City of Grand Junction Public Records Search
Title Owner Size Record Number
Contract - 1977 - Construction of Sewage Trunk Line To Service Members and Connection With City's Sewage Collection and Disposal Facility Property Owners Located In An Area NE of The Intersection of F Road and 25 1/2 Road - F Road Sewer Association Office of the City Clerk 407.3 KB CCON/1297
Contract - 2009 - Exchange Real Estate (Vacant Land) - Mark Gamble Office of the City Clerk 317.7 KB CCON/1310
Contract - 1995 - Removal/Disposal of Outdated Chemicals Used In Water and Wastewater Analysis and Purification Indemnification - Grand Junction Laboratories Incorporated Office of the City Clerk 187.9 KB CCON/1352
Contract - 2009 - Cargo Ramp Utility Relocation (Phase 1) at Grand Junction Regional Airport - Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Office of the City Clerk 1.2 MB CCON/1357
Contract - 2007 - 217 and 247 White Avenue Treated as One Parcel - Grand Valley Catholic Outreach Office of the City Clerk 309.2 KB CCON/1365
Contract - 2004 - 3291 D 1/2 Road, Perpetual Drainage Easement for The Replacement of Storm Water Drainage Facilities - Dean L and Verona A Griffith Office of the City Clerk 186.5 KB CCON/1371
Contract - 2007 - Private Streets Maintenance Agreement - Hilltop Health Services Corporation Office of the City Clerk 222.4 KB CCON/1415
Contract - 2002 - Certificate of Resolution - Investment / Securities - Establish Account To Enable The Buying, Selling and Trading of Securities - Kirkpatrick, Pettis, Smith, Polian Inc. (Kirkpatrick Pettis) Office of the City Clerk 214.7 KB CCON/1746
Contract - 2002 - Indemnification Agreement Relating To Hole #4, Redlands Mesa Golf Course - Red Junction LLC (" Golf Land Owner") and Redlands Mesa, LLC Office of the City Clerk 279.2 KB CCON/1795
Contract - 2003 - Consent To Petition for Inclusion Property Known as The East Valley Property - Case No. 81 CV611 - Redlands Mosquito Control District Through The District Court, Mesa County Office of the City Clerk 109.3 KB CCON/1796
Contract - 1991 - District Plan and Agreement - Ridges Metropolitan District Office of the City Clerk 1.6 MB CCON/1840
Contract - 2005 - Reciprocal Cross Access Easement - 2340 I-70 Frontage Road - RMEC Properties, LLC. Office of the City Clerk 250.3 KB CCON/1841
Deed - 650 24 1/2 Road - Brookwillow Village Phase II Filing 3 - Darter, LLC. Office of the City Clerk 172.0 KB DDOC/1709
Deed - (Quit Claim and Corrective) - Lot 1 of the Rood Avenue Parking Plaza - Rood Avenue Parking Plaza - GJ Downtown Development Authority AKA Grand Junction, Colorado Downtown Development Authority Office of the City Clerk 470.9 KB DDOC/1711
Deed (Quit Claim) - 2753 D Road - Public Road and Utility right-of-Way for Riverside Parkway Project - Dolores A. Roberts Office of the City Clerk 167.8 KB DDOC/1722