City of Grand Junction Public Records Search
Title Owner Size Record Number
Easement - 2755 Unaweep Avenue, Utility Easement and Temporary Construction Easement - Blanca E. Miranda and Juan M. Gonzalez Office of the City Clerk 265.7 KB EPDOC/1435
Easement - Drainage Easement In Lot 5 of Golden Estates Subdivision of Lot 61 Pomona Park Subdivision - Ann D. Borgman Office of the City Clerk 193.1 KB EPDOC/105
Easement - Lots 17,18,and 19 Park Lane Subdivision; Right-of-Way SS 28-71 - Ralph M. and Teresa Buck Office of the City Clerk 128.9 KB EPDOC/114
Easement - 740 Elm Avenue - Lot 3 Elm Avenue Subdivision - Underground Storm Sewer Pipeline - Donald E. Brown and Verna L. Brown/City of Grand Junction Office of the City Clerk 117.3 KB EPDOC/122
Easement - 1214 Bonito Avenue - D Drain Improvements Multipurpose Easement - David Lee Carlson Office of the City Clerk 227.9 KB EPDOC/131
Easement - Lots 2,4 and 14, Tiara Rado Subdivision Filing No. 5 - Timothy J. Carlson and Fred E. Graham, II Office of the City Clerk 133.0 KB EPDOC/134
Easement - Block 1 Lots 3 and 4 High School Addition, Alley Between 6th and 7th Street, Hall and Orchard Avenue - Columbine Company by Frank R. Hall, Secretary Office of the City Clerk 172.8 KB EPDOC/173
Easement - River Road Interceptor Parcel No. 2 Sewer - Colorado Kendal Ranch Corporation Office of the City Clerk 173.4 KB EPDOC/174
Easement - 2258 Broadway - Katelyn's Simple Subdivision - Canyon View Car Wash, LLC. Office of the City Clerk 192.9 KB EPDOC/216
Easement - Lot 3 of Grandview Subdivision Right-of-Way for Utilities - Frank R. Davidson, William H. Hardin, Alfred Nestler, Frances M. Nestler and Raymond R. Williams Office of the City Clerk 167.1 KB EPDOC/231
Easement - East of 28 Road Between Patterson and Cortland - Sanitary Sewer Easement- - Edward C. Loshbaugh and Paula B. Loshbaugh Office of the City Clerk 152.1 KB EPDOC/297
Easement - 8251 Reeder Mesa Road - Purdy Mesa Water System - Martha D. Friess and Trustee Office of the City Clerk 289.3 KB EPDOC/358
Easement - 821 First Avenue - Block 4, Milldale Subdivision - Storm Sewer Easement - Perpetual Easement for The Installation, Operation, Maintenance, Repair and Replacement of Storm Water Drainage Facilities - First Avenue LLC Office of the City Clerk 260.6 KB EPDOC/360
Easement - 2463 F Road - Multi-purpose Easement for Utilities for Ranchman's Ditch Project - Edward L. Kolb and Raechel G. Kolb Office of the City Clerk 251.1 KB EPDOC/613
Easement - 787 22 Road - Utility Easement - MJB Construction, Inc. Office of the City Clerk 212.5 KB EPDOC/705