City of Grand Junction Public Records Search
Title Owner Size Record Number
Deed - West Mesa Ave., Lot 1 Block 3 West Lake Park Subdivision, Right-of-Way, 1645 Bluegill Drive No. - Mary Kay Williams and Terry L Monson Office of the City Clerk 212.8 KB DDOC/1646
Deed - 2896 Texas Avenue - Lot 1 of Cannon Subdivision - Richard E. Wright and Dawn A. Wright Office of the City Clerk 265.4 KB DDOC/1674
Easement - 7330 Reeder Mesa Road - Purdy Mesa Water System - Charles W. Chapman and Carol S. Chapman Office of the City Clerk 250.0 KB EPDOC/152
Easement - 182 9 N. 15th Street, Grand Junction, Co 81501 - Sanitary Sewer Facilities - Robert Clifford and Tamar Clifford Office of the City Clerk 287.7 KB EPDOC/162
Easement - 284 29 Road - Riverview Estates Homeowners Association, Inc. - George E. and Barbara J. Decker Office of the City Clerk 312.5 KB EPDOC/244
Easement - 25 1/2 Road North of Patterson East of 25 1/2 Road - Wesley R. and Helen Dixon Office of the City Clerk 230.3 KB EPDOC/261
Easement - 555 Bluff Court - Easement for Sanitary Sewer Facilities for Bluffs Sewer Improvement District - Henry G. Drake and Judith K. Drake Office of the City Clerk 257.4 KB EPDOC/280
Easement - 559 Sandhill - Emergency Access Easement, Innovative Textiles, Phase 2 - GJ Tech Center, LLC. Office of the City Clerk 296.9 KB EPDOC/1438
Easement - F Road / 26.6 Rd - Bridge and Canal Relocation - Bridge Widening at Approx 26.6 Road and F Road - Grand Valley Irrigation Company Office of the City Clerk 195.9 KB EPDOC/447
Easement - Lot 10C of Block 2, The Ridges Filing No. 1; Sanitary Sewer Lift Station - Stephen L. Laiche Office of the City Clerk 249.2 KB EPDOC/630
Contract - 2011 - Discharge of Irrigation and Surface Water into the GVIC Canal - Crown Point Cemetery Office of the City Clerk 94.5 KB CCON/26
Easement - 527 W Ouray Avenue Lot 8 Maldonado Subdivision - Storm Sewer Easement for Stormwater and Irrigation Pipeline and Stormwater Drainage Facilities for The El Poso Improvement District - Marvin Efrain Maldonado Office of the City Clerk 241.3 KB EPDOC/678
Easement - 787 22 Road - Multi-purpose Easement - MJB Construction, Inc. Office of the City Clerk 172.8 KB EPDOC/737
Easement - 505 29 Road - Lot 8 of Roscoe R. Giffin Subdivision - Electric and Telecommunications - Thomas M. Mingus and Joanne V. Mingus Office of the City Clerk 294.8 KB EPDOC/744
Easement - Lot 6 of Grandview Subdivision Right-of-Way for Utilities - Catherine Marie Plaisted Owens Office of the City Clerk 116.5 KB EPDOC/808