City of Grand Junction Public Records Search
Title Owner Size Record Number
Bill of Rights 2006 - Garry Brewer Brown Suit Office of the City Clerk 64.0 KB HISTORY/1143
Bill of Rights 2007 - Steve Aquafresca's Script Office of the City Clerk 29.5 KB HISTORY/1165
City-County Airport Meeting Agenda - 2017 - February 21 Office of the City Clerk 379.8 KB CCAGD/1415
Liquor and Beer Meeting Minutes - 2017 - March 1 Office of the City Clerk 1.4 MB ADPROC/920
Deed (Warranty Deed and Correction Deed) - 2902 D Road - Riverside Parkway Project - Daniel H. Feuerborn - Parcels F-55A and F-55B Rev Office of the City Clerk 374.1 KB DDOC/2026
Deed (Warranty) - 2906 D Road - Riverside Parkway Project - P. Leslie Jarnagin, now know as P. Leslie Feuerborn Office of the City Clerk 119.7 KB DDOC/2028
Deed (Warranty) - 2825 D Road - Riverside Parkway Project - James D Cooper and Gladys P. Tucker - Parcel No. F-26 Rev. Office of the City Clerk 106.7 KB DDOC/2029
Easement - Multipurpose - 2881 D Road - Riverside Parkway Project - Don and Dorothy Jensen Living Trust - Parcel PE F-47 Office of the City Clerk 124.2 KB EPDOC/1381
Easement - Multipurpose - 2887 D Road - Riverside Parkway Project - Federico Rivera and Oralia L. Rodriguez - Parcel F-49 Office of the City Clerk 119.3 KB EPDOC/1382
Deed (Warranty)- 2887 D Road - Riverside Parkway Project - Federico Rivera and Oralia L. Rodriguez - Parcel F-49 Office of the City Clerk 115.7 KB DDOC/2035
Easement - Multipurpose - 2793 D Road - Riverside Parkway Project - Carter Holdings, Inc. and S.W. Page Holdings, Inc. - Parcel PE F-19 Office of the City Clerk 124.2 KB EPDOC/1383
Proclamation - National Health Care Decisions Day - 2017 Office of the City Clerk 323.4 KB PROCL/573
City Council Agenda - 2017 - March 15 - Regular Meeting Office of the City Clerk 28.1 MB CCAGD/1419
Resolution No. 18-17 - 2017 (Word Version) Office of the City Clerk 13.5 KB RESDOC/5415
Resolution No. 18-17 - 2017 - A RESOLUTION CHANGING THE START TIME FOR CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS Office of the City Clerk 43.8 KB RESDOC/5416