City of Grand Junction Public Records Search
Title Owner Size Record Number
Deed (Quit Claim) - Portion of Lot 10 of Riverside Subdivision and Part of a Parcel of Land South of 24 3/4 Road Right-of-Way - Compressed Natural Gas Pipeline - Colorado Riverfront Foundation, Inc. Office of the City Clerk 97.1 KB DDOC/1887
Easement - 20 feet across Lot 3 of C.L.M. River Road I Subdivision - Compressed Natural Gas Pipeline - Mays Rental Properties, LLC Office of the City Clerk 127.6 KB EPDOC/1339
Easement - 40 foot portion of Lot 1 of Ice Skating Subdivision - Compressed Natural Gas Pipeline - LegaZee Properties, LLC Office of the City Clerk 130.5 KB EPDOC/1340
Contract - 2014 - Grand Junction Police Department Additional Services - High Plains Interface - New World Systems Corporation~PUBLIC VERSION Office of the City Clerk 1.6 MB CCON/3476
Liquor and Beer Meeting Agenda - 2015 - January 7 Office of the City Clerk 141.6 KB ADPROC/802
Liquor and Beer Meeting Minutes - 2014 - December 17 Office of the City Clerk 938.9 KB ADPROC/803
Ordinance - 1889 - July 1 - (II) - An Ordinance to Define and Punish the Obtaining of Money or Property by Means of Confidence Games Office of the City Clerk 500.4 KB ORD/9141
City Council Workshop Summary - 2014 - November 17 Office of the City Clerk 295.7 KB CCMIN/5180
City Council Workshop Summary - 2014 - November 10 Office of the City Clerk 491.6 KB CCMIN/5181
City Council Workshop Summary - 2014 - December 1 Office of the City Clerk 405.7 KB CCMIN/5183
City Council Minutes - 2014 - December 17 - Regular Meeting Office of the City Clerk 305.7 KB CCMIN/5184
City Council Minutes - 2014 - December 17 - Executive Session Office of the City Clerk 118.3 KB CCMIN/5185
Liquor and Beer Meeting Agenda - 2015 - January 21 Office of the City Clerk 137.4 KB ADPROC/804
Liquor and Beer Meeting Minutes - 2015 - January 7 Office of the City Clerk 5.0 MB ADPROC/805
Ordinance No. 144 - 1907 Office of the City Clerk 2.2 MB ORD/9201