City of Grand Junction Public Records Search
Title Owner Size Record Number
Contract - 2009 - Order for Exclusion of Lands from the Clifton Fire Protection District - Case No. 07 CV 114 (2008 Annexations) Office of the City Clerk 386.6 KB CCON/1084
Contract - 2007 - Order for Exclusion of Lands from the Clifton Fire Protection District and Memorandum of Agreement to Continue Services - Case No. 06 CV 87 (2006 Annexations) Office of the City Clerk 17.1 MB CCON/1103
Contract - 1972 - Modification To The State-Local Social Security Coverage Agreement of The City of Grand Junction (Adding City Councilmen) - Dated March 1, 1972 - State of Colorado Office of the City Clerk 255.0 KB CCON/1112
Contract - 1982 - Whitewater Pooling Agreement Dated September 6, 1982 for Purdy Mesa Area - W 1/2 Section 36, Township 12 South, Range 98 West, 6th P. M., Mesa County, Colorado - State of Colorado, County of Mesa Office of the City Clerk 772.4 KB CCON/1114
Contract - 1983 - Installation and Maintenance of Culvert Bridge Under Cider Mill Road for Access To Colony Park Subdivision - Grand Valley Irrigation Company and Colony Park Venture Partners Office of the City Clerk 180.9 KB CCON/1115
Contract - 2004 - Wingate Elementary School Park 351 South Camp Road - Mesa County School District No 51 - P&R Office of the City Clerk 522.1 KB CCON/1593
Contract - 1989 - 655 Struthers Avenue - Removal of Water Service - Karl G. Metzner for City of Grand Junction Office of the City Clerk 118.8 KB CCON/1691
PIAB Minutes - 2011 - August 17 PARKS & RECREATION 982.2 KB VBMIN/7
PIAB Minutes - 2010 - August 31 PARKS & RECREATION 143.1 KB VBMIN/15
PIAB Minutes - 2007 - July 26 PARKS & RECREATION 148.1 KB VBMIN/18
Resolution No. 36-93 (Word Version) - 1993 Office of the City Clerk 30.5 KB RESDOC/78
Resolution No. 74-93 - 1993 Office of the City Clerk 48.5 KB RESDOC/153
Resolution No. 74-93 (Word Version) - 1993 Office of the City Clerk 29.5 KB RESDOC/154
Resolution No. 28-94 - 1994 Office of the City Clerk 58.8 KB RESDOC/313
Resolution No. 28-94 (Word Version) - 1994 Office of the City Clerk 27.0 KB RESDOC/314