City of Grand Junction Public Records Search
Title Owner Size Record Number
Administrative Reg - 1999 - 02-99 - Transportation Engineering - Speed - Pine Street from Unaweep Avenue to End of Pine Street Office of the City Clerk 101.5 KB RULE/142
Administrative Reg - 1999 - 12-99 - Transportation Engineering - Speed - Texas Avenue from 12th Street to 14th Street Office of the City Clerk 102.4 KB RULE/149
Administrative Reg - 1995 - no # - Visitor and Convention Bureau - Special Event Funding Policy, Dated September, 1995 Office of the City Clerk 117.2 KB RULE/150
Administrative Reg - 1999 - no # - Visitor and Convention Bureau - Special Events Funding Policy, Undated Office of the City Clerk 255.9 KB RULE/151
Administrative Reg - 2000 - 01-00 - Public Works - Zoning and Development Code; Appeals from Planning Commission Decisions, Effective May 2, 2000 Office of the City Clerk 142.9 KB RULE/152
Administrative Reg - 2000 - 02-00 - Public Works - Zoning and Development Code; Telecommunications Facilities/Towers Project Reviews, Effective October 29, 2000 Office of the City Clerk 143.2 KB RULE/153
Administrative Reg - 2000 - 03-00 - Public Works - Zoning and Development Code; Keeping of Racing Pigeons, Effective December 18, 2000 Office of the City Clerk 186.1 KB RULE/154
Administrative Reg - 2002 - 01-02 - Public Works - Zoning and Development Code; Fences Along Arterial and Major Collector Roads, Effective April 15, 2002 Office of the City Clerk 150.7 KB RULE/155
Administrative Reg - 2002 - 02-02 - Public Works - Zoning and Development Code; Amateur Radio Equipment and Height Restrictions, Effective September 12, 2002 Office of the City Clerk 150.3 KB RULE/156
Administrative Reg - 2005 - 01-05 - Public Works and Utilities - Zoning and Development Code; Accessory Structures, Effective May 2, 2005 Office of the City Clerk 101.4 KB RULE/158
Administrative Reg - 2005 - 02-05 - Public Works and Utilities - Zoning and Development Code; Open Space Requirements as Applied to Multifamily and Townhome Condominiums, Effective May 6, 2005 Office of the City Clerk 97.1 KB RULE/159
Administrative Reg - 2006 - 01-06 - Public Works and Utilities - Zoning and Development Code; Management of Flood Plain Regulations, Dated June 5, 2006 Office of the City Clerk 116.6 KB RULE/160
Administrative Reg - 2009 - 01-09 - Public Works and Planning - Zoning and Development Code; 7th Street Historic District Development Applications, Dated September 17, 2009 Office of the City Clerk 171.1 KB RULE/161
Administrative Reg - 2009 - 02-09 - Public Works and Planning - Zoning and Development Code; Temporary Parking Lots in R-O, B-1 and I-O Zone Districts, Dated December 7, 2009 Office of the City Clerk 161.3 KB RULE/162
Administrative Reg - 2010 - 01-2010 - Public Works and Planning - Zoning and Development Code; Neighborhood Meetings Related to Condominium Plat Process, Dated April 28, 2010 Office of the City Clerk 723.1 KB RULE/163