City of Grand Junction Public Records Search
Title Owner Size Record Number
Sewer - 1979 - December 12 - 2 Letters 1 From James Patterson To Al Reuter 2 From James Patterson To Kenneth Snider Office of the City Clerk 32.6 KB HISTORY/316
Sewer - 1980 - June 16 - Handwritten Notes From The EPA's File " It Appears That Grants Will Go To The County?" Office of the City Clerk 25.5 KB HISTORY/338
Sewer - 1980 - August 05 - Supplemental Agreement Between Orchard Mesa Sanitation District and City of Grand Junction Office of the City Clerk 168.4 KB HISTORY/343
Sewer - 1980 - September 04 - Memo From Ralph Sterry To Jim Wysocki Re: Water Supply Office of the City Clerk 56.1 KB HISTORY/346
Sewer - 1980 - October 01 - Handwritten Notes - Steve Clark To Bob Tallmadge With Escrow Bank's Requests for Revisions To The Escrow Instructions - 1980 Bonds Office of the City Clerk 26.7 KB HISTORY/350
Sewer - 1980 - December 19 - Letter From Ken Snider, OMSD President, To Whom It May Concern, Re Changes In Rates, Procedures, Taps and Service Fees Office of the City Clerk 27.3 KB HISTORY/362
Sewer - 1981 - January 07 - City Ordinance 1934. An Ordinance Changing Sewer Rates. EQU Raised To $4.95 Beginning 2/1/81. Ordinance Effective 2/1/81 Office of the City Clerk 71.6 KB HISTORY/365
Sewer - 1981 - May 01 - Goals, Objectives and Policies of The Comprehensive Planning Process - City of Grand Junction and Mesa County Office of the City Clerk 853.0 KB HISTORY/386
Sewer - 1981 - July 13 - Letter Harvey Hormberg From Tom Tayon, CDOH/WQCD, Observing Discrepancies In Jim Abbott's Representations Regarding Project Costs and Grant Monies and Acknowledging CDOH Recommended The Phasing of The Grant Applications Into Office of the City Clerk 56.2 KB HISTORY/400
Sewer - 1982 - July 29 - Memo From Jim Patterson To Jim Wysocki Re: Eric Kelley Is Proposing Changes In The 201 Sewer Service Area Boundary Possibly Suggesting The Deletion of Rivers and Floodplain Areas In Order To Add Area Elsewhere. Office of the City Clerk 19.9 KB HISTORY/436
Sewer - 1982 - December 21 - Letter To Jim Patterson From Grand Valley Rural Powerlines, Inc. Re: The Need To Special Order Equipment In Order To Provide Electric Service To The Persigo Plant Office of the City Clerk 37.3 KB HISTORY/452
Sewer - 1984 - January 27 - Memo From Steven B. Johnson, Assistant County Attorney To Mark Eckert, Assistant Administrator Re: Request To Jim Patterson From The County To Provide The County With Information and Analysis Concerning: The Possibility of Office of the City Clerk 244.1 KB HISTORY/510
Sewer - 1984 - March 23 - Memo From Mark Eckert To Jim Patterson Re Septic Disposal - How Is It Going To Be Handled at The Persigo Plant? Will It Be Accepted Or Wll The County Continue To Use The Landfill? Office of the City Clerk 25.7 KB HISTORY/518
Sewer - 1984 - June 06 - Letter From Steve Johnson, Mesa County Attorney's Office To Jim Patterson Re: Industrial Pre-treatment Program - County Attorney's Review of Proposed Memorandum of Agreement Between The City and The EPA Office of the City Clerk 33.9 KB HISTORY/529
Sewer - 1984 - June 18 - Letter From Bob Reece, First American Title Co., On Behalf of The Home Builders Association of Northwestern Colorado To Gerald Ashby Re Powers of Attorney for Subdivisions Office of the City Clerk 69.6 KB HISTORY/532