City of Grand Junction Public Records Search
Title Owner Size Record Number
Sewer - 1980 - April 10 - Letter To Jeb Love, CDOH/WQCD From HDR (Jim Abbott) Enclosing Copies of The Sewer Use Ordinance and Industrial Cost Recovery Ordinance Together With Appendices A and B and Resolutions of CGVSD, Ridges, and OMSD Office of the City Clerk 58.4 KB HISTORY/332
Sewer - 1980 - April 14 - Memo From Jim Patterson To Maxine Albers Re: State, Federal, and Local Guidelines, Regulations and Goals Relating To 208 Water Quality Management Agencies Office of the City Clerk 45.5 KB HISTORY/333
Sewer - 1980 - May 12 - Memo From Jim Patterson To Jane Quimby Re Deferred EPA Construction Funds for 1980 Office of the City Clerk 38.4 KB HISTORY/335
Sewer - 1980 - July 14 - Letter From Thomas J. Mancuso, Demuth, Kemp & Backus, Enclosing Supplemental Agreement Between City and OMSD and Fruitvale Office of the City Clerk 82.7 KB HISTORY/341
Sewer - 1980 - July 21 - Letter From J. E. Patterson To Fruitvale Water & Sanitation District, Transmitting Supplemental Agreement Office of the City Clerk 21.4 KB HISTORY/342
Sewer - 1980 - September 23 - Letter To Ron Schuyler, CDOH/WQCD From Jim Abbott To HDR Requesting A Letter Defining Grand Junction's Priority for An EPA Grant To Assist In Funding The Persigo Plant The Information To Be Used To Satisfy A Question From Office of the City Clerk 26.6 KB HISTORY/349
Sewer - 1980 - October 24 - Letter From Thomas J. Mancuso, Demuth, Kemp & Backus To Mcconnahey, Clark, Hahn, Patterson et al Transmitting The Preliminary Official Statement and Seeking Comment Office of the City Clerk 34.7 KB HISTORY/353
Sewer - 1980 - November 01 - Chadwick, Steinkirchner, Davis & Co., CPAs, Opinion and Worksheet Illustrating Statements of Revenues and Expenses and Funds Available for Debt Service for The Sewer Fund for The Years 1975-1978 Office of the City Clerk 115.7 KB HISTORY/354
Sewer - 1980 - November 24 - Recommendations for Changes In The Sanitary Sewer Service Fees for Mesa County and The City of Grand Junction, Co., Prepared by James E. Patterson, Jr., Utilities Director, City of Grand Junction Office of the City Clerk 643.8 KB HISTORY/360
Sewer - 1980 - December 31 - Financial Statements and Auditors' Report City of Grand Junction/Mesa County, Colorado Joint Sewer System Dec. 31, 1980 by Chadwick, Steinkirchner, Davis & Co. (2 Copies) Office of the City Clerk 236.0 KB HISTORY/364
Sewer - 1981 - January 22 - Successor In Interest Agreement. MCA-81-8 Office of the City Clerk 75.7 KB HISTORY/370
Sewer - 1981 - January 26 - Permit No. CO-0026417 Authorization To Discharge Under National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System, Issued To City of G. J. Expires 6/30/83 Office of the City Clerk 544.6 KB HISTORY/372
Sewer - 1981 - February 10 - Memo From Pattrson and Wysocki To City Council and County Commissioners Re: Delay In Obtaining Construction Grant To Start Building The New Sewage Treatment Plant as A Result of Difficulty Getting Plans Approved by The State Office of the City Clerk 49.0 KB HISTORY/374
Sewer - 1981 - November 30 - Letter From Louie Brach, Mayor Otto Frank Rozich, Colorado Department of Health, (Also Signed by Curt Weideman, County Administrator) Re: Request for Additional EPA Funds ($1.6 Million In Surplus Following The EPA Granting Office of the City Clerk 37.6 KB HISTORY/415
Sewer - 1982 - May 13 - Letter From George White, Mesa County Commissioners, To Louis Brach, Mayor, Expressing Concern Over Rigid 201 Boundary Lines, Advising Their Staff And Consultants Have Been Asked To Investigate Methods by Which The Boundary Could Office of the City Clerk 48.8 KB HISTORY/430