City of Grand Junction Public Records Search
Title Owner Size Record Number
Deed - 5th Street (Cul-de-sac) for Street Right-of-Way and Utility Purposes - Bookcliff Development Corporation (By George O. Bosma, President) Office of the City Clerk 208.9 KB DDOC/107
Deed - 1834 Minnow Drive - Lot 5 of Block 7 of West Lake Park Subdivision - Additional Right-of-Way - Public Roadway and Utilities Right-of-Way Purposes - Lee Ann Blaney Office of the City Clerk 279.9 KB DDOC/109
Deed - 2798 Unaweep Avenue, Unaweep Easement - Kenneth A Blake and Carrie Glynn Spell, AKA Carrie Glynn Blake Office of the City Clerk 234.7 KB DDOC/110
Deed - The Bluffs West and The Bluffs West Estates Subdivision Located In Mesa County Filing 1 and 2 - The Bluffs West Incorporated, Joe Willoughby, President and Robert Engelke Office of the City Clerk 285.7 KB DDOC/111
Deed - Texas Avenue for Street and Utility Right-of-Way - William Blanke Office of the City Clerk 205.8 KB DDOC/112
Deed (Quit Claim) - West Grand, Lots 2 and 4, Block 2, Grand River Subdivision - Right-of-Way - F. M. Belanski Office of the City Clerk 230.2 KB DDOC/113
Deed - Vicinity of 569 South Commercial Drive - Lots 5,6,7 and In Block 5 of Westgate Park Subdivision - Deed of Easement - Bud R. Blaney and Lee Ann Blaney Office of the City Clerk 157.4 KB DDOC/114
Deed - 525 28 1/4 Road for Right-of-Way - Larry G. Block and Teresa A. Block Office of the City Clerk 216.6 KB DDOC/115
Deed - North Ave Lot 1 Block 1 Meeks Subdivision Right-of-Way - William H. and Averial A. Buttolph Office of the City Clerk 186.7 KB DDOC/172
Deed - 130 N 4th Street and 411 Rood Avenue - Purchase of Property for Parking Garage - Commercial Federal Bank, A Federal Savings Bank Office of the City Clerk 191.0 KB DDOC/214
Deed - Lots 16,17,18,19,20,21, and 22 of Block 4 Meeks Subdivision - Wallace Corn and Muriel Corn Office of the City Clerk 153.8 KB DDOC/289
Deed - F Road South Side Between 30 and 31 Road - County of Mesa By: W. Curt Wiedeman (Commissioner To Convey) and Earl Sawyer (County Clerk) Office of the City Clerk 140.8 KB DDOC/290
Deed - Berry Park (23-1/2 Road) - Mesa County Office of the City Clerk 128.3 KB DDOC/291
Deed - Lots 27 and 28 of Block 86 Original Townsite - John A Robinson Estate Office of the City Clerk 191.0 KB DDOC/292
Deed - Parcel South of Coors Porcelain Adjacent to Colorado River for River Trail - Coors Porcelain Company Office of the City Clerk 193.6 KB DDOC/293