City of Grand Junction Public Records Search
Title Owner Size Record Number
Easement - Drainage - 1551 Independent Avenue - Riverside Parkway Project - Wolverine Holdings, LLC Office of the City Clerk 502.0 KB EPDOC/1407
Easement - Multipurpose - 2505 Highway 6 & 50 - Riverside Parkway Project - Mark L Gamble Office of the City Clerk 530.9 KB EPDOC/1408
Deed (Warranty) - 2547 River Road - Riverside Parkway Project - Mark L Gamble and Robert Ras Office of the City Clerk 272.1 KB DDOC/2096
Eaement - Multipurpose - 2547 River Road - Riverside Parkway Project - Mark L Gamble and Robert Ras Office of the City Clerk 542.4 KB EPDOC/1409
Easement - Multipurpose - 2523 & 2525 River Road - Riverside Parkway Project - Secco, Inc Office of the City Clerk 765.7 KB EPDOC/1410
Deed (Quit Claim) - 720 West Grand Avenue - Riverside Parkway Project - Gamble Enterprises, Inc Office of the City Clerk 520.1 KB DDOC/2099
RFP-4405-17-SH Towing and Impound Services Purchasing 133.2 KB SOLDOC/17022
Grand Junction Regional Airport Authority Board Agenda - 2017 - August 15 Office of the City Clerk 243.1 KB QJVBAGD/1506
Colorado Riverfront Commission Minutes - 2017 - June 17 Office of the City Clerk 216.9 KB VBMIN/5290
Easement - Drainage - 1547 Independent Avenue - Riverside Parkway Project - McCallum Family, LLC Office of the City Clerk 684.2 KB EPDOC/1411
Easement - Multipurpose - 554 25 Road - Riverside Parkway Project - Wells Development Company, LLC Office of the City Clerk 553.3 KB EPDOC/1412
Deed (Warranty) - 1555 Independent Avenue - Riverside Parkway Project - Trolley Park Owners Association Office of the City Clerk 1017.6 KB DDOC/2102
Deed (Special Warranty) - 2911 D Road - Riverside Parkway Project - Wilbur C. and Nona F. Van Winkle Office of the City Clerk 1.4 MB DDOC/2103
Easement - Multipurpose - 2911 D Road - Riverside Parkway Project - Wilbur C. and Nona F. Van Winkle (2) Office of the City Clerk 828.6 KB EPDOC/1414
Deed (Special Warranty) - 2911 D Road - Riverside Parkway Project - Wilbur C. and Nona F. Van Winkle (2) Office of the City Clerk 877.2 KB DDOC/2104