City of Grand Junction Public Records Search
Title Owner Size Record Number
Deed - 631 26-1/2 Road - Public Roadway and Utilities Right-of-Way - Shirley A. Howard, Donald G. Files and Robert L. Files Office of the City Clerk 432.1 KB DDOC/730
Deed - 2709 B-3/4 Road, Daughter's Cove Minor Subdivision On Orchard Mesa - Richard I. Bishop Office of the City Clerk 143.8 KB DDOC/1311
Deed - 773 26 1/2 Road Old Orchard Estates - A Fourteen Foot Wide Multi-purpose Easement - Robert L Ruth Jr and Dorothy A Ruth Office of the City Clerk 228.8 KB DDOC/1340
Deed - North Side of Patterson Road - 27-1/2 To 28 - Right-of-Way for Present F Road - J. Earl and Mildred H. Shaw Office of the City Clerk 227.4 KB DDOC/1409
Deed - 2635 N. 7th Street Patterson Road Right-of- Way, 1st Street To 7th Street - Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth Health Services Corporation, Sister Macrina Ryan (President) and Sister Mary Serena Sheehy (Secretary) Office of the City Clerk 289.2 KB DDOC/1431
Deed - 2854 F Road - Matchett Park Expansion Development - Timothy W. Smith and Susan F. Smith Office of the City Clerk 203.3 KB DDOC/1443
Deed - Right-of-Way for 27 1/2 Road - 1836 Ridge Drive, Lot 4, Block 1, Bell Ridge Subdivision Filing No. Two - James M. Stodder and Jo Ellen Stodder Office of the City Clerk 277.5 KB DDOC/1476
Deed - Maldonado Street Right-of-Way for El Poso Sewer SSD-34-76 - Pete Trujillo Office of the City Clerk 156.8 KB DDOC/1524
Easement - 61124 Road - Reciprocal Easement for Access and Utilities On The Access Easement Area - American National Bank and FP Investments, LLC Office of the City Clerk 410.3 KB EPDOC/24
Easement - Lowell Lane Right-of-Way 2738 F Road SS 28-27 - Laurence Ely and Marjorie Ely Office of the City Clerk 196.8 KB EPDOC/311
Easement - 802 1st Avenue - West 14 Feet of Lot 1 and The South 14 Feet of Lots 1 Through 5, Block 2 of The Milldale Subdivision - Easement for The Installation Operation, Maintenance, Repair and Replacement of Utilities - Thomas Geist Office of the City Clerk 244.2 KB EPDOC/381
Easement - Arcadia Village Right-of-Way, 23rd Street - Harold Hofferber and Virginia Hofferber Office of the City Clerk 121.6 KB EPDOC/500
Easement - 1350 North Ave., Grand Junction, Co 81501 - Public Sidewalk Improvements - Judith Adele Martin, Stephen Mackemer Johnson, Jerome Robert Johnson, Kenneth Alan Johnson, and Milo Richard Johnson Office of the City Clerk 299.6 KB EPDOC/684
Easement - 552 25 Road "C" - Trolley Park Office/Warehouse - McCallum Family, LLC. Office of the City Clerk 250.4 KB EPDOC/695
Easement - 649 26 Road - Sanitary Sewer Easement - David Sigismund and Anne G. Sigismund Office of the City Clerk 198.6 KB EPDOC/1001