City of Grand Junction Public Records Search
Title Owner Size Record Number
People's Ordinance No. 011 (Word Version) Office of the City Clerk 12.5 KB ORD/8433
Deed - Walnut Avenue At 10th Street, Right-of-Way for Street and Utility Purposes - Ben H. Adams and Leila F. Adams Office of the City Clerk 170.3 KB DDOC/9
Deed - Allison Property At 1200 South 5th Street Lot 3 In Block 2 of South Fifth Street Subdivision - Luz Magaly Allison Office of the City Clerk 122.5 KB DDOC/24
Deed - 2730 G Road Lot 1, Northside Park Subdivision - The Bookcliff Country Club; Bernard A. Buescher, President Office of the City Clerk 155.4 KB DDOC/69
Deed - 2975 and 2977 B-1/2 Road - Public Roadway and Utilities Right-of-way Purposes - Chipeta Glenn II, LLC Office of the City Clerk 164.0 KB DDOC/230
Deed - 213 9 N. 15th Street Cedar Drive (Street and Utility Right-of-Way) - John R. Davis, Mary Ann Davis Office of the City Clerk 189.2 KB DDOC/339
Deed - N. 12th Street Widening (Walnut To Bonita) - for Road and Utility Purposes - Elizabeth J. Davis, Shirley A. Gardner, Dixie K. Clathis Office of the City Clerk 168.7 KB DDOC/340
Deed - 15th Street, Between Patterson Road and Ridge Drive, for Road and Utility Right-of-Way Purposes - Lloyd J. Davis, Jr. and Debra Janece Davis Office of the City Clerk 188.0 KB DDOC/341
Deed - Walnut To Orchard (Kister Addition) - for Right-of-Way Purposes - Doctors Clinic Building, Inc. by H. L. Sanders, President and Addie R. Maynard, Secretary Office of the City Clerk 149.5 KB DDOC/342
Deed - 15th Street , Between Walnut Avenue and Pinyon, Lot 2, Lutkiewicz Subdivision, for Road and Utiity Right-a-way Purposes - Glenn E. Duck and Nannie A. Dick Office of the City Clerk 171.3 KB DDOC/343
Deed - Lots 1 Through 10, Inclusive, Block 122, 220 S. 1st Street, Grand Junction - Parking and Redevelopment - Downtown Development Authority Office of the City Clerk 191.9 KB DDOC/344
Deed - 141 North Seventh - Downtown Development Authority Office of the City Clerk 553.0 KB DDOC/345
Deed - Rood Avenue Parking Plaza - Condominiums Inclusive Unit Nos. 201 Through 208, 220 Through 251, 413 Through 422 and 452 Through 463 - Downtown Development Authority Office of the City Clerk 163.2 KB DDOC/347
Deed - Lots 26, 27, 28 and 29 Block 120 2nd Street and Main Street - Downtown Development Authority Office of the City Clerk 95.4 KB DDOC/349
Deed - Main To Colorado, 2nd To 3rd Streets, Lots 26, 27, 28, and 29 In Block 120 In The City of Grand Junction - Conveyed To The Downtown Development Authority - City of Grand Junction Office of the City Clerk 186.8 KB DDOC/350