City of Grand Junction Public Records Search
Title Owner Size Record Number
Deed - Texas Avenue (Part of Capitol Hills Sub) - C.H. Gavin Etal Office of the City Clerk 284.0 KB DDOC/551
Deed - Lot 1, Lot 2, Block 6 Shafroth Rodgers Addition Right-of-Way North Ave - Gay Johnsons Inc. By: Gene Lenderman (Vice President) and Gaynell Lenderman (Secretary) Office of the City Clerk 212.7 KB DDOC/552
Deed - 1352 Hall Ave - Public Roadway and Utilities Right-of-Way - Roland W. Gearhart and Frances L. Gearhart Office of the City Clerk 272.4 KB DDOC/554
Deed - 802 1st Avenue - Portion of Lots 1 Through 5, Block 2, Milldale Subdivision (for Right-of-Way) - Thomas Geist Office of the City Clerk 174.0 KB DDOC/555
Deed - Easement and Right-of-Way for 10 Ft Water Line and Irrigation Pipe 307 Ft W of 1st Street, South of North Avenue (Lilac Park) - Myron L. Genova and Martin Mason Office of the City Clerk 155.4 KB DDOC/556
Deed - 24 Road for Road and Utility Purposes. Lot 1 Mesa Mall Subdivision - General Growth Properties, A Massachusetts Voluntary Association, By: Stanley Richards (President) and Ruth Francis (Secretary) Office of the City Clerk 202.6 KB DDOC/557
Deed - Patterson Road Utility Easement South Side of Patterson Between Park Drive and Mira Vista Rd. - Minnie L. Gentry Office of the City Clerk 176.9 KB DDOC/558
Deed - 1849 N 18th Street - Public Roadways and Utilities Right-a-Way - Harry G. Gerlock Jr. and Kathleen 8. Gerlock Office of the City Clerk 212.8 KB DDOC/559
Deed - 2733 Unaweep Avenue, Easement - Grady Edward Wright Office of the City Clerk 215.2 KB DDOC/560
Deed - 7th Street - for Street and Utility Right-of-Way - Dorothy E. Griffin Office of the City Clerk 140.8 KB DDOC/561
Deed - 633 27-1/2 Road, 27-1/2 Road To G Road, Warranty Deed - Geneva I. Hyde Office of the City Clerk 258.5 KB DDOC/562
Deed - North Avenue for Street Right-of-Way - Grandview Subdivision - Delbert S. Gilbert and Shirley L. Gilbert Office of the City Clerk 188.3 KB DDOC/563
Deed - 15th Street, for Street and Utilities Purposes - O'Neil's Subdivision Lot 13 - Hannah M. Gilbert Office of the City Clerk 181.9 KB DDOC/564
Deed - Lot 8, of Fairmount Heights Subdivision SS 23-67 - Mary K. Gilmore Office of the City Clerk 175.4 KB DDOC/565
Deed - Lots 16 and 17 In Block 13 of Slocomb's Addition - Gio Oberto Office of the City Clerk 212.6 KB DDOC/566