City of Grand Junction Public Records Search
Title Owner Size Record Number
Deed (Special Warranty) - 552 West Main Street - Riverside Parkway Project - Mesa County Valley School District No. 51 Office of the City Clerk 545.2 KB DDOC/2089
Easement (Multi-Purpose) - 552 West Main Street - Riverside Parkway Project - Mesa County Valley School District No. 51 Office of the City Clerk 557.1 KB EPDOC/1404
Deed (Warranty) - 2557 River Road - Riverside Parkway Project - Colorado Beverage Distribution, Inc. Office of the City Clerk 500.2 KB DDOC/2090
Easement - Multipurpose - 2557 River Road - Riverside Parkway Project - Colorado Beverage Distribution, Inc. Office of the City Clerk 552.8 KB EPDOC/1405
Deed (Warranty) - 635 West Grand Avenue - Riverside Parkway Project - Robert K Sacco and James A Holmes, Jr. dba Surplus City Performance Center Office of the City Clerk 281.1 KB DDOC/2091
Deed (Warranty) - 742 West White Avenue - Riverside Parkway Project - Paradis/Roscoe, LLC Office of the City Clerk 507.9 KB DDOC/2092
Deed (Warranty) - 747 West White Avenue - Riverside Parkway Project - West White Avenue Partnership, LLP Office of the City Clerk 519.6 KB DDOC/2093
Easement - Multipurpose - 747 West White Avenue - Riverside Parkway Project - West White Avenue Partnership LLP Office of the City Clerk 548.9 KB EPDOC/1406
Deed (Quit Claim) - 411 West Main Street - Riverside Parkway Project - Spendrup & Associates, Inc. Office of the City Clerk 240.2 KB DDOC/2094
Easement - Drainage - 1551 Independent Avenue - Riverside Parkway Project - Wolverine Holdings, LLC Office of the City Clerk 502.0 KB EPDOC/1407
Easement - Multipurpose - 2505 Highway 6 & 50 - Riverside Parkway Project - Mark L Gamble Office of the City Clerk 530.9 KB EPDOC/1408
Deed (Warranty) - 2547 River Road - Riverside Parkway Project - Mark L Gamble and Robert Ras Office of the City Clerk 272.1 KB DDOC/2096
Eaement - Multipurpose - 2547 River Road - Riverside Parkway Project - Mark L Gamble and Robert Ras Office of the City Clerk 542.4 KB EPDOC/1409
Easement - Multipurpose - 2523 & 2525 River Road - Riverside Parkway Project - Secco, Inc Office of the City Clerk 765.7 KB EPDOC/1410
Deed (Quit Claim) - 720 West Grand Avenue - Riverside Parkway Project - Gamble Enterprises, Inc Office of the City Clerk 520.1 KB DDOC/2099