City of Grand Junction Public Records Search
Title Owner Size Record Number
Deed - 545 28-1/4 Road, for Right-of-Way - James E. Hall, Kathleen W. Hall, Randy D. Wheelis and Erin P. Wheelis Office of the City Clerk 225.1 KB DDOC/651
Deed - 665 24 Road - for Public Roadway and Utilities Right-of-Way Purposes - Gus R. Halandras, Chris P. Halandras, Andy Peroulis and Cfp Estate, Ltd. , A Colorado Limited Partnership Office of the City Clerk 217.9 KB DDOC/652
Deed - 485 29 Road, Grand Junction - Quit Claim, Public Roadway and Utilities Right-of-Way - Terrence L. Hammer and Camilla A. Hammer Office of the City Clerk 219.3 KB DDOC/653
Deed - Street and Utility Right-of-Way for Cedar Avenue Block 1100 - Edla Hansen Office of the City Clerk 232.3 KB DDOC/654
Deed - Lots 3 and 4 of Block 4 6 Original Townsite - M. M. Hardison Office of the City Clerk 249.1 KB DDOC/655
Deed - 32nd Street, for Street and Utility Right-of-Way for 28-1/4 Road - Norman R. Harris and Christine Harris Office of the City Clerk 223.2 KB DDOC/656
Deed - Lots 1,2 and 3 of Block 4 of Shafroth Rogers Subdivision (Also Known as North Avenue Addition) - for Alley and Utility Purposes - Tyrus G. Harbert and M. Harbert Office of the City Clerk 153.5 KB DDOC/657
Deed - U. S. Highway 50 Right-of-Way - Tyrus G. Harbert and Mary R. Harbert Office of the City Clerk 163.9 KB DDOC/658
Deed - Lot 5 of Block 15, Orchard Mesa Heights Subdivision - John Harvey and Anna Harvey Office of the City Clerk 173.8 KB DDOC/659
Deed - North of Lots 21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31, and 32 of Block 8; West of Lot 23 of Block 14 Milldale Subdivision - Harsco Corporation, a Delaware Corporation; J. T. Simpson, Chairman of The Board and G. F. Gilbert, Jr., Secretary Office of the City Clerk 186.3 KB DDOC/660
Deed - West Mesa Ave. , Lot 11 Block 2 West Lake Park Annex No. 2, Right-of-Way, 1705 Juniper Street No. - Susan E. Hartman Office of the City Clerk 161.6 KB DDOC/661
Deed - Elm Avenue - Lot 8 of Block 3, Prospect Park Subdivision, 1450 Elm Avenue - Alice Hardesty Office of the City Clerk 196.6 KB DDOC/662
Deed - 25-1/2 Road Section 15 for Roadway and Utility Purposes - Harbert Investment Compant By: Tyrus G. Harbert, General Partner Office of the City Clerk 164.7 KB DDOC/663
Deed (Warranty) - 339 Epps Drive - 29 Road Improvement Project - Dianne Hauck Office of the City Clerk 268.4 KB DDOC/664
Deed - Lots 32, 31 and West One- Half of Lot 30 In Block 92, City of Grand Junction - Grand Junction Housing Authority Office of the City Clerk 189.6 KB DDOC/665