City of Grand Junction Public Records Search
Title Owner Size Record Number
Deed - N. 12th Street Widening (Walnut To Bonita) - for Road and Utility Purposes - Lot 11 Fairmount Subdivision - F. C. Brodak - T. C. Brodak Office of the City Clerk 165.3 KB DDOC/150
Deed - 888 Glenwood Avenue - Roadway Utilities Right-of-Way Purposes - Calvary Bible Church Office of the City Clerk 149.4 KB DDOC/183
Deed - 2681 Unaweep Avenue - George Sang T. Chac and Oanh Mai Dam Office of the City Clerk 179.4 KB DDOC/223
Deed - 25th Street and North Ave, for Road Street and Utility Purposes - W. J. Chambers Office of the City Clerk 196.5 KB DDOC/234
Deed - 731 27 Road Lewis Park - Vincent I. Lewis, Ruby Adeline Cohan and Rose Elaine Riley. and By: William T. Cohan as Personal Representive of The Estate of Ethel L. Frances Harris, A/k/a Ethel Harris, Deceased Office of the City Clerk 682.0 KB DDOC/914
Deed - Utility Right-of-Way for 7th Street Between Patterson and Horizon Drive - Paul H. Mavrakis and Mary Mavrakis Office of the City Clerk 212.7 KB DDOC/973
Deed - Elm Avenue - Lot 16 of Block 2, Prospect Park Subdivision, 1362 Elm Avenue At N. 14th Street - Carolyn Jean Selch, John L. Peach Jr., and Richard H. Peach Office of the City Clerk 246.4 KB DDOC/1186
Deed - Patterson Road Right-of-Way 24 1/2 To 25 Road (North Side) - Reeg and Company, Cloyd P. Reeg, A Limited Parnership, William C. Liefers and William Charles Liefers Office of the City Clerk 172.3 KB DDOC/1298
Deed - Main Street Lots 1, 2, and 3 In Block 121 Main Street Two Rivers Plaza - Perry Schumacher and Sandra Schumacher Office of the City Clerk 170.6 KB DDOC/1373
Deed - Street Right-of-Way To Elm Avenue and 7th Street West Lot 20 Capitol Hill Subdivision - Louisa J. Trobitz, Widow of Ct. Trobitz, Deceased Office of the City Clerk 211.4 KB DDOC/1520
Easement - 535 25 1/2 Road - Lot 3 of Replat of Independence Center Subdivision - Street Light Easement - Installation, Operation, Maintenance, Repair and Replacement of A Street Light Together With Facilities - Add-in Enterprises, LLC Office of the City Clerk 300.6 KB EPDOC/13
Easement - Ridges Lift Station No 2 Ridgeway Drive - Duane C Butcher and Barbara N Butcher Office of the City Clerk 191.1 KB EPDOC/121
Easement - 559 25 Road - Multi-purpose Easement - CGC Holding, LLC Office of the City Clerk 226.1 KB EPDOC/144
Easement - 182 9 N. 15th Street, Grand Junction, Co 81501 - Sanitary Sewer Facilities - Robert Clifford and Tamar Clifford Office of the City Clerk 287.7 KB EPDOC/162
Easement - 803 Elm Avenue and North 7th To Cannell - Elm Avenue Subdivision - Water Meter - Marilyn Y. Cumbey and Beverly D. Hefley Office of the City Clerk 213.6 KB EPDOC/210