City of Grand Junction Public Records Search
Title Owner Size Record Number
FORM - HR - ICMA-RC Name or Marital Status Change Human Resources 211.1 KB FORM/523
Administrative Reg - 2015 - 08-2015 - Industrial Waste Water Discharge Permit - Sector Control Policies for Fats, Oils, and Grease; Health Care; Petroleum, Oils, Grease; and Sand and Photographic Process Office of the City Clerk 9.0 MB RULE/221
Power of Attorney - POA RECORDED 1657 ELM AVE 2945-123-24-003 PARK PLACE HEIGHTS GARY & BENJAMIN CRIST Office of the City Clerk 48.3 KB POA/897
Liquor and Beer Meeting Agenda - 2016 - January 6 Office of the City Clerk 138.2 KB ADPROC/858
County Approval of Persigo Annual Budget - 2015 - Mesa County Resolution MCM 2014-267 Financial Operations 936.7 KB BGTFNL/35
Contract - 2015 - (1st, 2nd and 3rd Extension) Homeless Camp Cleanup - Rapid Response of Western Colorado, LLC Office of the City Clerk 13.4 MB CCON/3789
VCB Board Minutes - 2015 - August 18 Visit Grand Junction 607.9 KB VBMIN/5010
Deed (Quit Claim) - 2828 Walker Field Drive (Airport Property) - Walker Field, Colorado, Public Airport Authority Office of the City Clerk 871.7 KB DDOC/1999
Proclamation - Martin Luther King, Jr Day - 2016 Office of the City Clerk 137.8 KB PROCL/510
Solicitation 4x4 Crew Cab Pickup IFB-4160-16-NJ Purchasing 185.8 KB SOLDOC/13589
Planning Commission Agenda - 2016 - January 12 - Revised Community Development 10.4 MB QJVBAGD/1248
Liquor Resolution 11-15 - 2015 - Colorado Mesa University Downtown Art Gallery - Colorado Mesa University Office of the City Clerk 61.8 KB RESDOC/5766
Permit PROW - 2015 - Revocable - South Rim Hollow Subdivision on Hacienda Street and Honita Lane - Irrigation Improvements - Redlands Investment Properties, LLC Office of the City Clerk 1.5 MB PWROW/188
Contract - 2015 - Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to Establish Policies Regarding Investigation, Assessment, Treatment, and Prosecution of Child Abuse Cases - Western Slope Center for Children Office of the City Clerk 3.0 MB CCON/3803
Solicitation Recap IFB-4161-16-NJ Purchasing 336.1 KB SOLDOC/13777