City of Grand Junction Public Records Search
Title Owner Size Record Number
Grand Junction Colorado State Leasing Authority Board Minutes - 2008 - February 22 Office of the City Clerk 79.4 KB VBMIN/3504
Old Hire Police Pension Board Minutes - 1959 - October 26 Office of the City Clerk 114.4 KB VBMIN/3531
Liquor and Beer Meeting Minutes - 1994 - April 20 Office of the City Clerk 84.8 KB ADPROC/297
Zoning Board of Appeals Agenda - 2005 - October 12 Community Development 103.2 KB QJVBAGD/66
Zoning Board of Appeals Agenda - 2008 - February 13 Community Development 81.2 KB QJVBAGD/94
Permit PROW - 2007 - Revocable - 591 North Commercial Drive - Landscape Improvements - Juan D. Vazquez Office of the City Clerk 233.6 KB PWROW/47
City Council Agenda - 2012 - February 13 - Workshop Office of the City Clerk 4.1 MB CCAGD/906
City Council Agenda - 2012 - February 15 - Regular Meeting - Canceled Office of the City Clerk 133.4 KB CCAGD/907
Planning Commission Minutes - 2012 - January 10 Community Development 171.0 KB VBMIN/4444
Newsletter - Grapevine Newsletter Volume 25 January 2005 Office of the City Clerk 1.7 MB PUB/18
Sewer - 1978 - March 14 - Minutes of Valley Wide Sewer Committee Meeting Office of the City Clerk 24.1 KB HISTORY/27
Sewer - 1980 - November 20 - Boettcher & Company Closing Details for Mesa County, Sewer Improvement Bonds, Series 1980a and Mesa County, Sewer Refunding Revenue Bonds, Series 1980b for Closing 11/20/80 Office of the City Clerk 93.0 KB HISTORY/55
Sewer - 1981 - May 06 - Memo by Danny Davis, CPA, Chadwick, Steinkirchner, Davis & Co. Mr. Davis's Memo Summarizing A Meeting On 5/6/81 With Various City and County Officials Concerning The Reporting of The Joint Sewer System Operations. Addresses Office of the City Clerk 56.2 KB HISTORY/61
Sewer - 1981 - July 13 - Letter To The EPA c/o CDOH From Jim Patterson Enclosing Executed Federal Grant Documents Signed by Mr. Patterson "On Behalf of Mesa County" (i.e., The Grant for $10.5 Million). (Attached Is The Grant.) Office of the City Clerk 287.4 KB HISTORY/62
Sewer - 1983 - November 10 - Draft Agreement Creating Sewer Authority (A Draft Intergovernmental Agreement Pursuant To C. R. S. 1973 29-1-201 (Intergovernmental Agreements) and 30-20-402 (County Authority To Enter Into Intergovernmental Agreements Office of the City Clerk 117.3 KB HISTORY/74