City of Grand Junction Public Records Search
Title Owner Size Record Number
Contract - 2005 - 2520 Highway 6 & 50 Site Location Expansion Appeal Withdrawl (Appeal of Director's Decision) - Kissner Enterprises, LLC. (Pine Country, Inc. ) Office of the City Clerk 85.6 KB CCON/1506
Contract - 2006 - Storm and/or Surface Water Will Be Discharged Into The Copeco Drainage Ditch Owned by Grand Junction Drainage District - 2155 H Road, Monument Truck Office, Shop, and Warehouse - Knight and Durmas Properties LLC Office of the City Clerk 193.5 KB CCON/1507
Contract - 1994 - 931 North 1st Street Conditions for Building Permit and Occupancy Permit Set Forth for Larry Badini and His Successors - Knowlton Auto Sales, Larry J. Badini Office of the City Clerk 488.0 KB CCON/1508
Contract - 1995 - Lots 10C, 11C; Block 7, Ridges Subdivision, Filing #3 - Leo T and Carolyn Prinster Office of the City Clerk 137.4 KB CCON/1514
Contract - 2004 - To Insure That Certain Rental and Occupancy Limitations Associated With The Program Are Met - Colorado Division of Housing and Rent Use Convenant (EIAF #03-047 Linden Pointe) Office of the City Clerk 275.6 KB CCON/1518
Contract - 1990 - Hold Harmless Agreement in Connection with Sewer Line Beneath Property Lot 1D and RGW Railroad Subdivision Filing No. 5 Also Known as 337 South First Street - Arvan R. Leany and Arvan J. Leany Office of the City Clerk 122.3 KB CCON/1519
Contract - 2010 - Order for Exclusion of Lands from the Lower Valley Fire Protection District - Case No. 21760, January 28, 2010 (2009 Annexations) Office of the City Clerk 356.8 KB CCON/1526
Contract - 2008 - Artwork for the Sherwood Park Restroom Building - Vinje Lawson Office of the City Clerk 408.2 KB CCON/1528
Contract - 2010 - D Road Bridge Replacement - D Road - Martinez Western Constructors Office of the City Clerk 852.2 KB CCON/1557
Contract - 2000 - Termination Agreement for Matchett Property - 200 Acres N of Patterson and E of 28 1/4 Road - The Grand Junction Public Finance Corporation and Sarah M. Matchett Office of the City Clerk 223.0 KB CCON/1560
Contract - 2009 - 22 Road Bridge Replacement - Mays Concrete, Inc. Office of the City Clerk 631.4 KB CCON/1563
Contract - 2009 - 7th Street Bridge Replacement Project - Mays Concrete Inc. Office of the City Clerk 660.9 KB CCON/1564
Contract - 1996 - Treating Two Parcels as One for KEKB Expansion - 315 Kennedy and 1355 North 4th Street - Richard and Janet Maynard Office of the City Clerk 151.7 KB CCON/1565
Contract - 2009 - Escrow Account for The Office of The City Clerk for Recording Documents - Mesa County Clerk and Recorder Office of the City Clerk 238.7 KB CCON/1578
Contract - 2004 - 705 Horizon Drive, Sale of Former City Right-of-Way, No Longer Used - McGovern Enterprises, GS and PD Living Trust Office of the City Clerk 433.9 KB CCON/1583