City of Grand Junction Public Records Search
Title Owner Size Record Number
Liquor and Beer Meeting Minutes - 1990 - November 21 Office of the City Clerk 98.4 KB ADPROC/216
Liquor and Beer Meeting Minutes - 2005 - January 5 Office of the City Clerk 133.8 KB ADPROC/550
Permit PROW - 2005 - Revocable - 2584 G Road (Fox Run at The Estates) - Irrigation Improvements - Juliann A. Martin Family Trust, Juliann A. Martin and Ted A. Martin, Trustees and Wrights Mesa, LLC., Ted Martin, Manager Office of the City Clerk 203.3 KB PWROW/68
Sewer - 1978 - January 23 - Undated Step II Engineering Fee Breakdown Grand Junction and Mesa County, Colorado for Retention Reservoir and Pump Station 12.5 MGD Wastewater Treatment Plant; Step II Engineering Fee Summary [1/23/78 and 1/17/78] Office of the City Clerk 130.2 KB HISTORY/18
Sewer - 1980 - March 26 - Letter To Harvey Hormberg, EPA, From Jim Patterson Enclosing Fruitvale San. District Resolution Supporting Joint City/County Ordinances for Sewer Use and Individual Cost Office of the City Clerk 22.8 KB HISTORY/45
Sewer - 1984 - January 30 - Memo From Mark Eckert, Assistant County Administrator To Jim Patterson Re: Comments On Persigo 201 Plant Update, The Sewer Rate and Grand Junction Infiltration Studies - Presenting A Synopsis of County Staff Comments Office of the City Clerk 50.6 KB HISTORY/77
Sewer - 1985 - May 29 - City of GJ Memo From Mark Achen To John Tasker Requesting Status of ARIX Recommendations Re Sewer Rates Office of the City Clerk 23.3 KB HISTORY/88
Sewer - 1978 - Population Estimates 1978 Office of the City Clerk 446.3 KB HISTORY/94
Sewer - 1978 - June 28 - Memo From Duane Jensen To Jim Wysocki Re: Operation of Water Supply for Summer of 1978 Office of the City Clerk 40.0 KB HISTORY/253
Sewer - 1978 - September 21 - Letter From John Porter To Errol Snider Re: Sewer Plant Expressing Personal Opinion Office of the City Clerk 33.7 KB HISTORY/264
Sewer - 1981 - January 19 - Letter To Harvey Hormberg, EPA, From Ron Schuyler, CDOH/WQCD Enclosing Grant Amendment No. 4 - Executed (With Enclosure) Office of the City Clerk 458.7 KB HISTORY/369
Sewer - 1983 - June 27 - Memo From Harley Seybold To Jim Patterson Re: New Sewer Areas Connecting To City Sewer, Information Requested From Patterson Office of the City Clerk 29.9 KB HISTORY/478
Sewer - 1984 - March 23 - Memo From Mark Eckert To Jim Patterson Re Septic Disposal - How Is It Going To Be Handled at The Persigo Plant? Will It Be Accepted Or Wll The County Continue To Use The Landfill? Office of the City Clerk 25.7 KB HISTORY/518
Sewer - 1985 - June 12 - Letter From Robert C. Tallmadge - Tallmadge, Tallmadge, Wallace & Hahn, P. C. To John Tasker, City Finance Director In Response To 6/7/85 Letter - The City Adopts The Budget Which Is Then Approved by The County. Office of the City Clerk 33.3 KB HISTORY/570
Water - Brandon Ditch Second Enlargement, Water Rights in the Gunnison River, Case No. 97CW17, Ref. 90CW50, 85CW199 - Water Division No. 4, Colorado, District Court Office of the City Clerk 49.9 KB WRDOC/192