City of Grand Junction Public Records Search
Title Owner Size Record Number
Easement - 774 21 1/2 Road - Easement for The Installation, Operation, Maintenance, Repair and Replacement of Utilities and Landscaping - Grand Valley Rural Power Lines, Inc Office of the City Clerk 222.4 KB EPDOC/453
Easement - 365 32 Road - Multipurpose Easement - Halliburton Energy Services, Inc. Office of the City Clerk 260.3 KB EPDOC/459
Easement - South Line of Southeast Quarter of The Northwest Quarter of Section 32, Township 1 North, Range 1 East, Ute Meridian, Walker Field Airport Runway, Clear Zone at End of Runway - John E. Hartman and Marjy Hartman Office of the City Clerk 194.3 KB EPDOC/469
Easement - Drainage Easement at West Side 27 1/2 Road, North of Patterson Road, 601 27 1/2 Road - Marion L. Howard, Grantor, 601 27 1/2 Road, Grand Junction, Colorado Office of the City Clerk 274.3 KB EPDOC/496
Easement - Perpetual Storm Sewer Easement and Water Line Easement 859 Struthers Avenue - Jess Paul Haller and Georgia L. Haller Office of the City Clerk 238.1 KB EPDOC/497
Easement - 2422 Hwy 6 & 50 - Storm Sewer Easement for Ranchmans Ditch Diversion - J. C. Penney Properties, Inc. Office of the City Clerk 263.0 KB EPDOC/564
Easement - 28 1/4 Road From Orchard Ave. To Patterson Rd, Phase I - Warren F. Reams, Richard D. Kimball, Mary Kay Kimball, Norman E. Ebbley, Ralph T. Landing, Lelamarie Landing, and Bethesdia Foundation. Office of the City Clerk 221.7 KB EPDOC/598
Easement - 2000 Block of 11th and 12th, North Monterey Park SSD #20 - George W. Kister and Emma O. Kister Office of the City Clerk 113.5 KB EPDOC/601
Easement - 529 29 Road - Grant of Multi-purpose Easement - Timothy K. Kelly and Sheila M. Futrell Office of the City Clerk 291.2 KB EPDOC/603
Easement - 27 1/2 North of Hawthorne, Woodgate Drive - Installation, Operation, Maintenance and Repair of Sewer Line Connection, The Knolls Subdivision, Including The Right of Ingress and Egress - The Knolls Master Association, Inc. Office of the City Clerk 162.8 KB EPDOC/606
Easement - 2381 1/2 River Road - Multipurpose Easement for Redlands Parkway - Knowles Enterprises, LLC. Office of the City Clerk 279.9 KB EPDOC/607
Easement - 2381 1/2 River Road - Multipurpose Access Easement - Knowles Enterprises, LLC. Office of the City Clerk 202.7 KB EPDOC/608
Easement - Paradise Hills Interceptor Sewer Right-of-Way - Robert Lynn Knox Office of the City Clerk 143.0 KB EPDOC/609
Easement - Right-of-Way Agreement for Sewer Line, O. M. Phase 1, Lot 27, Block 10, Orchard Mesa Heights - Bob Knox, as Heir To The Estate of Harry M. Webber Office of the City Clerk 142.7 KB EPDOC/610
Easement - 2054 Bookcliff Avenue - Sanitary Sewer Easement 2007 Sewer Replacements - Kia B. Kofron Office of the City Clerk 231.0 KB EPDOC/611