City of Grand Junction Public Records Search
Title Owner Size Record Number
Resolution No. 80-23 - 2023 - A Resolution Declaring the Intent of the City of Grand Junction, Colorado to Issue Private Activity Bonds in Connection with Financing Residential Facilities for Low- and Moderate-Income Families and Persons Office of the City Clerk 580.8 KB RESDOC/6501
Resolution No. 82-23 - 2023 - A Resolution Adopting the 2023 Grand Junction Electric Vehicle (EV) Readiness Plan Office of the City Clerk 402.8 KB RESDOC/6502
Resolution No. 77-23 - 2023 - A Resolution Approving a Grant to the Counseling and Education Center (CEC) Office of the City Clerk 391.8 KB RESDOC/6503
Ordinance No. 5171 - 2023 - An Ordinance Rezoning Lot 1, Arna Hoffman Subdivision at 3041 D Rd from R-5 (Residential 5) to R-12 (Residential 12) Office of the City Clerk 352.3 KB ORD/9970
Ordinance No. 5172 - 2023 - An Ordinance Authorizing and Confirming a redevelopment Agreement by and Among Kimball Acquisition LLC, a Colorado Limited Liability Company, (“APR”) and the City of Grand Junction, a Colorado Home Rule Municipal Corporation (“City”) for the Property Located at 919, 1059, 1101 and 1299 Kimball Avenue along with Property Leased from the City, Grand Junction, Colorado, and Approving All Actions Heretofore Taken an Connection Therewith Office of the City Clerk 2.2 MB ORD/9971
Proclamation - Hispanic Heritage - 2023 Office of the City Clerk 308.7 KB PROCL/895
Addendum 1 IFB-5297-23-KH Purchasing 201.3 KB SOLDOC/26979
Bid Tabulation IFB-5296-23-KH Purchasing 99.2 KB SOLDOC/26981
Grand Junction Regional Airport Authority Board Agenda - 2023 - September 19 Office of the City Clerk 195.8 KB QJVBAGD/2587
Bid Recap IFB-5289-23-DD Purchasing 40.6 KB SOLDOC/26984
Addendum 1 RFP-5293-23-KF Purchasing 536.8 KB SOLDOC/26990
Contract - 2023 - Persigo WWTP Sidewalk Replacement Project - Agave Construction, LLC Office of the City Clerk 16.9 MB CCON/4937
Resolution No. 83-23 - 2023 - A Resolution Issuing a Revocable Permit to Allow Private Stormwater V-Pan for the Bunting Rowhomes Located at 1313 Bunting Within the Alleyway Off of N 13th Street Office of the City Clerk 1.1 MB RESDOC/6504
Resolution No. 85-23 - 2023 - A Resolution Supporting the Planning Grant Application for Reconnecting Communities and Neighborhoods Grant for 24 Road Multimodal Bridge and Path at I-70B Project Office of the City Clerk 365.3 KB RESDOC/6505
Resolution No. 86-23 - 2023 - A Resolution Authorizing American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Funding for the Joseph Center Expansion Project Office of the City Clerk 546.1 KB RESDOC/6506