City of Grand Junction Public Records Search
Title Owner Size Record Number
Liquor Resolution 06-93 - 1993 - Inland Oil Products Inc - Inland Oil Products Inc Office of the City Clerk 76.5 KB RESDOC/5884
Liquor Resolution 07-93 - 1993 - Ricci Investment Company - Ricci Investment Company Office of the City Clerk 75.9 KB RESDOC/5885
Liquor Resolution 01-94 - 1994 - Stop 'N Save #3 - Feather Petroleum Company Office of the City Clerk 83.5 KB RESDOC/5886
Liquor Resolution 02-94 - 1994 - Crystal Cafe and Bake Shop - Harley and Caryl Rudofsky Office of the City Clerk 82.8 KB RESDOC/5887
Liquor Resolution 03-94 - 1994 - Rockslide Brew Pub - Rockslide Brew Pub Inc Office of the City Clerk 477.0 KB RESDOC/5888
Liquor Resolution 04-94 - 1994 - Grits Restaurant - Wayne J Smith and Lisa R Smith Office of the City Clerk 81.3 KB RESDOC/5889
Liquor Resolution 05-94 - 1994 - Blondies - Steven Warner Smidt and Jeanine Marie Smidt Office of the City Clerk 141.8 KB RESDOC/5890
Liquor Resolution 06-94 - 1994 - Plateau #191 - Thriftway Marketing Corporation Office of the City Clerk 84.4 KB RESDOC/5891
Liquor Resolution 07-94 - 1994 - Blondies - Steven Warner Smidt and Jeanine Marie Smidt Office of the City Clerk 243.4 KB RESDOC/5892
Liquor Resolution 08-94 - 1994 - Big Cheese Pizza - L S & L Restaurant Corp Office of the City Clerk 82.7 KB RESDOC/5893
Liquor Resolution 01-95 - 1995 - Valley Grocery - K & E Ventures Inc Office of the City Clerk 84.0 KB RESDOC/5899
Liquor Resolution 02-95 - 1995 - Grits Restaurant - Wayne and Lisa Smith Office of the City Clerk 79.9 KB RESDOC/5900
Liquor Resolution 03-95 - 1995 - Sky's Restaurant and Lounge - Stephen R Robertson Office of the City Clerk 81.8 KB RESDOC/5901
Liquor Resolution 04-95 - 1995 - Black Eyed Pea - Colorado Restaurant Management Inc Office of the City Clerk 80.5 KB RESDOC/5902
Liquor Resolution 05-95 - 1995 - Applebee's Neighborhood Grill & Bar - RCI Denver Inc Office of the City Clerk 80.1 KB RESDOC/5903