal Systems Located In The Preliminary Banner Report On Sewer Line Extensions Providing Office of the City Clerk 27.7 KB HISTORY/611
Sewer - 1994 - April 13 - Memo from Dan Wilson and Greg Trainor to City Council and Mark Achen with copies to, amoung others, Mike Casey, re: Proposed Section 4 "System Expansion" of The Sewer Rules and Regulations. Office of the City Clerk 370.9 KB HISTORY/646
Sewer - 1994 - June 07 - Letter From John Crouch To James Shanks Re Trunk Line Extension Projects, Advising 26 Road Trunk Sewer Extension Has Been Approved by Commissioners as Well as Trunk Line Extension Fund for Proposed Rosevale Local Impr Office of the City Clerk 37.6 KB HISTORY/652
Sewer - 1994 - June 27 - Letter From Crouch To Don Van Wormer, et al, Re Their Work On The Valley Vista Project Office of the City Clerk 121.9 KB HISTORY/655
Sewer - 1994 - July 05 - Letter from Shanks to C. Kellie Knowles, West Water Engineering re: Valle Vista Payment of Joint Sewer System Fee for D Watering The Valle Vista Sewer Lagoons. Notice To Westwater Engineering That The County Commissioners, Office of the City Clerk 32.6 KB HISTORY/657
Sewer - 1994 - July 08 - Letter from Glenda Noble, Town Clerk, Town of Palisade, to Commissioners re: Annexation of The "Hollett Property" (With Attachments). [County File " Sewer 1990-1994"] Office of the City Clerk 307.1 KB HISTORY/660
Sewer - 1994 - July 11 - Letter from Vernon O. Pace, President of Pace Enterprises, Inc. to Commissioner John Crouch re: City Annexation. On 7/7/94, Pace Attempted To Purchase Two Sewer Taps In The CGVSD Area and Was Advised That The City Taps Office of the City Clerk 32.4 KB HISTORY/661
Sewer - 1977 - July 31 - Invoice Nos. C6703 and C6704 From HDR, To City of GJ, for GJ, for Engineering Services Re Paradise Hills Interceptor Sewer Office of the City Clerk 65.9 KB HISTORY/673
Sewer - 1977 - September 20 - Colo. Dept of Health, Inter-office Communication From Jon Scherschigt To Jeb Love, Re Efffluent Limitation for GJ Office of the City Clerk 20.5 KB HISTORY/685
Sewer - 1977 - October 18 - Memo From City Utility Account Supervisor To City Finance Directior Office of the City Clerk 167.4 KB HISTORY/688
Grand Junction Regional Airport Authority Board Minutes - 2012 - March 19 Office of the City Clerk 222.8 KB VBMIN/3857
Administrative Reg - 2000 - 07-00 - Transportation Engineering - Speed - School Zones Office of the City Clerk 113.6 KB RULE/27
Administrative Reg - 2001 - 07-01 - Transportation Engineering - Speed - Laura Lee Avenue & Sunshine Lane from 27 1/2 Road to B 1/2 Road Office of the City Clerk 103.1 KB RULE/37
Administrative Reg - 2010 - 02-10 - Transportation Engineering - Speed - D Road from 29 Road to 30 Road Office of the City Clerk 148.6 KB RULE/130