City of Grand Junction Public Records Search
Title Owner Size Record Number
Contract - 2009 - Allocation of the City's Private Activity Bonds - Colorado Housing and Financing Authority (CHFA) Office of the City Clerk 92.4 KB CCON/1409
Contract - 2010 - Hardware Maintenance for All Cisco Equipment - Key Government Finance, Inc. Office of the City Clerk 419.9 KB CCON/1501
Contract - 2005 - 2520 Highway 6 & 50 Site Location Expansion Appeal Withdrawl (Appeal of Director's Decision) - Kissner Enterprises, LLC. (Pine Country, Inc. ) Office of the City Clerk 85.6 KB CCON/1506
Contract - 2008 - Artwork for the Sherwood Park Restroom Building - Vinje Lawson Office of the City Clerk 408.2 KB CCON/1528
Contract - 2003 - Parking Garage Property and Maintenance Agreement - Mesa County Office of the City Clerk 206.0 KB CCON/1587
Contract - 2009 - Design/Build Persigo Waste Water Treatment Plant Shop Building - PNCI Construction, Inc. Office of the City Clerk 1.2 MB CCON/1757
Contract - 1999 - Agreement Dated December 6, 1999 Conveying Certain Lands and Restrictions On The Use of Open Space In Redlands Mesa Planned Development - Redlands Mesa, LLC, A Colorado Limited Liability Company by Ronald Austin Office of the City Clerk 186.6 KB CCON/1793
Contract - 2006 - Traffic Calming Features - Redlands Mesa, LLC. Office of the City Clerk 156.4 KB CCON/1799
Contract - 1990 - Water Permit Dated June 29, 1990, Parcel No. 2969-232-00-170, To Obtain Untreated Raw Water, Kannah Creek Flowline - Stephen K. Wood and Margaret P. Wood Office of the City Clerk 217.8 KB CCON/2110
Contract - 2011 - Conduct Environmental Assessment for Replacement Runway 11/29 (Phase II) at Grand Junction Regional Airport - Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Office of the City Clerk 3.8 MB CCON/2135
Deed - 2751 D Road - Public Roadway and Utilities Right-of-Way for Riverside Parkway - Christopher D. M. Franklin Office of the City Clerk 191.1 KB DDOC/1712
521DA Operations and Maintenance Agreement - Habitat for Humanity - FP-2008-261 Public Works - Streets 212.6 KB OMDOC/45
PRAB Minutes - 1999 - May 20 PARKS & RECREATION 202.0 KB VBMIN/52
PRAB Minutes - 2002 - January 17 PARKS & RECREATION 197.5 KB VBMIN/56
PRAB Minutes - 2002 - May 30 - Special Meeting PARKS & RECREATION 175.0 KB VBMIN/60