City of Grand Junction Public Records Search
Title Owner Size Record Number
Contract - 1987 - 551 South Avenue - Removal of Water Service - Tommy L. Muncy & Paula M. Muncy Office of the City Clerk 125.4 KB CCON/1693
Contract - 1995 - 411 W. Chipeta Avenue - Douglas P. Murphy Office of the City Clerk 216.6 KB CCON/1694
Contract - 2006 - Old Orchard Estates Subdivision Indemnification Agreement - 774 Old Orchard Road - Northwest Plateau Development Inc. Office of the City Clerk 166.4 KB CCON/1715
Contract - 2004 - Total Service Agreement Orchard Mesa Sanitation District, Sanitary Sewer Services - County of Mesa as A Participant In The Joint System With The City and The Orchard Mesa Sanitation District Mesa County File #mca 2004-030 Office of the City Clerk 391.7 KB CCON/1724
Contract - 2001 - Conveyance of Sanitary Sewer System, Maintenance and Operation To The City of Grand Junction - Panorama Improvement District Office of the City Clerk 6.2 MB CCON/1736
Contract - 2008 - Two Rivers Convention Center Operable Partition and Ceiling Replacement - PNCI Construction, Inc. Office of the City Clerk 440.7 KB CCON/1755
Contract - 2008 - Fire Protection Services, 1st Amendment added - Grand Junction Rural Fire Protection District and Redlands Subdistrict Office of the City Clerk 760.0 KB CCON/1792
Contract - 2007 - Riverview Estates Subdivision Notice of "Lots Cannot Be Built Upon" Until Easement Is Released - 280 29 Road - Riverview Estates, LLC. Office of the City Clerk 318.6 KB CCON/1857
Contract - 2005 - Rood Avenue Parking Structure Phase 1 Preconstruction Services (Parking Garage) - Shaw Construction Inc Office of the City Clerk 3.1 MB CCON/1901
Contract - 2006 - Private Streets Maintenance Agreement, Shadow Run at The Ridges - Shadow Run, LLP. Office of the City Clerk 241.5 KB CCON/1903
Contract - 2004 - United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service Office of the City Clerk 620.5 KB CCON/2001
Ordinance No. 4482 (Word Version) - 2011 Office of the City Clerk 8.6 MB ORD/8580
PIAB Agenda - 2007 - August 09 PARKS & RECREATION 57.2 KB QJVBAGD/2296
PRAB Minutes - 2000 - March 16 PARKS & RECREATION 153.3 KB VBMIN/41
Resolution No. 04-93 - 1993 (Extended by Resolution No. 04-98) Office of the City Clerk 160.0 KB RESDOC/7