City of Grand Junction Public Records Search
Title Owner Size Record Number
Downtown Development Authority (DDA) Board Minutes - 2015 - May 28 Office of the City Clerk 74.4 KB VBMIN/4926
VCB Board Minutes - 2006 - May 9 - Canceled Visit Grand Junction 96.9 KB VBMIN/4933
Liquor and Beer Meeting Minutes - 2015 - June 17 Office of the City Clerk 152.1 KB ADPROC/828
Liquor and Beer Meeting Agenda - 2015 - July 1 Office of the City Clerk 134.5 KB ADPROC/829
City Council Minutes - 2012 - September 18 - Joint Persigo Meeting Office of the City Clerk 406.0 KB CCMIN/5260
City Council Minutes - 2011 - July 5 - Joint Persigo Meeting Office of the City Clerk 118.1 KB CCMIN/5261
City Council Minutes - 2007 - August 2 - Joint Persigo Meeting Office of the City Clerk 195.9 KB CCMIN/5262
Ordinance - 1890 - November 24 - 25 - An ordinance to authorize the erection, construction and operation of a plant or plants for the generation and transmission of electricity for light power or any other purpose, for the operation of telephone lines, for the manufacture of ice and refrigerant, and the conveyance and transmission of such refrigerant, and for the generation of steam and its conveyance and transmission for heating and power purposes in the Town of Grand Junction, Colorado Office of the City Clerk 743.2 KB ORD/9367
Ordinance - 1890 - November 25 - AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING INDEMNITY BOND Office of the City Clerk 1.0 MB ORD/9368
Planning Commission Agenda - 2015 - July 9 - Workshop Community Development 126.9 KB QJVBAGD/1150
Planning Commission Agenda - July 9 - Workshop REVISED Community Development 305.7 KB QJVBAGD/1151
Planning Commission Agenda - 2015 - July 14 Community Development 4.9 MB QJVBAGD/1152
Zoning Board of Appeals Agenda - 2015 - July 8 - Canceled Community Development 103.1 KB QJVBAGD/1155
Planning Commission Minutes - 2015 - June 9 Community Development 240.1 KB VBMIN/4944
Planning Commission Minutes - 2015 - June 23 Community Development 254.0 KB VBMIN/4945