City of Grand Junction Public Records Search
Title Owner Size Record Number
Easement - Metes and Bounds SS 29-71 - J. C. Irwin Office of the City Clerk 127.8 KB EPDOC/546
Easement - 27 1/2 Road Patterson Road To G Road, Right-of-Way, Two Public Utilities Easements - Jans Corporation Office of the City Clerk 280.5 KB EPDOC/548
Easement - Installation, Operation, Maintenance, Repair and Replacement of Street Light Located at 25 1/2 Road - Patricia I. Jarvis Office of the City Clerk 304.3 KB EPDOC/551
Easement - 674 26 1/2 Rd, Project No. 902-037098-901168-00000, Sewer Line - Elizabeth J. Jaros Office of the City Clerk 168.1 KB EPDOC/557
Easement - Dewey Place, Foresight Village, Dewey Subdivision Filing No. One Except Lot 8, Block One - Multi-purpose Easement - Jbi Associates, A Colorado General Partnership Office of the City Clerk 282.7 KB EPDOC/560
Easement - 2420 North 1st Street, Utility Easement - James Burton Braden Office of the City Clerk 249.3 KB EPDOC/561
Easement - Right-of-Way Agreements (2) for Sewer Line, O. M. Phase 1 - Jehovah Witness by R. G. Fitzsimmons, John Esquibel, Elsie Goss Office of the City Clerk 186.1 KB EPDOC/565
Easement - 2314 North 1st Street, Drainage Easement - John G. Hocker, Jr. Office of the City Clerk 224.3 KB EPDOC/568
Easement - 264 Independent Avenue, Grand Junction - Street Light, Electric and Telecommunications - Joseph D. Laurita Office of the City Clerk 306.9 KB EPDOC/571
Easement - 27 1/2 Road Patterson Road To G Road, Right-of-Way, Street Lights Easement - Jans Corporation Office of the City Clerk 276.5 KB EPDOC/572
Easement - 475 W. Scenic Drive, Grand Junction - Sanitary Sewer Line - Lanny A. Johnson and Marilyn I. Johnson Office of the City Clerk 254.0 KB EPDOC/574
Easement - Hillcrest Manor Subdivision; Lot 27 and 29 Right-of-Way SS 28-71 - Nellie L. Jones Office of the City Clerk 126.3 KB EPDOC/578
Easement - 15th Street Right-of-Way - Lillian W. Jarvis Office of the City Clerk 135.0 KB EPDOC/581
Easement - Unaweep Avenue Improvement Project - Karl Antunes Office of the City Clerk 241.7 KB EPDOC/584
Easement - 2206 Crestline Court, Lot 19, Block 7, Redlands Village Subdivision - Perpetual Easement for The Installation, Operation, Maintenance, Repair and Replacement of Limeklin Sewer - Jeffrey R and Nancy W Larson Office of the City Clerk 276.3 KB EPDOC/634