City of Grand Junction Public Records Search
Title Owner Size Record Number
Deed - Lot 15 Block 6, Arcadia Village ; Alley Off North Avenue Lot 15 Block 6 Right-of-Way - Frank W. Chambers, Leona B. Chambers, Alma E. Porter and Leila C. Kane Office of the City Clerk 189.2 KB DDOC/233
Deed - Right-of-Way for Street and Utility Purposes 1st Street - George P. Chronis and Cecelia G. Chronis Office of the City Clerk 165.7 KB DDOC/239
Deed - 24th and Gunnison NE Corner, 586 North 24th Street Right-of-Way Lot 9 of Block 6 of Mesa Gardens Subdivision - Gerald Lucas Clarke, and Marla F. Clarke Office of the City Clerk 206.2 KB DDOC/249
Deed - North Ave and N. 2nd Street Right-of-Way - Olga Clark and Carole A. Buterly Office of the City Clerk 174.8 KB DDOC/250
Deed - 28-1/4 Road for Right-of-Way - Colorado National Bank F/K/A A Central Bank of Grand Junction N. A., Trustee for Marjorie M. Banks by Homer L. Hancock (Vice President) and Derrick W. Robinson (Assistant Vice President) Office of the City Clerk 222.4 KB DDOC/263
Deed - 5th Street From 6th To 5th Street for Street and Utility Right-of-Way Purposes - Randall L. Cole and Wilma D. Cole Office of the City Clerk 235.8 KB DDOC/271
Deed - Right-of-Way Harris Road About North Ave East Side - S. W. Collins and Gladys L. Collins Office of the City Clerk 193.8 KB DDOC/273
Deed - Orchard Ave. Near 28-5/8 Road and Orchard Ave. - Robert A. Collins and Marcella M. Collins Office of the City Clerk 174.2 KB DDOC/277
Deed - Southeast Corner First Street and North Avenue for Road Right-of-Way - Terrence J. O'Connor Office of the City Clerk 90.8 KB DDOC/280
Deed - 41st Street, for Street and Utility Right-of-Way (Pear Rd) - Clarence Cook and Ruth M. Cook Office of the City Clerk 206.0 KB DDOC/282
Deed - 2808 Orchard Ave. for Road and Utility Right-of-Way Purposes - Donny M. Cooksey and Anna B. Cooksey Office of the City Clerk 212.4 KB DDOC/283
Deed - Lot 1 of Block 3 of West Lake Park Annex Right-of-Way - Ray L. Corey and Muriel L. Corey Office of the City Clerk 149.7 KB DDOC/287
Deed - Right-of-Way for Power Road - Brach's Corner, LLC, 250 North 5th Street Office of the City Clerk 151.5 KB DDOC/298
Deed - North Bank of Colorado River - Colorado Riverfront Foundation Incorporated Office of the City Clerk 203.2 KB DDOC/301
Deed - South of Redlands Parkway Lots 27 and 28 Orchard Grove Subdivision - Colorado Riverfront Foundation, Inc. Office of the City Clerk 140.2 KB DDOC/304