City of Grand Junction Public Records Search
Title Owner Size Record Number
Sewer - 1976 - June 30 - Letter From Levi Lucero City County Development Dept To James Patterson Office of the City Clerk 25.4 KB HISTORY/174
Sewer - 1976 - July 06 - Water Quality Control Commission Passes A Resolution Office of the City Clerk 14.5 KB HISTORY/175
Sewer - 1976 - July 16 - Letter From Evan Dildine Colorado Department of Health To Lawrence Kozisek Office of the City Clerk 34.1 KB HISTORY/176
Sewer - 1976 - July 22 - Letter From Duane Jensen To Leon Parkerson Advising Award of Bid for Orchard Mesa Phase 3 Sanitary Sewer Office of the City Clerk 33.0 KB HISTORY/177
Sewer - 1976 - August 05 - Letter From James McGillis, Western Engineers, To Duane Jensen, Advising Completion of Sewer Lines On Locations Listed , Approved for Operation by City, Not Final Recommendation Office of the City Clerk 37.8 KB HISTORY/178
Sewer - 1976 - August 06 - Letter From James McGillis, Western Engineers, To Board of Directors, Om Sanitation District, Recommending The District Take Possession and Use of Sewer Lines Listed, Lines Will Drain Into City Sewage System Office of the City Clerk 74.7 KB HISTORY/179
Sewer - 1976 - August 10 - Letter From Patterson To Bob Emrick Bray & Co Office of the City Clerk 32.2 KB HISTORY/180
Sewer - 1976 - August 20 - Letter From Jim Patterson To Evan Dildine Re: Commitments To GJ Sewage Treatment Facility Office of the City Clerk 59.0 KB HISTORY/181
Sewer - 1976 - August 26 - Memo From Victor A. Vance To Jim Wysocki Office of the City Clerk 136.9 KB HISTORY/182
Sewer - 1976 - September 10 - City of GJ Memo From Jim Patterson To Jerry Ashby Office of the City Clerk 22.6 KB HISTORY/184
Sewer - 1976 - September 24 - Letter From Karl Henrichsen To Rob Schuyler Re: Application of Supporting Documents for The Step 2 Grant Office of the City Clerk 34.5 KB HISTORY/185
Sewer - 1976 - September 28 - Letter From Gerald Ashby To Ron Schuyler Re: Comply With EPA Guidelines Office of the City Clerk 39.2 KB HISTORY/186
Sewer - 1976 - November 15 - Letter From John Green To Jim Patterson Re: Approval of Sewer Facility Office of the City Clerk 130.2 KB HISTORY/187
Sewer - 1976 - November 16 - Application for Approval of Sewage Collection Facilities for GJ Waste Water Treatment Plant Interceptor Sewer, Location Map Paradise Hills Interceptor Sewer Office of the City Clerk 83.0 KB HISTORY/188
Sewer - 1976 - November 17 - Multipurpose Wastewater Treatment Reimbursement Action Office of the City Clerk 610.0 KB HISTORY/189