City of Grand Junction Public Records Search
Title Owner Size Record Number
Downtown Development Authority (DDA) Board Minutes - 2008 - October 23 Office of the City Clerk 83.5 KB VBMIN/2882
Liquor and Beer Meeting Minutes - 1987 - August 5 Office of the City Clerk 242.3 KB ADPROC/140
Liquor and Beer Meeting Minutes - 1995 - January 4 Office of the City Clerk 82.0 KB ADPROC/312
Liquor and Beer Meeting Minutes - 2001 - December 5 Office of the City Clerk 162.1 KB ADPROC/476
Liquor and Beer Meeting Minutes - 2004 - December 15 Office of the City Clerk 132.4 KB ADPROC/549
Grand Junction Commission on Arts and Culture Minutes - 2003 - September 24 Office of the City Clerk 94.0 KB VBMIN/3716
Forestry Board Minutes - 2005 - July 8 PARKS & RECREATION 185.0 KB VBMIN/3795
Permit PROW - 2006 - Revocable - 350 W. Grand Avenue - El Paso Area Improvement District - Irrigation Improvements - Frank Maldonado and Julia M. Maldonado and Marilyn N. Trueblood Office of the City Clerk 246.6 KB PWROW/70
Sewer - 1978 - February 02 - Letter From Duane Jensen To Kent Harbert Re: Listing Requirements Prior To Acceptance Office of the City Clerk 24.5 KB HISTORY/22
Sewer - 1983 - October 05 - Note and Agreement Re 15 Reisling Court, Grand Junction; 4/23/82 Letter From Wiley D. Snodgrass, Destination Properties, Inc. To John Tasker, City Finance Director, Enclosing Copies of PIF Receipts, Receipts Nos. 9896, 9886, Office of the City Clerk 41.7 KB HISTORY/489
Sewer - 1984 - April 09 - Resolution of Central Grand Valley Sanitation District Establishing An Industrial Pretreatment Program With The City Adopting The Industrial Pretreatment Program and Agreeing for The City To Enforce That Program Office of the City Clerk 47.3 KB HISTORY/523
Sewer - 1986 - February 07 - City of Grand Junction/Mesa County Sanitary Sewerage System (Revised Information In 201 Area and Interceptor Line Needs Specific To The Redlands Area 201. Boundary Information Specific To Boundary Changes); 2/7/86 City of GJ Office of the City Clerk 109.9 KB HISTORY/575
Permit - Fence - 1985 - Paul Kelleher - 2848 Chipeta Avenue Community Development 48.6 KB PERMIT/37
Permit - Fence - 1987 - Edna Krugers - 1060 Rood Avenue Community Development 64.0 KB PERMIT/122
Permit - Fence - 1988 - Nancy Seaman - 412 Teller Community Development 44.7 KB PERMIT/213