City of Grand Junction Public Records Search
Title Owner Size Record Number
Contract - 2022 - Redlands Roundabout Phase I - Pavia Justinian Fine Art, LLC Office of the City Clerk 316.0 KB CCON/4734
Lease - 2022 - Outdoor Dining - Jay Shree Ganesh, Inc. dba Guru's Kitchen - 356 Main Street Office of the City Clerk 5.4 MB LDOC/723
Lease - Master Lease Agreement - Police Department Leased Vehicles - Unified Fleet Services, LLC Office of the City Clerk 1.9 MB LDOC/725
Site Visit Sign-In Sheet IFB-5070-22-KH Purchasing 248.4 KB SOLDOC/24055
VGJ - Board Minutes - 2022 - February 8 Visit Grand Junction 103.9 KB VBMIN/6205
VGJ - Board Minutes - 2022 - March 8 Visit Grand Junction 103.1 KB VBMIN/6206
VGJ - Board Minutes - 2022 - April 12 Visit Grand Junction 83.4 KB VBMIN/6207
Grand Junction Regional Airport Authority Board Agenda - 2022 - May 17 Office of the City Clerk 245.2 KB QJVBAGD/2376
Downtown Grand Junction Business Improvement District (BID) Board Minutes - 2022 - March 17 Office of the City Clerk 207.7 KB VBMIN/6208
Downtown Development Authority (DDA) Board Minutes - 2022 - March 17 Office of the City Clerk 241.1 KB VBMIN/6209
Downtown Development Authority (DDA) Board Minutes - 2022 - March 31 - Special Meeting Office of the City Clerk 189.1 KB VBMIN/6210
Resolution No. 39-22 - 2022 - A Resolution Supporting the Grant Application for Revitalizing Main Streets Opportunity 1 Grant Program for Crosby Avenue Reconstruction Office of the City Clerk 777.7 KB RESDOC/6307
Resolution No. 41-22 - 2022 - A Resolution Ratifying the Sale Agreement for 2600 Riverside Parkway Office of the City Clerk 13.5 MB RESDOC/6308
Resolution No. 42-22 - 2022 - A Resolution Approving a Conveyance of a Utility Easement to Cindy Coop Across City Property/Property Located at/in the Vicinity of 4901 Purdy Mesa Road Office of the City Clerk 1.1 MB RESDOC/6309
Resolution No. 43-22 - 2022 - A Resolution Accepting a Petition for the Annexation of Lands to the City of Grand Junction, Colorado, Making Certain Findings, and Determining that Property Known as the Twenty Eighty Broadway Annexation Approximately 2.37 Office of the City Clerk 817.8 KB RESDOC/6310