City of Grand Junction Public Records Search
Title Owner Size Record Number
Easement - 1710 Ptarmigan Ridge Circle - Sanitary Sewer Easement - Replaces Easement Vacated by Resolution No. 51-03 (Community Development File #VE-2003-054 - Gary Cox and Ann Cox Office of the City Clerk 251.6 KB EPDOC/184
Easement - 2526 West Pinyon Avenue - Multipurpose Easement Monument Homes - Granum Village Park, LLC, A Colorado Limited Liability Company Office of the City Clerk 180.9 KB EPDOC/407
Easement - 740 Horizon Court - Horizon Court Parking Lot Multipurpose Easement - Gramiger Holdings Grand Junction LLC. Office of the City Clerk 275.7 KB EPDOC/422
Easement - Chipeta Avenue - Grant of Multi-purpose Easement for King Subdivision, 474 28 1/4 Road - Guaranty Enterprises, Inc., An Oklahoma Corporation and Roger L. King Office of the City Clerk 337.6 KB EPDOC/430
Easement - Service Road, North Bank of Grand Valley Canal ROW, Extending Southeasterly From Intersection of Canal With Patterson Road To The Intersection of Canal With 12th Street - Underground Drainage Pipeline - Grand Valley Irrigation Company Office of the City Clerk 218.5 KB EPDOC/446
Easement - Sewer Line Installation On Country Club Park Drive Lot 1 Block 4 Country Club Park Subdivision - Carl H. Koch and Kathy A. Koch Office of the City Clerk 226.2 KB EPDOC/587
Easement - East 10 Feet of Lot 10, Del Monte Park Subdivision - Joyce Marie Lebsack Office of the City Clerk 103.3 KB EPDOC/643
Easement - 2850 North Avenue - Multi-purpose Easement for Utilities - Lincoln Leigh Limited Office of the City Clerk 193.4 KB EPDOC/653
Easement - 552 West Main Street - Easement for The Installation, Operation, Maintenance, Repair and Replacement of Sanitary Sewer Facilities - Mesa County Valley School District No. 51, Riverside School Right-of-Way Office of the City Clerk 217.5 KB EPDOC/712
Easement - 2648 Hollyhock Lane, Lot 1, Northfield West Minor Subdivision - Installation, Operation, Maintenance Repair and Replacement of Sanitary Sewer Facilities - David B. Palo, Jr. Office of the City Clerk 235.1 KB EPDOC/810
Easement - Orchard Ave. - Rose J. Paquette and Robert W. Mathews Office of the City Clerk 247.6 KB EPDOC/812
Easement - Paradise Hills Interceptor - Sewer Right-of-Way - Paradise Hills Subdivision Inc. Office of the City Clerk 216.5 KB EPDOC/813
Easement - 2712 Unaweep Avenue Unaweep Avenue Improvements Project - Heather J. Pifer Office of the City Clerk 213.1 KB EPDOC/833
Easement - 4614 U. S. 50, Whitewater, Colorado - Purdy Mesa Livestock Water Company - Purdy Mesa Water System - Walter D. Bradbury and M. D. Bradbury Office of the City Clerk 1.7 MB EPDOC/882
Easement - 2899 Orchard Avenue - Utility Easement - Janey Janice Robarge, Willis Leland Stacy and Randall Lee Stacy, Sr. Office of the City Clerk 305.3 KB EPDOC/898