City of Grand Junction Public Records Search
Title Owner Size Record Number
Contract - 2004 - To Insure That Certain Rental and Occupancy Limitations Associated With The Program Are Met - Colorado Division of Housing and Rent Use Convenant (EIAF #03-047 Linden Pointe) Office of the City Clerk 275.6 KB CCON/1518
Contract - 2008 - Artwork for the Sherwood Park Restroom Building - Vinje Lawson Office of the City Clerk 408.2 KB CCON/1528
Contract - 2004 - Wingate Elementary School Park 351 South Camp Road - Mesa County School District No 51 - P&R Office of the City Clerk 522.1 KB CCON/1593
Contract - 2007 - Orchard Mesa Pool Artwork - Corwin (Corky) Miller - P&R Office of the City Clerk 366.6 KB CCON/1624
Contract - 2009 - Cypher Connectivity Service Level Agreement for Municipal Court (Software and Hosting) - Mindshare - HDV, LLC. Office of the City Clerk 1.9 MB CCON/1637
Contract - 2004 - Operation and Maintenance Agreement of The City/County Parking Facility (Parking Garage) - 538 White Avenue - Mesa County and The City of Grand Junction Office of the City Clerk 261.2 KB CCON/1651
Contract - 2009 - 29 Road/I-70 Business Loop Interchange Project - Mesa State College Real Estate Foundation Office of the City Clerk 1.2 MB CCON/1669
Contract - 1998 - 2460 and 2460 1/2 Highway 6 and 50, Shiner's Car Wash and Lube Center, Both Lots as One Parcel, Lots 1 and 2 Block 1 Mesa Mall East - Michael E. and Teri G. T. Gunter Office of the City Clerk 168.5 KB CCON/1687
Contract - 1989 - 655 Struthers Avenue - Removal of Water Service - Karl G. Metzner for City of Grand Junction Office of the City Clerk 118.8 KB CCON/1691
Contract - 1996 - Sanitary Sewer Lift Station at 588 3/4 29 Road - Safeway Stores 46, Incorporated Office of the City Clerk 603.3 KB CCON/1873
Deed - (Quit Claim and Corrective) - Lot 1 of the Rood Avenue Parking Plaza - Rood Avenue Parking Plaza - GJ Downtown Development Authority AKA Grand Junction, Colorado Downtown Development Authority Office of the City Clerk 470.9 KB DDOC/1711
PIAB Minutes - 2011 - June 28 PARKS & RECREATION 262.5 KB VBMIN/6
PIAB Minutes - 2011 - August 17 PARKS & RECREATION 982.2 KB VBMIN/7
PIAB Minutes - 2011 - February 09 PARKS & RECREATION 151.2 KB VBMIN/8
PIAB Minutes - 2011 - March 31 PARKS & RECREATION 167.7 KB VBMIN/9