City of Grand Junction Public Records Search
Title Owner Size Record Number
Easement - Calvary Bible Church, 629 27 H Road - Patterson Road To G Road - Calvary Bible Church Office of the City Clerk 233.8 KB EPDOC/137
Easement - 2258 Broadway - Katelyn's Simple Subdivision - Canyon View Car Wash, LLC. Office of the City Clerk 192.9 KB EPDOC/216
Easement - 555 Bluff Court - Easement for Vehicular and Pedestrian Ingress and Egress Purposes for The Bluffs Sewer Improvement District - Henry G. Drake and Judith K. Drake Office of the City Clerk 258.6 KB EPDOC/281
Easement - 503 W Ouray Ave - Easement for Electric and Telecommunications Facility - Isidore Garcia and Rosie M. Garcia Office of the City Clerk 201.7 KB EPDOC/373
Easement - 417 W Chipeta Ave - Easement for Electric and Telecommunications Facilities - Jennie Trujillo and Esther Lujan Office of the City Clerk 213.9 KB EPDOC/1091
Easement - Wellington Ave. Lot 2 In Wellington Medical Subdivision Filing Number One - Wellington Avenue Medical Building Condominium Association, Inc., Building Number 2 By: Madison, Butterbough et al Office of the City Clerk 302.5 KB EPDOC/1165
DIA - 2000 - Summit View Ranch II Subdivision - Casa Tiara Development, Inc. Community Development 547.3 KB CCON/224
DIA - 2006 - Summit View Meadows Filing 2 - Zeck Homes, Inc. - 3140 D 1/2 Road Community Development 967.8 KB CCON/905
Contract - 1981 - Successor In Interest Agreement for EPA Funding, CO-8037-22, CO-80337-23 and CO-80337-24 Transfer of Grant Funding - Environmental Protection Agency Office of the City Clerk 175.9 KB CCON/1240
Contract - 1947 - Noland Avenue Right-of-Way South 5th Subdivison Special Use Permit for 296.65' Across N. End of Lot 10 Block 2 of South 5th Street - M. W. Thompson, Acting Regional Forester, Department of Agriculture Forest Service Office of the City Clerk 146.2 KB CCON/1290
Contract - 1954 - Gas Main Extension for Lincoln Park, 12th Street, and Teller Avenue - Public Service Company Office of the City Clerk 175.5 KB CCON/1769
Contract - 2007 - Ratification of Novation Agreement Stating SM Mesa Mall LLC. Is Successor-in-Interest to Macerich's Interest In the 1978 and 2003 Agreements with Grand Valley Irrigation Company - SM Mesa Mall, LLC. Office of the City Clerk 1.6 MB CCON/1922
Resolution No. 55-93 (Word Version) - 1993 Office of the City Clerk 35.5 KB RESDOC/116
Resolution No. 13-94 (Word Version) - 1994 Office of the City Clerk 33.5 KB RESDOC/286
Resolution No. 51-94 - 1994 Office of the City Clerk 95.5 KB RESDOC/359